Pay attention to the quiet people in the room

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Pay attention to the #quietest #people in your life. They just might have the most profound things to say and value to add to your life. 🙏🏾👍🏾
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The quiet ones make people uncomfortable. It’s funny to me how I never say a lot and people get offended because I’m not eager to be in their face. I can’t stand drama and I have a low tolerance for bs. I’m just focused on what I need to accomplish. That’s it and that’s all. So, please don’t get offended…🤷🏽‍♀️


Part of the reason I’m quiet is because I don’t want people paying attention to me 🤦🏾‍♂️


I think quiet people are only quiet to strangers. Once you are a friend we are very talketive


I've been labelled as being the 'quiet one' a few times by people & the one thing I've noticed about all these people who are quick to call me quiet is, none of them have ever once made a effort to talk to me. Half of these people haven't even made eye contact with me, let alone get to know me. How can you label someone as being quiet when you, yourself, have never spoken to them?? I find it to be quit hypocritical.
If you're going to put a label on someone & you've never spoken to them or gotten to know them, then they can really say the same thing about you right?


Being silent has a massive advantage in today's world. Less words means we can hear better, we're more trustworthy cause we don't participate in drama/gossip and we're mostly focus on the objective.

My personality is like a fox, I socialize and crack jokes when required, most of the time I keep to myself.


It's the quiet ones who are always ignored yet people have the nerve to say that we're being rude because we don't join into conversations as often, I really hate that.


Be weary of those who seek out constant crowds, for they are nothing alone - Charles Bukowski


Why people have a problem with quiet people? Like I usually don’t be doing nothing to people and sometimes I come across with people having an attitude


Successful people usually have nothing to prove so they don't say much in situations when they think it's not necessary. Un-successful people usually talk a lot, with no substance, because many times they think by being "popular" they are successful. Maybe in their own minds. Also a successful person can glance at a group and already decide whether it's worth his/her time to engage.


Ppl always underestimate introverts... Great story


There’s an old saying the one that talks the must knows the least. And another one is The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room


At a party, I would be the one in a corner by myself.


Introverts are quietly successful people actually...


Its the same thing in jail. The quietest guy on yard is running the show.


The stereotype is that quite souls are mentally ill like crazy and extroverts are sane...This is a stereotype...How many cases can we see past and present in headlines of both the quiet ppl and extroverts doing violence.


When I was much much younger, I was molested by a cousin and, prior to that, my brother also. When I asked to talk to my mother and my Aunts I was told "you talk too much, I'm watching tv." Later, at 35 when I found my voice and my power, I did not utilize either of them right away. I sat down and observed what I had been through. I'm a two time rape survivor and I still don't know what kinda monster can take anyone's dignity that way but it's the lowest of the low of the demons. I do NOT look like what I've been through. Now though, they gotta watch me shine. I've been saying for years that talk is cheap. Those lessons were not. I'm 45 now and I'm engulfed in the sweet soft spirit and enjoyability of silence. You're right, Noah. You're so right.


It is human nature to fear and sometimes not understand the unknown.


Usually the ones that judge me, have nothing to bring to the table .


Unfortunately human nature is to interact and talk to other’s sadly we live in an extroverted world so being quiet you will always stand out in a bad way most places. All the jobs I’ve had I always had someone question why I was so quiet. I just be trying to make my money and go home lol I was even recently told by a manager how I need to greet and interact with the coworkers everyday I come in and I’m like why ? I also hate how just because I’m not talking people automatically think I’m sad or angry about something when I’m literally the opposite most of the time.


I'm quiet because I personally don't want any attention. I don't go to family gatherings because it's just too much for me honestly
