The BEST DRY BEER YEAST Strains for Homebrewers

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We live in an awesome time where dry brewer's yeasts are easy to find and better than ever. Here are 20+ of the best strains, their liquid equivalents from Wyeast, White Labs and Imperial, and how to ferment with them.
0:00 Intro and Welcome
0:20 The way dry yeast used to be
2:40 Fermentis yeasts
3:19 US-05
4:31 S-04
5:35 T-58
6:40 W-34/70
7:50 S-189
8:45 S-33
9:41 S-23
10:29 K-97
11-29 WB-06
12:25 Lallemand yeasts
12:48 Abbaye
13:49 Voss Kveik
14:45 Diamond Lager
15:51 BRY-97
16:40 Verdant IPA
17:17 Nottingham Ale
18:15 Windsor
19:03 London
19:36 Philly Sour
20:37 Belle Saison
21:49 Munich Classic
22:17 CBC-1
23:23 Lutra Kveik
24:21 Mangrove Jacks

#dry #beer #yeast #2022 #fermentis #lallemand #omega #kveik #brewing #beer #homebrew
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DRY YEAST 4 LIFE! (great video and audio as well my braj, cheers!)


Here in Brasil the most of homebrewers use dry yeast because of logistic issues.
Here you can find fermentis in any brewshop, and I really enjoy us05 and the lager strains. Lallemand is the best in business for me, and Mangroove has great yeasts too with plenty options.
In my opinion, dry yeast is the future and even now you already can find lots of options with good price and convenience in use rather than liquid ones.


Nice video. Unfortunately there is some outdated information on the equivalents of certain strains. This is most probably due to the (well intended) guesstimates originally done by MrMalty, which have been taken over 1:1 by many online yeast comparison charts. Recent genome sequencing data shows that a lot of the strains thought to be equivalents are, in fact, not identical genetically. In some cases, the actual equivalents can be quite surprising. Saflager S-23 turns out to be close to the Pilsner Urquell H strain (WY2001), while W34/70 is close to WY2035 American Lager (and NOT WY2124!).

What's even more surprising is that these results seem to indicate that some strains thought to be lager (S. Pastorianus) are actually ale strains (S. Cerevisiae) and vice versa! Examples of this are WLP800 and WLP838 (actually S. Cerevisiae) and WLP029 (S. Pastorianus).

For more information on this I would like to refer you to the work of Kristoffer Krogerus (Suregork) and the comparison table made by AHA user David M Taylor (dmtaylor).



I've had good success with K97 for both Kolsch and also Piwo Grodziskie, really nice strain. Cheers for the video, nice and informative


Used M54 from Mangrove Jack's for a Rauchbier. Super clean, fairly quick fermentation. Used some Isinglass to fine it because it wouldn't drop clear. Picked it because of the 64-68 degree range. My basement sits in the 64-66 degree range in winter and this was perfect for that. Also the Verdant IPA yeast is really good, I did have issues with the krausen lingering though, but it was one of my best NEIPAs ever.


Thanks! Another timely and excellent video. You’re the best brewtuber out there.


Wow, Steve! Your channel has become my absolute favorite beer brewing channel. Best to you and thanks!


Due to the very real lack of temperature control in my apartment (the ac systems are garbage) during the summer, I pretty much only use kveik strains. I have tried a few and they all make fantastic beer. During the winter I will use others sometimes, but I really just love how good kveik is. Fast, clean, and powerful stuff!


So many options out there! I’ve only scratched the surface with what is out there but 34/70 is a favorite of mine as well, cheers!!


Great video. I have been brewing for about18 years and stopped looking at new things or processes after dialing in tastes that I liked. You have opened my eyes to experimenting with dry yeast more. These days I am all about good beer and anything that simplifies the process. Cheers!


I've been loving Diamond Lager recently, and did great under pressure as well!


Thanks for great educational content! Regarding your editing, I liked the way you presented the picture and the text for explanation. It reminded me of a powerpoint slideshow which made your content look neat and professional. Having a rounded transparent black background made it look even better for the text was easy to read that way. Thanks!


Great info as usual and as a viewer we can really see the effort that goes into these video's but I wanted to throw a separate thank you for the metric temps as well, it's surprisingly rare


Great video.

I use Mangrove Jack's M20 Bavarian wheat yeast for my weisse biers. I find it produces great Heffe weissen between 22°C-25°C and if you brew it very hot (30°C) and long (3weeks), it will make some very tart Berliner Wiess. The flavour profile is very balanced and try as I might, I've never gotten a banana bomb (I really like banana heavy weissen). But it produces fantastic flavours none the less. Be careful about aging as it will start producing lactic acid after 1-2 months. This makes a very nice beer but definitely drifts from style if you started with a Heffe weissen.


The Nottignham is a great yeast. The specs posted have a narrow temp range but the stuff I use can be used anywhere between 57-72F.


Used Mangrove Jacks M12 Kveik for my first SMASH beer (Extra Pale & Citra). Finished fermenting around 72 hours, super clean and high flocculation. Still enjoying it now! Readily available in UK at sensible prices too.


I used a Mangrove Jack M21 for a Wit and when fermented rather hot (~22-23C) it produced an amazing banana flavour, with very little yeast character, that I usually get from other wheat ale yeast strains.


Great video thanks for pulling all this information together 😊


The great thing about dry yeast it will still work past its used by date.
I have used Safale US 05 3 years past used date end up making a nice Red IPA
Dry Yeast has come a long way so many different strains on market one of my favourites is
Mangrove Jack’s M 66 Hophead ale yeast very good results.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on all the different strains of yeast.
Cheers 🍻


Kudos! This was more informative than many written sources on the topic. Great video!
I can also recommend Fermentis BE-134 as a saison yeast. I make some kind of Bière de Garde / Saison hybrid with it every year before it gets too warm to brew in my apartment and it's a great yeast. Bone dry, no fermentation stall (just the usual behavior for diastaticus strains with a really vigorous fermentation for the first week followed by three weeks of painstakingly slow fermentation of the last few gravity points) and the whole kitchen smells of banana and clove when I bottle it. I have to compare that to Belle Saison one of these days.
