What's new in Ionic Capacitor 3

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In this video, we’re talking about the new features in the recently announced public beta for Ionic Capacitor 3.0.

If you’re not aware, Capacitor or Ionic Capacitor is a native runtime that allows you to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS & Javascript. It's the software we use to package our Ionic code as a native mobile app for Android & iOS as well as PWAs Progressive Web Apps.

Capacitor can also be used to make native apps without Ionic.

So the release of this public beta is a huge deal for all those interested in building mobile apps using Javascript.

Some of the major new features that come with Capacitor 3 include:

Platform updates that allow developers to take advantage of the latest features in the newest versions of mobile operating systems iOS & Android.

Productivity enhancements, like the $ cap run command that allows you to run your app on a hardware device or device emulator without opening Android Studio or Xcode.

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I really love the ability to run my app in the iOS simulator without opening Xcode. Really handy feature. Thanks for the video bro!


Thank you sir for your lovely video tutorials. I created my 1st android app so easily only with the html, css and angular js. The client is happy with my app. Again thank you from bottom of my heart :)


6:22 I've heard your chicken cackling... great video content


Its very helpful . Thank you very much.


Hi brother all videos are very good explanation... keep it up
