FTB Monster LP Episode 7 - Base Update and Quarry Action

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FTB Monster Episode 7 - I give an updated look of my base, show you the QuarryPlus mod and talk a little bit about what is ahead

I am currently using the recommended version of FTB Monster on the FTB Launcher

FTB Monster is a modded version of Minecraft 1.6.4

FTB Monster is currently in BETA

Thank you for watching! Please leave a like and subscribe for more FTB Monster videos coming your way. If you have a request, please let me know.

Thank you also to Mojang for making this great game and to the modding community and the FTB crew for expanding the fun even more!

This pack contains the following mods by default:
Additional Buildcraft Objects - Flow86
Advanced Genetics - ObsiLP
Agriculture - Team Metallurgy
Alternate Terrain Generation - TTFTCUTS
Applied Energistics - AlgorithmX2
ArmorStatusHUD - bspkrs
Backpacks - Eydamos
Basic Components - Universal Electricity Team
bdlib - bdew
BetterStorage - copygirl
BiblioCraft - Nuchaz
BiblioWoods-BoP - Nuchaz
BiblioWoods-Forestry - Nuchaz
BiblioWoods-Natura - Nuchaz
Big Reactors - ErogeneousBeef
Biomes O Plenty - Flostride, Adubbz, etc.
Blood Magic - WayofTime
bspkrsCore - bspkrs
Buildcraft - SpaceToad, etc.
Chicken Chunks - Chickenbones
CodeChickenCore - Chickenbones
COFHcore - Team COFH
Compact Solars - cpw
Compact Windmills - Aroma1997
ComputerCraft - dan200
Craft Heraldry - Vazkii
DamageIndicators - rich1051414
denlib - denoflions
denPipes - denoflions
denPipes-Emerald - denoflions
denPipes-Forestry - denoflions
DragonAPI - Reika
Dye Trees - Reika
Dynamic Liquid Tanks 2 - WingsOfLife
Emasher's Resource - Emasher
Enderstorage - Chickenbones
EnderIO - CrazyPants
Endernet - asiekierka
Engineer's Toolbox - Emasher
Enhanced Portals 3 - Alz454
EVOC - ProfMobius
Expanded Redstone - Reika
Extra Utilities - RWTema
Factorization - neptunepink
Flatsigns - Myrathi
Forestry - SirSengir
Forge Multipart - Chickenbones
GasCraft - Emasher
Gate Copy - denoflions
Gendustry - bdew
GeoStrata - Reika
Hopper Ducts - FyberOptic
IChunUtil - IChun
IC² Experimental - IC² Dev Team
Infinibows - Myrathi
Inventory Tweaks - Kobata
Iron Chests - cpw
JABBA - ProfMobius
JourneyMap - Techbrew
Logistic Pipes - RS485
Lycanites Mobs - Lycanite
Magic Bees - MysteriousAges
Magical Crops - Mark719
Mariculture - joshie
Meteorcraft - Reika
MFFS - Calclavia
Mimicry - sparroha
MineFactoryReloaded - powercrystals, skyboy
MobiusCore - ProfMobius
Modular Powersuits - MachineMuse
Mystcraft - xcompwiz
Natura - mDiyo
NEI Addons - bdew
NEI Plugins - mistaqur
Nether Ores - powercrystals, skyboy
Not Enough Items - Chickenbones
Not Enough Keys - Mr. Okushama
Numina - MachineMuse
Obsidiplates - Myrathi
OpenBlocks - Mikee
OpenPeripheral - Mikee
Opis - ProfMobius
Project:Red - MrTjp
Portal Gun - iChun
PowerCrystalsCore - powercrystals, skyboy
QuarryPlus - denoflions
Railcraft - CovertJaguar
Random Things - lumien
ReactorCraft - Reika
Redstone Arsenal - Team COFH
Rei's Minimap - ReiNSFK
Reliquary - TheMike
RemoteIO - dmillerw
Revamp - Rivvest
Roguelike Dungeons - Greymerk
Rotarycraft - Reika
Sort Fix - LexManos
Special Mobs - FatherToast
StatusEffectHUD - bspkrs
Steve's Carts - Vswe
Switches - Myrathi
Sync - iChun
Thaumcraft 4 - Azanor
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects - Iguana_man
Thaumic Tinkerer - Vazkii
Thermal Expansion - Team COFH
Tinker's Construct - mDiyo
Tinker's Mechworks - mDiyo
Torch Levers - HitchH1k3r
Twilight Forest - Benimatic
Universal Electricity Core - Universal Electricity Team
Waila - ProfMobius
WRCBE - Chickenbones
XACT - Xhamolk_
Zan's Minimap - MamiyaOtaru

I have added Binnie's Mods to this pack recently to expand the BEES, the BEEEEES!

- Tags -

FTB Monster | Minecraft | Feed the Beast | FTB Let's Play | Feed the Monster
Рекомендации по теме

cool looking base ^^ I really like the tanks with this platform looks great.
