you're a princess dreaming in the palace garden

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you're a princess dreaming in the palace garden

🎹 Take a moment to unwind with this classical music playlist. This relaxing collection of instrumental pieces will help you calm your busy mind and enjoy the serenity of classical music 💗

🙏 Please don't report or reup my video, this is my work 🙏
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Do you know that feeling, when you almost remember something, just almost, then it flashes in front of your eyes and feels like deja vu or an old memory but you can never put a finger on it what exactly it is because it fades so fast, and the only thing that stays for a few seconds, is that feeling inside you, that the memory you're carrying is somehow very important...


(White dude in his 20s)….yep, I’m a dreamy princess…(snuggles deeper under priceless covers)


For those who are looking for the names of the pieces:
0:00 - 0:12 end of the piece Iebestraum N.3 by Liszt
0:12 - 4:20 Waltz Op. 64 n.2 by Chopin
11:47 - 16:33 Arabesque N.1 by Debussy
16:44 - 12:12 Nocturne Op.9 n2 by Chopin
21:22 - 26:15 Sonata semplice k.545 by Mozart
31:28 - 33:07 Minuet in G major by Bach
33:17 - 33:51 Piano version of spring by Vivaldi (four seasons)
47:45 - 53:20 Prelude Op. 28 n.15 by Chopin

thats all I recognize rn, anyone else know the rest pls comment for those who dont know


It's a misty morning on the palace grounds, music from the drawing room piano floats through the open window through the air to brush your ears. Sweet wind tinted with the lightest scent of flowers and freshly baked bread embraces you. You're sitting alone in an alcove of the garden, back pressed against a garden arch engulfed in ivy. Slivers of soft sunlight warm your arms, as you've thrown off your gloves to allow your fingers to brush the mossy stones beneath you.

You stand up and close your eyes, allowing the cream and yellow chiffon dress upon you to flow gently in the air as you can practically feel the freckles burst to life upon your nose in the sunlight. You gather your soft, long, curly, almost white, thick hair up into a ribbon. When fastened, it looks almost alike to the graceful gathers of albino flora poking out and cascading down the castle wall. You slip off your shoes, untie the ribbon garters holding up your silk stockings, and allow them to fall off, leaving your feet bare and sensitive.

It begins a careful promenade, your toes touching only the soft moss upon wayward stones along the walkway, but as the sun slowly wakes, as does your confidence. The soft piano music has become more prominent, reaching the climax of the song. You gather your skirt up into your hands and fasten it with a hem holder, so the fabric doesn't dirty, and veer off the path. You skip around and through, guided by the endearing hand of the music, loose curls brush your cheeks and shoulders as your poorly tied ribbon falls, and soon you're twirling and leaping.

You laugh, as you imagine what father would think to see you this way. A princess like yourself, being courted and expected to marry within the year, dancing freely in the early hours of the morning. Expected to be frail and docile, you expect he might give a stern lecture about proper behavior. But you only laugh again at the thought of reprimand for flitting about in the garden, quite possibly one of the most dainty and feminine forms of defiance.

Worries wiped clean, all you know is the music that guides your heart and mind together to write paths upon the ground with your dance, your feet on the earth akin to that of a pen on paper. You flit over dahlias, bluebells, lilies, and buttercups, intertwining them as passing partners with which to meet and then part. Their petals grace your ankles as you lightly step, politely bestowing drops of dew as thanks.

As you dance farther away, following along the edge of the small stream, the music fades. Although you do not feel tired, you slow to a poor imitation of a solo waltz and come to a stop. You look up and see the flowers bobbing your way, and you curtsy in response. You look up to the vast castle, it's many windows pinking in the light of the morning sun, and are glad to call it your home. The stream babbles, and in its own way, a new song of nature begins. Birds twit among the dogwood trees, a breeze plays blades of grass like strings of a guitar, and the water over rocks almost sounds like shimmering chimes. As you stand soaking in the beguiling aura of the garden, you hear the sound of quiet applause add to nature's song coming from the stone gazebo which straddles the stream as it pours into the quaint pond behind it.

Your cheeks flush as you whirl around, skirts swishing about to the abrupt movement, as you make eye contact with him. Him, of whom you've only met once this past week-end, being the one who plans to ask you to marry at the Christmas banquet in six months time. He, who your father invited to stay to study under him and acclimate to the castle which was soon to be his home, had just seen you, a near woman of age, dance wildly through the garden before breakfast was even served.

He steps lightly down from the gazebo, a hand resting on a sketchbook tucked delicately into his waistband.
"Aren't you quite the faerie, " He smiles as he smooths his forest green waistcoat with a free hand. "Gliding about, dancing on sun rays... you just might've enchanted me."

You follow his hand with your eyes, as it removes from his torso to brush back a long red lock of hair behind his ear.

