Minecraft's Most Unbelievable Seeds...

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Minecraft's Most Unbelievable and Rarest Seeds... Minecraft seeds can make some Minecraft worlds look ABSOLUTELY INSANE, so today we showcase and look at the most craziest Minecraft Seeds.


Twitch: SipoverS

Twitter: Sipover

Instagram: SipoverS

Not Minecraft's History on Youtube or Glitches, or even the entire history of minecraft i guess, and not even close to Ranking Minecraft's rarest occurrences and Minecrafts most mind-blowing inventions. Dream could totally use some of these seeds for a manhunt speedrunner vs hunters... Or maybe even tommyinnit in a Minecraft Mod video.

DISCLAIMER: All of these seeds are Java besides the ravine, Some of the seeds in this video only work on certain versions, so if it isn't working try other versions like 1.12, 1.7.10, and 1.14.
-To find the landmarks, do /locate(biome) (landmark) like stronghold or village and you should be able to find the landmark.

- u/plebiain
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All the seeds in the video :

0:35 Exposed stronghold library: -4184000969893959047
0:50 Exposed stronghold staircase : -63618601650509525
1:09 Completed End-portal : 153528141396417860
1:15 Bugged End-portal : 8820529816979238
1:38 Floating jungle temple & island : 4232314645993285604
1:51 Desert temple house : -2658390636751341548
2:13 Village skyscraper : -6425161732431427921
2:40 Village in a woodland mansion : -9059045145664655421
3:10 Softlock spawn : 10931311583393626
3:30 Ocean monument inside a stronghold : 4201395632256542877
4:00 Ocean monument in a shallow pond in a mesa : 6106940150691661575
4:17 Mineshaft that go through bedrock : -1277438139
4:38 Beat minecraft without leaving the spawnchunk : -7099026225756889922

5:25 Official Herobrine beginning : 478868574082066804
5:40 Mountain in minecraft ressource pack & world selection : 3257840388504953787
5:50 Ancient minecraft title screen background : -7099026225756889922

6:25 Craziest snow mountain : 251
6:44 Tallest mountain possible : 7554908224900051322
7:15 23 blocks tall cactus : 184693195438010998
7:50 Village isle surrounded by frozen ocean & mooshroom : -376042977865450385
8:10 Incredible spawn : 1866338692667258164

9:50 Pink sheep seed : 2942736505878736687
10:07 Seed n°0 : creashacks organzine

10:23 Repeated cave : 107038380838084
10:30 Repeated mineshaft : 164311266871034
10:39 Repeated ravine (bedrock edition) : 1669320484


0:38 Exposed library stronghold: -4184000969893959047
0:47 Exposed stair entrance stronghold: -63618601650509525
1:13 1/3 lit end portal: 8820529816979238
1:37 Floating jungle temple: 4232314645993285604
1:53 Temple/house: -2658390636751341548
2:11 Skyscraper house: -6425161732431427921
2:42 Village/mansion: -90590451456646555421
3:10 Spawn inside mansion & stronghold in ocean monument: 10931311583393626
3:52 Ocean monument spawned inside pond in badlands: 6106940150691661575
4:14 Mineshaft going through bedrock: -1277438139
4:38 Beat minecraft in one chunk: -7099026225756889922
5:19 Original herobrine seed: 478868574082066804
5:37 Image of mountain: 3257840388504953787
5:49 Title screen background: -7099026225756889922
6:19 Best snow mountain: 251
6:45 Tallest mountain: 7554908224900051322
7:12 23 block tall cactus: 184693195438010998
7:49 Village with mushroom and ice biome: -376042977865450385
8:10 Sand village/temple/crazy mountain: 1866338692667258164
9:45 Pink sheep world: 2942736505878736687
10:23 Repeating seed example: 107038380838084
10:28 Repeating mineshaft: 164311266871034
10:36 Repeating lava ravine on bedrock edition: 1669320484

Keep in mind that not all of these are in the same version👍

Edit: please please pin me, it took me forever.


0:36 Exposed stronghold in the ocean, Seed: -4184000969893959047.
0:51 Exposed stronghold, Seed: -63618601650509525.
1:05 Getting a complete ready end portal, 1 in 1, 000, 000, 000, 000 chance, chance, Seed: 153528141396417860.
1:16 Bugged ender portal, Seed: 8820529816979238.
1:38 Floating jungle temple with a floating island, Seed: 4232314645993285604.
1:52 A desert temple that has a village house exactly on the front, Seed: -2658390636751341548.
2:12 Village skyscraper, Seed: -6425161732431427921.
2:42 Village inside a woodland mansion, Seed: -9059045145664655421.
3:10 Spawn inside a woodland mansion wall, Seed: 10931311583393626.
3:30 Ocean monument in a stronghold, Seed: 4201395632256542877.
3:54 Ocean monument that isnt in a ocean, Seed: 6106940150691661575.
4:14 Mineshaft goes through bedrock, Seed: -1277438139.
4:40 Beat minecraft without leaving the spawn, Seed: -7099026225756889922.
5:23 Place where herobrine was caught in 4k, Seed: 478868574082066804.
5:34 Place where pack.png was caught in 4k, Seed: 3257840388504953787.
5:48 Place where minecraft 1.12.2 menu was caught in 4k, Seed: -7099026225756889922.
5:59 Place where minecraft 1.15 menu was caught in 4k.
5:59 Place where minecraft 1.16.5 menu was caught in 4k.
6:24 Best snow mountain, Seed: 251.
6:43 Tallest mountain, Seed: 7554908224900051322.
7:17 A cactus thats 23 blocks tall, Seed: 184693195438010998.
7:48 Rare biomes near a village, Seed: -376042977865450385.
8:12 A village spawned near an ugly mountain, Seed: 1866338692667258164.
8:27 Upside down trees.
Seed facts ad:
8:54 How to find diamonds using clay.
9:13 April fools creepy snapshot.
9:49 A seed that has a lot of pink sheeps, Seed: 2942736505878736687.
10:05 How to fix seed 0.
Back to the video
10:19 Infinite repeat error glitch, 1 in 140, 000, 000, 000 chance, 7.142857142857143e-10% chance, Seed: 107038380838084.
10:30 Infinite repeat error glitch with a mineshaft, 1 in 140, 000, 000, 000 chance, 7.142857142857143e-10% chance, Seed: 164311266871034.
10:37 Infinite repeat error glitch with a ravine in minecraft bedrock, 1 in 140, 000, 000, 000 chance, 7.142857142857143e-10% chance, Seed: 1669320484.
10:49 Infinite repeat error glitch in the end, 1 in 140, 000, 000, 000 chance, 7.142857142857143e-10% chance.
10:49 Infinite repeat error glitch in the surface, 1 in 140, 000, 000, 000 chance, 7.142857142857143e-10% chance.
11:10 Unknown censored moment, 1 in funni number chance, funni number% chance, Seed: funni number.

