COVID Catalysts | How investing in digital skills can help the economy recover from COVID-19

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Bart van Ark, Professor of Productivity Studies at Alliance Manchester Business School and the Managing Director of the Productivity Institute

The COVID-19 pandemic has created one of the biggest challenges in policy making - how to protect people's health while avoiding lasting damage to the economy.  

This difficult task is further complicated by the pandemic worsening inequalities in the labour market. There are many different recovery forecasts, but what is clear is that the pandemic has accelerated the path of digital transformation.

This is changing things in virtually every industry in the economy and now is the time for government, business and individuals to invest in digital skills to help turnaround the UK’s low productivity growth path.

View all our flash lectures and find out more on our COVID Catalysts web page

Global Inequalities is one of five key areas of research focus at The University of Manchester. Our research beacons shine a light on Manchester's pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships which are helping to tackle some of the biggest global challenges facing the planet.

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Filmed: 23/09/20
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