"I... wasn't aware I had company, " You say, as you, flustered, unclip the hem holder at your waist and smooth your dress, wrinkled from being gathered. He looks so neat and composed, and here you are with hair as wild as a snowstorm and a dress wrinkled like it was left on the floor at night after undressing from an exhausting day that the maid hadn't picked up by morning.

"With the early hour, I thought I would be in solitude, " You continue. Maybe a passing servant or two would have been reasonable to see you at this time, but nearly no one of importance was generally awake at this time, save yourself. Just what was he doing out at the gazebo? Certainly no one knew about your tendency to come to the garden nearly every morning, so who could have told him? Or was it just pure chance? you find that quite hard to believe.

He chuckles and smiles softly at your puzzled expression.
"I was under the same impression, although we are never in complete solitude, you know." His hand follows his eyes as he gestures up to the birds flying above us. "Alas, there was also that lovely woman playing the piano as I made my way out this morning. So, we are not alone in wanting to be alone."

You let a small smile form and look him in the eyes, which match his waistcoat almost perfectly.
"Quite right you are, although I meant I didn't dream I'd cross you this morning, let alone at my gazebo of all places." The phrase came out a little more haughty than you intended, but it elicits a desirable response.

His eyes twinkle with a spark of mischief. "Ah, me? At your gazebo? I wasn't aware you took disdain in company with my name."

"I don't, " you reply, trying to replicate the same spark in your eye, "It is just, ordinarily, one must ask permission before sitting in my gazebo. That is all."

You watch his face confidently, somewhat enjoying this interruption to your solitary morning. You start to think that it perhaps isn't such a bad thing that he may be here to stay.

He puts a hand to his heart, and takes a step closer, bowing his head.
"I truly was not aware this was a gazebo with an explicit owner..." He lifts his head and meets your eyes. "May I be so bold as to ask permission to enter in retrospect?"

Charmed, you play along and lift your chin.
"Perhaps, but only under one condition."

He straightens out and inquires upon the condition which you request.

You put out a hand, slender and unscathed, as if waiting for an object to be received. Your eyes flick to the book tucked against his side.
He sends you a puzzled, yet amused, look.
"Your book, sir, I wish to examine it."

It is his face, this time, who's cheeks bloom like fresh red roses.
"O-of course, Milady. As you wish." As he walks towards your outstretched hand, he reaches a gloved hand, you note which is scuffed with charcoal, to remove the book from his waist, and places it softly in yours.

You accept the weight of the book and nod satisfied, taking note of how his composure has changed. His blush only intensifies as you flip open the cover. Before you lay eyes on the first page, you notice he hastily re-tucks fallen hair behind his ears, smudging his reddened cheeks with black, then clasps his hands behind his back.

You softly gasp. The book is full of one subject and nothing else. As you flip through the pages, you recognize the lavender party dress you wore the first day you met him, the french day gown you wore to the women's croquette game this past Monday, and the elaborate coiffure displayed in profile that you wore to your younger sister's violin concerto presentation just last night. Finally, you come to a spread, one page full, and one page blank. The book is not full, but the final page that is completed features a barefoot thin figure with long curly hair fanning through the air, who is posed to be floating above a patch of buttercups, with the wisp of a castle hastily sketched in the background.

You look up again, and he has regained some of his calmness from before. You knew he admired you, but thought it to only be in 'a man who loves a princess because she's a princess' way. But this was true. Your eyes are wide as your heart swells with understanding. He smiles, and you notice his nose is kissed with freckles the same way yours is when you spend time in the sun. He unclasps his hands and meets your eyes, reaching outwards in compassion.

"You're my muse, see?"

His eyes sparkle yet again, but this time with something new. The mist that was present just an hour ago has dissipated, and the sun has clearly risen to the sky. Light notes of piano trickle through the air along with the babbling of the stream, and the smell of fresh water and flowers fills the air. All these senses combined together create something completely different from this morning's delicious solitude, yet it is completely wonderful. His words seep into your skin just as the sunlight had, warming you anew.


I lost my father at age 12. My best friend passed away when we were 19. My mom died from cancer at 59. My ex girlfriend died from a brain tumor at 35 years old. Life can sure have a certain way of testing us. Although I've lost so many loved ones, I just turned 40 years old myself. Yet, I woke up this morning and thanked God for the opportunity to tell you that you're perfect just the way you are and although times get tough and life seems unfair just know that you are loved no matter what.


“Your Highness, you must not stay here all day.” The young servant began picking up your books all littered under the tree. He folded them under his arm and balanced some on his head, all 7 of your study books.

“I have nowhere else to be, ” You remark, laying your head back onto the pillow. It was warm outside, but by now your father and brothers would be expecting you for lunch. “Will you not indulge me in a conversation, Jean?”

He looked at you with a grim expression, the same one his father before him gave your father with when he was a youth.

