Holding Down A Job With Schizophrenia

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Living with schizoaffective disorder has made it more difficult for me to hold down a steady job. In this video, I discuss some reasons for why this is, and some of the barriers people living with chronic mental illness may face to remaining employed. I also provide some ways for employers to try to address and reduce these barriers and to meaningfully support the mental health of their employees.

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I’m 58 schizoaffective snd have been cleaning OR’s part time at night for almost 3 years ( I’m very proud- thanks to finally getting meds adjusted to a good place). I’ve always been envious of people who have been at jobs for years. I had dozens. But cleaning by myself has worked well. Low pay but accomplishment feels good. Still embarrassed because I’ve had jobs where I was in charge of multimillion dollar budgets and here I am. But happiness for how far I’ve come. And proud of all of you folks speaking up. Literally decades I thought it was just me. Thank you.


I am 44 years old with Bipolar type 1, and I have filled out over 60 W2's in my life. For those not in the US, that's a form you fill out to let the IRS know you work at a place so they can tax you. You sharing this is very helpful. I now work for a Psychiatric hospital, and am going to school to become a mental health therapist.


GIRL SAME. I have CPTSD and bipolar 2. Jobs and working have always made up the most stressful area of my life.


I’m schizoaffective and I’ve been job hopping since 2015. Good to know I’m not the only one.


Since we’re adding info, 40, schizoaffective, I’ve given up completely on working. Keeping myself out of the hell that is a mental hospital by taking care of my home and cats and sanity is the best I can do. I do more where I can, free. I just hope y’all understand, I’m not a hermit cause I don’t like you…


I actually have the opposite problem. I have a job that I have been at for years because I decided for my mental health I was going to do what is best for me and not take on more than I could handle because of pressure from society. The downside is I have felt looked down upon quite a lot by family and people my age because I haven't "moved up". I am not a real high functioning person and that is just reality so instead of going through job after job I stayed where I felt I belonged and it has allowed me to stay employed regularly when I know I wouldn't have been at other jobs. The downside is of course the condescension I get from people on a regular basis but as I get older I get better at ignoring that. Thanks for this video I needed it today!


I struggle with this too. I have Schizoaffective and CPTSD and it can be severely difficult to consistently show up and give it your all everyday. It’s so hard


Thank you. It’s not that I don’t want to work, it’s that it’s impossible given the parameters set by any reasonable employer. Read an article once that stated 85% of schizophrenics want to work but are unable.


I'm so glad that I found this channel! I was diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder in 2017 and I have had difficulty finding and holding onto a job. I'm glad I'm not the only one 😌


I think the work place itself causes mental illness. I have felt my place of work at times has made me feel I'm losing my mind. You putting yourself out there with these videos I think is inspiring for those of us with mental health issues to take positive action. It seems making these videos is a type of therapy for you. Which is very cool. I wish you and yours the best of health.


Been there done that, got the t-shirt.
My last employer found out about my Schizophrenia and I was asked to resign.


Thank you for posting this. I felt alone. I struggled with maintaining a job and with remaining in university. I dropped out of university because of my Schizophrenia and it made jobs difficult.


I have had a similar problem. There are just too many people who can replace a person who becomes too much trouble for an employer. I am so happy you have found your perfect spot. We have all benefitted from your work here.


I have hopped through three jobs in the past two years.
It’s always been because of my disability I keep being fired or demoted for being slow.


I’m a chronic job-hopper too! I don’t have schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder but I do have bipolar disorder and ADHD. Employment often takes such a toll on my mental health that I have no choice but to leave my jobs. With every one, I end up hitting a wall and I simply cannot keep going. Many of these jobs have ended with me quitting suddenly without giving notice, because after I get to this point I literally cannot go to work for another day (let alone two weeks).

I always thought there was something wrong with me, but I’ve come to understand that it’s not me that’s broken, it’s the system that doesn’t accommodate brains like mine. I burn out fast because it’s ten times more work for me to get through a work day than it is for a neurotypical person. I’m doing my best now to get by on part-time employment and even though money’s tight it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself.


I have bipolar disorder, I can't stress how dreadful it is to have to try to keep a job for long periods of time. The 5 to 6 months is my limit. I start to lose my mind over staying in one place, having to go there everyday and it sucks. Ppl be judging me like not professional or competent, not a good employee and things like that cuz in there eyes, if you can't hold a job down for at least 2 years, you must not be good enough or have "something wrong".

Even my family say shit like that. I just cannot, it kills me and my suicidal ideation go through the roof when I'm getting close to the 6 months mark of being in a job


I been working as a McDonald's Janitor since March 2022, and most days I just dont have the mental strength to keep working there everyday, even though my hours are VERY short due to college students being away for the summer. Hopefully I will have more hours real soon though, but honestly? Not looking forward to it as it will just drain more of my mental stamina I fear.

I don't know how to "spice things up" at my work place, as it is the same routine day in and day out, but I am trying very hard to sustain myself from having mental episodes. Even mental breakdowns.

I am very thankful I held a job this long, as I dont normally have delusions or hallucations. But I do hear voices every now and again. It is exhausting to live sometimes.


I learned to NEVER reveal my diagnosis to anyone at work, except for very special circumstances. Every time I've confided my diagnosis to my employer, I ended up not having that job much longer.


Lauren you should definitely not feel any shame around this. I've been dealing with mental health issues for my entire adult life and the only reason I am financially stable right now is because my wonderful husband was able to create a family business for us. I was never able to keep a job longer than a year or two when working at regular jobs. Stigma is real, coming out of hospitalization and dealing with symptoms are all a huge problem!
