How COVID #19 Will Change the World

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The coronavirus has created unprecedented shifts in our lives.
As we transition into a new age of higher consciousness, a continued breakdown of old systems and structures will make way for the new.
Join Dr. Debra Diamond as she explains how to live with this new concentrated energy, what the messages of this transition are, what we can do on a spiritual and energetic level and how future probabilities will unfold.
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Thank you for your work.You are reaching peoole far and wide and impacting lives, planting seeds in us that are taking root and growing. I'm a basket weaver and occasionally teach weaving classes. During every class about 20 minutes into it, the room falls silent and the energy changes. The students all fall into a meditative state. We talk about it afterwards. Mental Hospitals used to teach patients basket weaving to calm them down in the days before medications. The saying, "he/she dropped her basket" implies they had a mental breakdown because basketry was what was used as treatment. Keep doing your work, your light shines so bright. You are a beacon for the world. Bless you.


I am glad to hear you say that meditation doesn't have to be sitting and focusing on your breath because I love to walk in the morning by myself when it's quiet. That's my favorite way of meditating and getting centered. And, yes, the word "reset" keeps coming again and again when referring to this situation with the virus. We all needed a huge reset!


Wow, your video is yet another synchronicity getting me on to meditation. I had many hints to do so within the last few days. I just started a meditation schedule yesterday, and I hope it opens up my dialog with my higher self and the universe, so it is more overt and free flowing.


Thank you Debra, for validating the experience and feelings I'm having. I'm embracing the quiet, as I put my seat belt on, awaiting the changes. Daily mini-meditations, as you described, have helped me create peace in my busy mind


Quiet is good. Quiet is great. Totally agree that it is needed for our evolution.


Another great video - I enjoyed your thoughts about spiritual growth happening in “quiet”...


I believe the Earth is resetting itself but we will be responsible for how we respond to what is happening.


When do you think the pandemic will blow over?