“I advise your majesty, to swiftly make it to the dinning halls. Before they notice your absence of late.” He stiffly said. Nothing was getting past him today it seemed.

“Right, ” You sighed getting up from the picnic blanket and dusting yourself off. Jean made his way to you, putting the books in your hand before pulling a royal blue ribbon from his pocket. He began to pull your hair back softly, tracing his finger carefully to not touch your skin, then wrapped the ribbon and tied your hair down.

“The Princess will be visiting your brothers and yourself, ” He tightened the knot. “Would your majesty want anything brought to your chambers before she does?”


“Very good, my lady” He took the books from your hands and nodded. Stretching his arm in the direction of the palace entrance and waiting for you to walk. Then offered his arm for you to take, so he can escort you to the palace.


He bowed and retracted his arm from you. A lady was expected to take his arm, but you were a gentleman. You noticed his little gesture and smiled at him. Catching your eye, he looked away, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Yes, your majesty?”

“I am _not_ a princess.”

He looked at you blankly and nodded.

“Do you understand me?”

“Yes, your majesty”

“My father, the Kin-”

“Will not know of this.” Jean finished for you. He straightened from his bow, and you noticed the smallest flush of red on his checks. He pulled at the ruffles on his collared neck, avoiding your eyes nervously.

“What is it, Jean?”

His face seemed to burn brighter, and the serious expression long forgotten was replaced with a shy smile. “Forgive me for saying this, but…your majesty should refrain from bounding one’s chest with bandages alone, it seems you have tied it awfully wrong. May I suggest, I help you next time?”

You stand there too stunned to speak. Jean clears his throat and proceeds to walk beside you as a head servant would his master.

“You knew?”

“You are my priority, your majesty. I should know.”

(Just wanted to try my hand at this, I couldn't for the life of me write from a princesses perspective so I thought why not a trans prince? If I have offended any trans person, please let me know and I'll take this down...If you can't tell by now, I'm just a cis guy, so feel free to tell me if this is at all offensive)
Edit: (those that want to know it's @Alekdean on wattpad. I'm currently writing a book...unfortunately I'm not good at cover design. So if you are, please for the love of the gods, help me)


PoV: You're a princess in the modern world. A lot of the things you dream of would never actually happen.

But at least you have your dreams. And your comfy slippers.


This last week I have been listening to your playlists non-stop. I can't seem to get enough. They are the perfect soundtrack when reading or writing and keep me company while doing some work at my desk. I just want to thank you for the effort you put into making these. They bring me relaxation after a busy day. 🥰


i recomend pulling up a tab and putting on some spring cherry blossom ambience for it to really feel like ur in a garden


pov: time had flown by like a dove as you sat there watching the sky as it faded from blue to orange. your hands ran through the grass around you as the wind blew the flowers off of the trees. staring intently at the clouds that slowly left your view of the sky, It amazed you how it was only one time a day that the moon could see her lover before the sun disappeared. you sat up groggily as the dark blue started to fill up the sky. you saw the stars make their entrance. The stars reminded you of children. As if the sun and moon combined to make the beautiful balls of light you were seeing. the stars always took the attention, shining profusely. you reached your hand to the sky and tried to grab the stars. your eyes glistened in the moonlight as you brought your hand back. you breathed softly as you made your way back to the palace to go back to your room. your room had a balcony high enough to where you could talk to the moon. the lady in the moon was always a good listener. you hoped one day you'd meet the lady in the moon and her lover hidden in the sun. you knew that you just had to.

(this is my first time so I am sorry if it's not great :/)


Message to a love one:
Love, do you know that feeling when we're together its as if we're dreaming so happy about? I'm glad it's you i spent those moments with


I actually play that first piece ! its one of my hsc performance pieces :)


Could you put in the tracklist please? would love to use these songs individually for a project


I absolutely adore this channel. And I’ve listened to quite a few channels with classical mix / rain / etc etc and this one is the best so far! ❤️❤️❤️❤️💯


This playlist makes me feel comfortable! I also loved these pictures :) It's wonderful !


Dunno about a princess, but I got some serious nostalgia from back when I played piano. Or would dance to the demo music playing on the family's clavinova.


Gracias por ésto pues me parece muy acertado asociar esta hermosa música con bellas


What the name of the painting? I love the picture it's so beautiful



“Lily, dearest?”
..dearie where could she be...?

She called out in the garden, and yet the young girl was no where to be found.

The girl in question was playing in a place where she found solace, under the oak tree hidden by the mulberry bushes. Frolicking about with little rag doll made from muslin silk that her mother has given her as a gifts for her 13th birthday.
A pretty girl with long dark curly hair that reached the soft moss was soon to become a woman someday.


Could someone please give the name of all the songs in order? They are so beautiful but i don't know what is their name
