Multiple Sclerosis Prognosis

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In this video, I discuss PROGNOSIS in Multiple Sclerosis.

The Boster Center for Multiple Sclerosis accepts new patients and is actively enrolling several MS clinical trials! Contact us today: or call 614-304-3444 to schedule!

COMMENT with your thoughts and questions about Multiple Sclerosis Prognosis below! I look forward to reading and responding!




NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS to help educate others. This video, for example is on Multiple Sclerosis Prognosis. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!
Рекомендации по теме

I remember our first call. you outlined much of this video. You were honest, caring, supportive, and even easy to understand for a new MS patient. Thank you for all you do,


Thanks Dr Boster. I love your honesty and not sugar coating the facts. It helps me keep my expectations real.


Totally agree !! Every newly diagnosed should receive this video and/or psychological support!!


Good Morning Dr. B. See you on screen again later for my Televisit!!!🧡


Thanks Doctor Boster! I love that you want to tackle MS based on how it presents and all these factors.


Good morning Dr B. From PA. Thank you for going into to detail about the progression. Your channel has helped me so much in understanding and learning. Lifetime subscriber here.


Hellot DrB! Fantastic explanation that all ms neurologists should tell us on the very beggining... 👌


I haven’t had a relapse in 8 months, and I couldn’t be happier! I was dx 2 years ago and had them every 4 months or so. I had good MRIs after starting Ocrevus but still had relapses. Switched to Tysabri, and so far so good. Not sure if the drug plays a roll, but I will take the win either way!


You are helping soo many people with the knowledge that they can change some of those factors. If people know that they can help themselves it is so encouraging and empowers them versus you have this and you can't help yourself at all.
Thank you for being a light to others ✨️ 💛


Have you thought about holding a MS summit via Teams or zoom? I would definitely attend


This video was very eye opening for me. I have more than half of the situations where you stated the prognosis would be worse, that's a tough pill to swallow at 31


Exposed to significant second hand smoke since birth, vitamin D levels extremely low—2 on blood test, my first attack was a large lesion (transverse myelitis) in my cervical spine that I didn’t fully recover from, obese, MRI confirmed relapses approx every six months, and suffering from a chronic CSF leak that leaves me bedridden. 😢 It’s a scary outlook.


Thank you for this. Prognosis can be difficult to face but it’s helpful to know where things are heading. It’s also a wake up call to manage the health bits under our control to have the best outcome possible.


Thank you for the Monday morning video seen this afternoon. Doug coffee in hand from Lyndhurst.


Thank you for all the information you provide!


Thanks again! Always there for people impacted by MS. You're the best Doc !


Great video this morning Dr Aaron B, if I'd known this stuff 5 years ago what I know now things might be a little bit different. I'm grateful though because I'm still on my feet. God bless you Doc and all the work you do.


Well I guess I am doomed based on all that info. Ty for giving your time and helping us gain more knowledge.


Doctor Bostor
I am a 64 year old white male and was diagnosed in April of 2022 at 62. First MRI showed lesion on spine at C6. Three days in hospital if steroids. Walked out on my own power feeling strong. Leg weakness over next ten days and back in hospital. Second MRI showed another lesion C2(active). Five days of steroids and left hospital with aid of walker. Continued getting weaker in legs. By August of 2022 was confined to wheelchair and have been since.


I am so glad I am watching this right now. As of late I’ve been really Slippin with my vitamin D3. I have a high count and so I’m thinking I could slack. I skip it at least three times a week but after watching this I’ll never skip it again. I take D3 10, 000
