Studies in The 1689: Chapter 1, Of The Holy Scriptures: Paragraph 5

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Join us for "Studies in The 1689: Chapter 1, Of The Holy Scriptures: Paragraph 1" at Reformation Dalton, a Reformed Baptist Church committed to historic, Biblical worship, expository preaching, confessional Reformed theology, and passionate about evangelism, missions, and seeing our community changed with the Gospel. Kids are welcome to join us for worship! Visit our website, YouTube channel, and Facebook page for more information about our church and join us in worshiping Christ. #reformed #reformedtheology #church #1689 #lbcf #lbcf1689 #londonbaptists #londonbaptistconfessionoffaith #bible #Christ #Jesus #Calvinist #JohnCalvin #Reformers #TULIP #MartinLuther #baptist #DaltonGA #NorthGeorgia

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