Pre-Islamic Arabia | Robert G. Hoyland, PhD with Apostate Prophet

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Dr. Robert G. Hoyland is a historian who specializes in studies focused on the Middle East and Islamic history. He is the author of several books such as: "Seeing Islam as Others Saw It," "Arabia and the Arabs," and "In God's Path."

He joins me to discuss what we know about pre-Islamic Arabia and the cultural and religious influences on Islam and the Arabs.

You can find Dr. Hoyland's books here:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:15 Our Knowledge on Pre-Islamic Arabia
00:07:10 Female Infanticide and Polygamy
00:11:00 Religion in Pre-Islamic Arabia
00:15:50 The Kaaba Before islam
00:20:12 Other Kaabas and Rituals
00:26:30 An Original Kaaba? Archeological Research
00:30:36 Arab Prophets Besides Muhammad
00:35:24 The Origin of Allah & Monotheism
00:45:00 Were the Polytheists More Tolerant?
00:49:07 The Functions of Gods
00:54:26 Mecca Before Islam
00:59:58 How did Islam Spread?
01:08:31 Future Conversation

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I've had the honor to discuss Pre-Islamic Arabia with Robert Hoyland whose books I enjoyed so much. I'm sorry that the sound quality is not ideal. I would love to visit him in person and record a few more professional videos in documentary format. If you would like to support that, please help me fund the traveling and equipment through the donation links in the description.

Enjoy the conversation and please share your thoughts!

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:15 Our Knowledge on Pre-Islamic Arabia
00:07:10 Female Infanticide and Polygamy
00:11:00 Religion in Pre-Islamic Arabia
00:15:50 The Kaaba Before islam
00:20:12 Other Kaabas and Rituals
00:26:30 An Original Kaaba? Archeological Research
00:30:36 Arab Prophets Besides Muhammad
00:35:24 The Origin of Allah & Monotheism
00:45:00 Were the Polytheists More Tolerant?
00:49:07 The Functions of Gods
00:54:26 Mecca Before Islam
00:59:58 How did Islam Spread?
01:08:31 Future Conversation


As soon as I saw that title I could not help but think, Arabia before Islam was like the world before coronavirus.


I'm a muslim and I've been watching your videos for quite a while. I was first introduced to you through a Arab muslim youtuber Adam Saleh. At that time, like any other fervent muslim, I thought you were ignorant of Islam and just wanted to get a reaction out of Muslims. And that you were "mocking" Islam without any knowledge of the religion. I didn't know anything about you and I didn't even know you are an ex-muslim. I have to admit, the more I've been watching your videos, the more critical of Islam I have become myself. I am slowly but surely uncovering something about my religion. And you have shown how Islam is viewed through an outsider's lense. Thank you Apostate Prophet, for actually opening my eyes. For making me realize that people who criticise Islam are just normal people and not horrendeous human beings that Muslims portray them to be. And you speak with knowledge and proof to back up what you say. And I admire that about you, regardless of different views.


You are among the few that tapped into the pre-islamic history… please keep up the good work👍👍👍


I had 3 exmuslim friends 2 years ago now it is more than 10. All because of you man. keep doing keep exposing this evil cult


Great idea to bring on academics. Please do more of these if possible. Adds a lot of credibility to your channel and the cause.


Some day there will be Post-Islamic Arabia, thanks to AP and others who are paving the way.


Pre islamic period(Jahliya): Anybody can adopt an orphan child.
After islam : Muhammed wants to marry adopted son's wife. So muhammed bans Adoption.


As far as I am concern that Robert Hoyland is a monster in terms of research.and the books he has written.I am absolutely delighted that you have an interview with him.Well done Ridvan


I love A.P, I've been a ex Muslim many many years ago..I took my shahada like 1998 times I stayed in the deen(religion) for about 3yrs strong day in day out even got that prayer mark on my forehead lol done many many dawah up n down the U.k..1 thing they hated on me was how I remain a vegan and 2 was I loved history books and that iz wen I left islam...2day am free thinker and free spirit the best way of life😎


Loved this! The history of the popular religions is absolutely fascinating, and there’s so much mystery surrounding life in pre-Islamic Arabia that I’d love to see be broken down further.


Truly loved this talk. Very insightful. Beatiful to see the human behavioral element explained as motivating factor


We have been truly blessed with this content.thank you for all the effort you put in for us mr Prophet


Great to see you bring on an academic. Please do more.


Proud to be an author of first comment under such based video


Thank you for this! I’ve been trying to search for information on pre-Islamic Arabia…and it is very difficult to find anything that doesn’t claim the lie “Islam made Arabia better and gave rights to women”.


Remember all the nowadays People's Ancestors living in Arabia fought against Islam.


Yes! Please more interviews with academics. Love this.


There have been several kaabas and Holy stones on the Arab peninsula. It's written in byzantine literature and also in some Islamic sources about Abu Bakr who destroyed them.


Thank you for educating people about Islam and Arabs. I've had several Arab friends in my 73 years, but never understood the foundation upon which they stand. Again thank you for enlightening your followers in these areas.
