2023-2024 | Homeschool Curriculum Picks | Science | High School |Gather Round Homeschool

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In this video, I am sharing our 2023-2024 curriculum picks for Science. We will be using the Chemistry unit from Gather Round Homeschool and Chemistry and Ecology from Masterbooks. Let me know in the comments what you will be using for Science.

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I just want to thank you much for doing these videos! I really think you are the only Gather Round homeschool Mama out there who truly shares what your whole school year will look like and what High School will look like and how to execute it! You are a tremendous blessing and for that I am so grateful!!! Keep these videos coming! I definitely them and am learning so much!


Wow, this is such an encouraging video! My 3rd oldest child will be in 9th grade next year, and honestly, I'm dreading it because homeschool lost all of its joy once my older two started 9th because I felt I had to use traditional textbooks. Please continue to make videos showing us how you implement these non-traditional courses; it would be so helpful!


We are using gather round and campfire this year. I have a 10th, 7th and 1st grader. Thank you for sharing non traditional ways to homeschool. I agree learning doesn't have to be hard! I'm so excited for next school year. We've used gather round a few years ago but I let doubt creep in but my vision for our homeschool is family learning and excited to try again. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your journey.


This is fantastic! "Things do not have to be hard!" YES!! I also do not look at grade levels for curriculum. My goal is to have my son UNDERSTAND/comprehend it all and I want him to retain the information he is learning. I love the combo of Gather 'Round chemistry unit and the Masterbook chemistry and ecology. I was thinking of doing the exact same thing, but I have TGATB science units not the Gather 'Round ones. This was so helpful for me. Thank you!


We tried MasterBooks this year for my 9 year old this year and he responded so well :)
I love the entire God’s Design series - you can pull topics as needed from any book from the series .

My son loves science and we will be tackling energy, properties of matter, and ecology next year in Gr 4 👍🏻

My oldest is going back to school for Gr 9 but I’ll still be homeschooling one . I secretly love homeschooling so I hope he chooses to homeschool the whole way through 🤪

Ohhh - and I finally did it ! Been rewatching your homeschool nest notebooks video and I finally caved and bought the series of notebooks for Gr 4.. and got one for myself for when we do unit studies together 🎉🎉


Loved hearing your curriculum plans for the new year!


I came to check you out because of seeing you on M2H 🥰


I’m definitely doing this once my kids are older! I never took chemistry in high school or college. I took biology in high school though and HATED it 😂 Why do they make it soooo boring in high school?? Anyways, I am so happy to give my kiddos a FUN science experience unlike what I had! ❤


Thank you 😊 I didn't like Chemistry either this looks like it would be fun and I might actually learn and enjoy Chemistry.


Chemistry 101. Wes Olsen is the creator. ALL of my kids find his videos very engaging, they are all different ages. We’re going through General Science 101 right now—just for fun!


From Beth: we are also adding in science games by genius games. Has some chem games and are so fun. But they are made by high school science teachers with great actual science concepts. I feel like that is going to help make things cone alive for my girl this year.


Have you looked at Guest Hollow’s Kitchen Chemistry? I’ve thought about using that for our ‘labs’ alongside Gather Round and TG & TB’s Chemistry.


Have you heard of Science Shepherd’s Physical Science class? That is upper elementary level and he also has chemistry and physics for other older kids.


Please do a video on how to add up credits for high school using GR in the student tracker 😅


Best book ever for my hdhd boy and me lots of games and makes complete sense is The elements by Ellen Johnston mc Henry just read each page it's not long. Have you tried Mel science experiments? Also kitchen science by guest hollow


The good and the beautiful has a chemistry unit study. If it was me, they are both unit studies. They may repeat a few details but would be presented in different ways. So if it was me, I would do both.


You mentioned a generator on GR that if you type in your High School sunjects it will tell you which courses to take. I found something like that yesterday but not sure it is the same thing you're speaking of. I cant seem to figure out how i found that either. Can you point me in the correct direction please?

I had decided to go with GR yesterday but today started seeing how it is not even close to being High School level and doesn't prepare them for college either. Your video gives me a little bit of hope but I need to do tons more reseach to see if this will be good or fail my child for college.


Where do you find the suggested books that go with the Gather Round curriculum?


Hillsdale College has a free online chemistry course that I was thinking of adding in to my son's 10th grade chemistry credit.


Sabbath Mood Chemistry units might help get the hours he needs. OR you could just have him read Wonders of Chemistry which is the living book Sabbath Mood uses 😉