Edit: Fine I will add it.


I remember my very first minecraft world was just...so much badlands. I didn't even know it was a rare biome I thought it was a normal one and minecraft was just harder than I thought. I literally spent the first irl month of minecraft struggling to survive without ever seeing a village, sheep, chicken, etc. (I did see wandering trader but he was not super helpful) I didn't even know how to fish at first so I was surviving on raw zombie meat and apples from the wooded badlands areas. Unable to sleep with no wool to make a bed or village to find one. I almost cried the first time i found a meadow island and saw a chicken and flowers. I literally got my first diamonds before finding my first sheep. Me, fully kit up in gold and diamond gear, more overjoyed to find a sheep. The most valuable treasure: the ability to sleep through a night cycle.


1. Exposed Stronghold: 0:38-0:51 : 4184000969893959047 and -63618601650509525
2.Already lit up Ender Portal in stronghold: 1:11 :153528141396417860
3.Bugged Ender Portal (not all lit up) in stronghold: 1:18 : 8820529816979238
4.Floating jungle island on above a temple: 1:38 : 4232314645993285604
5. Desert temple next to a village: 1:51 : -2658390636751341548
6. Village skyscraper house: 2:14 : -6425161732431427921
7. Woodland house next to a village: 2:45 : -9059045145664655421
8. In a mansion: 3:13 : 10931311583393626
9: Ocean Monument in a stronghold: 3:30 : 4201395632256542877
10. Ocean Monument in a stronghold spawned in an orange desert biome: 3:58 : 6106940150691661575
11.Mine shafts through bedrock: 4:17 : -1277438139
12. Beating minecraft without leaving spawn: 4:40 : -7099026225756889922
13. Original hero brine world been found: 5:24 : 478868574082066804
14. Main loading screen background: 5:41-5:50 : 3257840388504953787 and -7099026225756889922
15: Best snow mountain: 6:25 : 251
16. Tallest mountain in minecraft: 6:44 : 7554908224900051322
17. Random Long cactus: 7:20 : 184693195438010998
18. Surrounding a village with a mushroom biome and snow biome: 7:56 : -376042977865450385
19. A desert village next to a cool mountain: 8:12 : 1866338692667258164
20. Pink sheep: 9:50 : 2942736505878736687
21.Repeated lots of mine shafts: 10:31 : 164311266871034
22.Very long lava river? : 10:39 : 1669320484

Sorry if I write some of the seeds wrong if I write it wrong you can check it in the video

Sos not finish putting the seeds yet

Edit: I finish typing all seeds and your welcome :D


why is messed up world generation so beautiful


You know something's wrong when Villagers and Pillagers are literally living together inside a woodland mansion


i got a really interesting seed once, where as soon as i spawned in. i fell inside a cave with half a heart left, but there was a village inside the cave. its so cool how crazy these generations can get.


Imagine grinding a bunch of pearls just for the portal to be full


7:02 imagine your underground and you dig up to get to the surface and it takes
FOREVER because you’re inside of that mountain 😳


hey im going to need that last seed. this is a demand.


I have no idea what edition, but if you plugged 'trent' into the seed box circa 2011-12, you would spawn on a lovely jungle island with practically nothing else around for MILES. Always been my favorite seed.


“This next seed will be the best you have ever seen” *shows seed* “Now you might have thought that was the best seed, take a look at this next one”


I LOVE how this guy doesn't waste time on a bunch of super long + loud transition screens and counting down. He actually just plows through the content. So refreshing!


Swear to god, I got that same exact pink sheep seed when I was a kid. I stupidly deleted a bunch of worlds and it was lost forever and always regretted it. It was definitely in a plains biome with a forest and river nearby, and it looks exactly like the one in the video. I feel like I’m at peace.


imagine playing minecraft for the first time in your life and getting these world generations


The fact that this guy tells everything straight to the point without having unnecessary lame jokes and making it only 11 mins long without having much ads is so absolutely amazing.


❌ learn from school
✅ learn from sipover


Most unbelievable seed: that one seed which actually had lava in Pocket Edition
