Atlas Genius - Trojans [Official Music Video]

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Lyrics for Trojans by Atlas Genius:
Take it off
Take it in
Take off all the thoughts of what we've been
Take a look
Take a picture you could never recreate
Write a song
make a note
for the lump that sits inside your throat
Change the locks, change the scene
Change it all but can't change what we've been
Your trojan's in my head
It's ok if it's gone
The thoughts that you had that it was the one
And oh what is left?
For all those times is that what you get?
Oh regardless
The walls get painted anyway
Oh you're guarding
The gates, but it all got away
Your trojan's in my head
Take it off
Take it in
Take off all the thoughts of what we've been
Take a look
Take a picture you could never recreate
Write a song
make a note
for the lump that sits inside your throat
Change the locks, change the scene
Change it all but can't change what we've been

About Atlas Genius-
The members of Adelaide, Australia's Atlas Genius do things a little differently....They set about building a studio where they could write and record music for their newly formed band 3 years before they even played their first live show as Atlas Genius. For two years, they devoted their days to constructing their dream studio and spent their nights performing songs by The Police, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones at local pubs to pay the bills. "We really got down and dirty with dry walling and literally laying the floorboards, and at the same time we were taking a couple of days a week to focus on writing songs," recalls Keith Jeffery, Atlas Genius's vocalist/guitarist. "We had a lot of song ideas and it was important to us to have our own studio where we could experiment and hone in on our sound," adds brother and drummer, Michael Jeffery. The studio was designed and outfitted by the brothers with the help of their father (who comes from a music and engineering background). Once the studio was complete, the first song that Atlas Genius finished was a song called "Trojans," which they wrote, recorded and produced in collaboration with their friend, keyboardist Darren Sell. After many weeks tweaking the song, Michael insisted that the song was ready to be heard outside of the studio walls. Within an hour, "Trojans" was on the Triple J Unearthed Website, SoundCloud, and for sale via TuneCore on iTunes, Amazon and Spotify worldwide.

Quickly named an iTunes Single of the Week in Australia and New Zealand, "Trojans" reached #4 on Hype Machine by the end of May. In August, SiriusXM Satellite Radio's Alt-Nation discovered the song on a blog and decided to give it some spins. There was an immediate reaction from listeners, and in September, "Trojans" was placed into heavy rotation, where it maintained a top-five position on the listener-generated Alt-18 countdown and peaked at number one for 4 consecutive weeks in January 2012. "Trojans" began selling over a thousand tracks per week on U.S. iTunes and soon climbed to 45,000 sales - all with zero promotional efforts from the still-unsigned Atlas Genius.

The band's first release from their new label home, the EP Through The Glass (produced, engineered and mixed by the band), came out in June of 2012. With Through The Glass completed, Atlas Genius then holed up in its studio and worked on writing and recording its first full-length album, while at the same time rehearsing for their first ever tour. The tour started in August 2012 and led to three more tours back to back taking them thru to the end of the year. Thus, their full-length debut was finished up between tour dates and got completed just before Christmas 2012. When It Was Now is set for a US release on February 19th, 2013, with an international release to follow soon after.
Рекомендации по теме

2011-2013 was such an amazing time for indie/alternative music, most of my favorite songs are from that era.


Hello, to all who revisit this song, you all are the best. I have revisited thus since it's creation and will always enjoy it again hello to all revisiting aswell.


I haven’t heard this song in years but it still randomly plays in my head sometimes


This song hits me so hard because I've been in the same situations. Let me explain what this song is about. He's haunted by the thoughts of three people. The twins who were afraid or disgusted at him as a kid. He was bullied, and was an outcast. He was an only child with with a single mother. He remembers how she tried to find another husband but eventually failed. We see later in the video of her as an old woman. The third thing that haunts him is his ex. She loved him and he loved her but they weren't meant for each other. Perhaps something happened that upset her, but in the end they ended up seperate. The pain he has is that he can't change the past, no matter how much he wants to. Those 'trojans' are memories that he still thinks about I know all three personally. Just wanted to share this with anyone out there who's willing to read this.


dear stranger,
thank you.
For leaving your "cool indie music" CD in your car that you sold to my dad the car dealer.
On that CD was this awesome song and now im obessed. So thanks for indirectly introducing me to this song


I don't think I'll ever get tired of this song.


The guitar in this song is painfully beautiful.


The guitar and bass are following one another just perfectly, daaamn


when that bass starts up at 0:23. that groove just lays it down - always


I remember going to a panic at the disco concert and Atlas Genius opened for them and ever since I've been in love with their music


This was one of the first songs I listened to my first time doing MDMA. I nearly cried I felt so much emotion, bliss, euphoria.. Absolutely incredible.


Thank you, Keith, because with this wonderful song, I lived, laughed, cried and will love the love of my life forever, even if he doesn't walk with me today. Infinite thanks 🌊


I found out about this song from a cool time travel movie called Project Almanac. Saw it when I was about 15 and this is still at the top of the same indie playlist. I’m 24 now and this video popped up on my feed today. Time flies.


The most beautiful thing about music is how a song can just instantly transport you back to a different time in your mind. The thoughts, feelings and actions you once had just come rushing back to you


When he says: "Your trojan’s in my head" I think this is a clever way of saying, I welcomed the memories of you into my head (the horse the Trojan’s moved inside the gates) but you took over my head and it’s hard to move on. I want to move on, but you are always in my head like a virus that is difficult to get rid of.


First heard this song in Project Almanac, loved it since.


Atlas Genius are legit the sweetest people ever! Every time I see them live they always make an effort to meet their fans!


this song is so amazing because depends on how you feel when you listen to it, it is either a happy or sad song


sono qui a scrivere sotto questa canzone perché mi è venuta per la testa alle 2 di notte di una serata estiva. È come se mi stessi auto infliggendo del dolore, ma non posso fare a meno di ricordare quanta felicità mi abbia dato. "Change it all but can’t change what we’ve been", posso cambiare tutto e tu non fai più parte di me, ma niente può cambiare quello che è stato. Questa canzone mi fa ricordare quando andavi sullo skate e io amavo guardarti, ascoltarti e fare dei video; mi fa ricordare a noi due dopo un periodo brutto davanti lo specchio nella casa al mare nudi di ogni paura che ci amavamo per davvero e adesso fa male odiarti per tutto il male che ci hai fatto. Spero un giorno capirai che esser scappato dalle montagne, non ti ha reso migliore davanti alle pianure.


7 años y sigue siendo mi canción favorita 🙆🏻‍♀️
