The Dresden Multiphase Code PRIME: Methods, Applications and Experiences

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Bastian Löhrer, Silvio Tschisgale, Benjamin Krull, Ramandeep Jain, Thomas E. Hafemann, Ronja May and Jochen Fr√∂hlich

PRIME (Phase Resolving Simulation Environment) is an Euler-Lagrange code for the simulation of disperse objects in a continuous fluid. It is being developed at the TU Dresden Chair of Fluid Mechanics since 2006, where it was and is employed in a variety of research projects. These cover a wide range of physics starting from single-phase flows including the transport of passive and active scalars, as in the calculation of heat convection, to problems involving disperse multiphase flows and fluid-structure interaction. The disperse phase is geometrically resolved, in general, and coupled to the fluid by an Immersed-Boundary-Method which enables phase-resolving simulations of arbitrary objects such as sediment particles. Other investigations have covered ascending bubbles, even with varying shape, and the behavior of entire clusters thereof, also considering the influence of electromagnetic fields, in case these rise in a liquid metal. Geometrically unresolved small particles are available as well, so as to simulate three-phase flows with fluid, bubbles and particles, for example. A recent extension to highly flexible blade-like structures reaches out into the field of strongly coupled fluid-structure interaction. All simulations are large scale with O(10^5 – 10^9) grid points of the continuous phase.
Beyond validating and synchronizing all these development efforts, a key challenge lies in the maintenance of a stable and performant code. PETSc and HYPRE have proven to be reliable pillars of PRIME, allowing us to focus on multi-physics extensions while seeing high speed-up and scale-up in our simulations.
In this talk we provide a brief application-driven overview over the numerical models and the physical applications. We aim at sharing our experiences with PETSc, including successes and difficulties, and discuss planned extensions.
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