Our forgotten brothers: the Rum Orthodox Christians (Romeoi) of the Middle East.Part 4 out of 4

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Our brothers, our distinguished brothers, we do not forget you, you are in our hearts, a part of our identities and our very selves, and we will do everything we can to stand at your side. You are very important to us. Your very existence opens up new possibilities for us, an opening and a widening in our ecumenical perspective. Not only because your existence reinforces the historical continuity and cohesiveness of our Genos and our self-recognition as a single, unified historical body; not only because your existence modifies and transforms our relationships as a collective with multiple other collectives and peoples; not only because your existence clearly highlights our multiple historical rights that de facto come into the forefront; but above all because your existence also changes our total way of understanding and perceiving the things of the ecumene, giving meaning to a luminous historical perspective and direction towards the eschaton.

Have courage, then, have courage, People of God! We are many. And not only are we many, but above all, we know that we are on the side of the final victor. As real Romeiki hearts in the joy of giving meaning and of our fighting, let us all together sing and chant like Saint John of Damascus centuries ago, of the ever-bright feast of “Everything has been flooded by light, the sky and the earth and the dark depths; all of Creation celebrates the Resurrection of Christ, in which it is affixed.”
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