Audio Engineer | What I do & how much I make | Part 1 | Khan Academy

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Kelly talks about her responsibilities and salary as a freelance audio engineer in Denver. This video is part of a series on Khan Academy covering the responsibilities, requirements, and financial aspects of careers.

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ironically the audio for this video is garbage


An audio engineer's video has out of phase audio, NICE


Would y’all rather make 40k a year working a dead-end job you hate? or 40k doing something you love? & something that can open doors and connections that can change your life.


Writing, recording and mixing everything yourself is soooo fulfilling. I learned how to record and mix during the pandemic, after playing for 20 or so years. I've made about 400 demos so far and I feel so much more confident with my mixing now. I cannot tell you how many hours of my life I've spent just listening to different mics in different positions


She does alot of networking, can't expect everyone to come to you. Until you get to a spot you like where word of mouth generates your paid gigs you need to keep on reaching out. She can get paid way more if she wanted to, it all depends on your lifestyle. Some are good with more, some are good with less.


This really makes me cry, i'd like to be a music engineer :, )


This is actually pretty accurate. Which is sad since audio engineers with some clout would earn 80-100+k back in the early 90s/2000s. And I’m an audio engineer and earn a lot less than this from strictly audio, then again my client base has never let me go full time. If i did get that it would be about 60k. But that likely won’t happen anytime soon. I strong suggest not being an audio engineer since most people know the basics enough to mix themselves. And most studios have only a couple of engineers and most new studios these days are owned by the audio engineer. And having enough gear of your own is a LOT money to start a business along with a good space to record in.


This really helps me a lot, this is the career i want to study


Wow this is fab! I wish this lady all the best of luck in the future of audio engineering! I'm really enthusiastic and passionate about music, and always had a keen eye for this sort of a career, but I dont know if I could get my poor old brain to take in all the info as theres so much to learn lol! .. I respect how very rewarding and exciting it much be knowing your name is out there on an album. very cool !


I love your videos and the advice you gave on how to start off as an Audio Engineering thanks for that


Bless Khan Academy!! Continuing to teach me vital information since elementary school


Come on Guys! She is only 25, and still Student while making 40K and can produce a band. You should encourage her just for that initial effort. I know that video sound quality is near amateur and annoying. Phase or EQ seem to be the problem. Even though her voice seem compressed.


That drawer, where all the microphones just bang on each other :-( It hurts to see that...


This is Gold for me. Love to hear these type of will def make it just keep working at it🙏🏼🤘🏼


the very sad truth is that with the growing list of clients not caring about quality, or want to spent the money, nowadays audio engineers are still making 40-50k a year and it's not sustainable


You know this video is being watched by engineers or hopefuls,
There's literally 500 comments about "out of phase" audio on this video 🤣


This is what i'm thinking of doing do like a 2yr broadcasting degree than afterwards go into a 4yr college & do a degree in audio engineering


So im almost 42 white woman and I've always loved heavy base audio. I have an associates in business specializing in legal law. My professional career is in construction and Power sports mechanics. I used to be a firedancer and firefighter. This is my calling in life. I want people from the daily quad rider to musicians on stage experience the most their audio can offer. Its therapeutic.


the audio for this has so many phasing issues wtf. And It sounds like the voice is coming from behind me


The degree only helps on job applications if you plan on working at a studio or other organization, if you just want to be an artist you can get a lot further in 4 years by teaching yourself and networking without having any debt. I’ve already worked freelance in a couple places but location is a big factor because I live in Atlanta so music and artistic opportunity is literally around every corner. The field you choose to work and where you choose to work are very important, live and work in a hub and you’ll find work easier but stand out less. Live and work in an area where the market is less developed you’ll stand out but have to put in much more effort to find work. Same with any field really
