Microcap Stocks: The Good, The Bad, and the UGLY

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What a mix in microcap stock land this week! Some stocks are making people money! Other stocks are creating life-long bagholders! Today I look at a broad range of winners and losers from the past week or so in my quest to find the best penny stocks today. Let's go!

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I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in the company mentioned in this video, and have no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I scripted, recorded, and published this video myself; and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for the video (other than from regular ads run on YouTube). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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Cameron (Common Sense Investing)
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Thanks Cameron,
Still watching your channel because of your great stock picks and analysis, but also for your integrity and refusal to sell yourself for a few bucks.


Great movie!

You mentioned time in the video. Last weekend I participated in a excellent fireside chat about trading and investing. One of the speakers talked about time and investing in stocks in comparison to bonds and options. He pointed out that many stock investors don't understand that a stock has no intrinsic time value in contrast to bonds or options and therefore they should take another look at time to increase their performance. I will ask him if he allows me to quote a few of his thoughts here. It was a closed chat for charity so I don't want to annoy anyone afterwards.


you really are common sense investing :-) one word you forgot in your title is boring I like boring wolf is boring up 28% :-) Thanks for pointing me in that boring direction :-) what are your thoughts on gatekeeper it wasnt mentioned in any of the 3.


with intermap it’s the Indonesian contract you should look at Cameron… they already won the initial contract, if they do well with it, there’s much much more coming… thanks for nci brother, sold a small portion last week at 1.60, good for getting my initial investment back, now the free portion can run… started in at .03 and ended up with an average cost of .35…. not a monster amount, but a healthy amount. again, thanks 🙏
more coffees coming :)


Sold some PNG in the 90;s. Bought it back at $1.10 Sold a few at $1.55 hoping it drops... it hasn't yet :o(
