Implement My System of Time Tracking & Time Management for the Self-Employed

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I recognize that much fewer people will be interested in this video, but I felt that I owed it to those of you that do actually want to try it out.
I tried to be as clear as possible, but if you have any questions after the video, PLEASE reach out. I feel very strongly about time management and I want to help you out to get a system that works for you.

This type of system is good for entrepreneurs, the self employed or anyone who is serious about their time.

Music: [p h i l o] - 2007
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(Time saved with this) > (time spent making it) ?


If you made this an Android app, you will have a good amount of clients ( I will buy it )... also, is more easily get control of your time whit your phone
( Sorry for my English and hello from Colombia)


I really thank that you made available these templates and the fact that the explanation it's pretty detailed it was really helpful for me since English is not my native language


I learned a very similar exercise from Life Labs Learning. They recommend you track your time for a couple days or a week so that you get a good sense of how you spend your days. But, I like the idea of doing it as a daily practice. Cheers!


This is brilliant, as is any person who manages their time efficiently = brilliant.
Although I am not too familiar with Excel, so initially this will appear to be a daunting task. I'm sure I want to manage the time in my life though, as it would be like optimally developing one's self.


This is really good can't wait to use it!


Thank you so much for this!
This is a better system for me than most apps


great buddy! I am grateful for your help


Your bottom taskbar for Windows 10 looks a lot like mine. thanks for the video!


Hey, I tried it out for like 2 or 3 weeks and it went really well as long as I was at home. However, then I went to London for a week for holidays and it somehow messed up not only the developing habit of keeping track in such a format, but also messed up the statistics since I'm not sure whether to include that week at all or mark most of the time as "social" or whatever.
How did you manage such exceptional occasions such as holidays within your time-tracking system? cheers


Thank you so much for sharing This Stephen!
I've been trying to manage my time for the last two days and i gotta say that i've been more productive than i had been for the past 3 months!
I have one question though about the "Time management Button" macro
I noticed it works till line 64 I believe and I wanna know how to expand it further
since coloring past line 64 the hours no longer get counted in.
Thanks again and Keep up the good work!


Are macros necessary for summing the time spent in each category? I'm thinking you could use COUNTIF instead.


Great stuff, I just finished setting up my own template edits. Can you recommend any sources on learning to write and/or tweak the various macros here? I'd love to be able to change the amount of 'buckets' as time goes on and my interests and activities change. Thanks for this!


Really enjoying your videos. Thank you for your content. If you’re interested in my constructive criticism then I’d suggest maybe having less attention grabbing music as it was slightly distracting. But all in all a great presentation. Thanks :)


Sorry if I missed it, but where do you include commute time? Where I live almost everything is 15-20 minutes away at least


I gotta ask because its still a bit unclear.
Do you have this set before hand to plan out the day, do you fill it in as you go through the day, or do you fill it in at the end of the day?
Sorry I know its a bit of a silly question.


The macro for Time Management and Compiling Review wont show up in Google Sheets. Could you post the formula? I don't have Excel. Thank you for your attention.


Would you be able to do a video on how to make one of these? i couldn't get the macros to run when i changed anything in the document and reopened it, so i want to make my own, but i dont known programming and i feel like it would take 100s+ hours to learn what i needed to design a system like this


hi guys, can you perhaps list ready made the time management applications that you already use and you find that is useful? I would be especially interested in something that doesn’t require Internet access and works on the mobile phone


How do you count up how much you sleep? because after 11.45, there are no mo rows
