Esaret 378. Bölüm Fragmanı | Redemption Episode 378 Promo

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Redemption airs on Kanal 7 at 19.00 every weekday!
A duel of revenge and love.

On one side, there is Orhun, who is burning with revenge and his arrogance, on the other side, there is Hira, who is ready to take on the role that's been assigned to her even though she is innocent…
Orhun, the heir to the Demirhanlı family, and Hira, whom Orhun thinks killed his twin sister, keep their viewers glued to the screen with a love that is kneaded with vengeance.
As fate drags winds from the dessert to Istanbul; A proud woman and a victim are now on the same path. REDEMPTION has begun.
The story of Orhun, who wants to avenge his sister, and Hira, who is the prisoner of her conscience, will soon air on Channel 7 with Redemption.
Channel: Kanal 7
Production: Karamel Yapım
Directors: Ayhan Özen - Serkan Mut
Mahassine Merabet
Cenk Torun
Yağmur Çelik
Ali Yağız Durmuş

#esaret #redemption #ecchorights
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Words to define this series: tiredness, boredom, disappointment, lack of creativity, repetitive, abusive. What a shame that they wasted the talent of such good actors with such a battered script.


The script for this series was written by the enemy, that's why the bad ones always win.


Perdi de vez a vontade de continuar assistindo essa série! O casamento de Hira e Orhum demorou uma eternidade pra acontecer, para logo em seguida separar o casal, com Orhum na prisão 😢😢


Hira é Orhum que me desculpem mais a próxima temporada não vou assistir. Afife só sai como heroína não tem punição pra ela e nosso casal só sofre esses roteiristas não sabem fazer novela.


This season 2 was very disappointing. There was a lot of nonsense, a lot of illogical things. The promises of S1 were not kept. The promised marriage took 9 months to arrive...9 months where Orhir's story did not move forward, where Hira still suffered a lot of bad things, humiliation, completely useless attacks. Neva took a big place in history and was never punished……. Orhir's scenes were reduced…….. Orhir was happy with only a few episodes…. The events followed one another without moving the story forward, empty events…….Hira, Orhun, and even Afife did not evolve in the right direction, and disappointed us at times. We were bored with A disjointed story, without logic. Since the wedding the episodes have been good, the story moves and advances, it's pleasant, but we are already at the finale with its traditional drama. It's a shame to start a season 3 when many questions have not yet been answered.……you got lost in problems that were not resolved correctly, Neva, Perihan, Cihangir, Afife… .. and it is Orhun who ends up in prison……..this season 2 remains unfinished………………. Only positive point, Cenk and Mahassine remained exceptional, and it is thanks to them that the series lives………..changing the writers for S3, it would be a good thing for everyone….


Esto es un chiste, esperamos muchos capítulos para la dichosa boda, cuando al fin tenemos esa alegria, pense que Neva iva ser castigada ahhh pero no...😠 Neva sale librada como si nada, los matones se siguen persiguiendo sus colas...
Orhun encarcelado siendo inocente, y Afife sigue ostigando a Hira cuando en realidad es ella quien provoco todo da coraje que dejen cabos sueltos, como por ejemplo la muerte de Ciganhir, que paso con eso? Su teléfono de Neva con la aplicación de cambio de voz... 😠
Inicio bien la 2da temporada pero su final...apesta de verdad...que decepción 😔😔


Todo por alargar la serie, q estupidez, deberian ya darle fin y no hacer mas temporadas, ahora q va a pasar con kenan, si muere, no valw la pena verla mas


Orhun preso, Kenan baleado o que mais falta acontecer? Já sei.. Afife torturar Hira talvez deixe ela presa sem sair de casa, e ainda inventar coisa para o filho sobre ela, pra separar o casal. E se Hira estiver grávida vai mandar abortar ou dar sumiço no filho quando nascer do mesmo jeito que fez com Ali. Que vergonha esse roteiro, essa série so dá destaque pra pessoas do mau, e quando as pestes morrem ainda tem conseqüências na vida de outras, isso é nojento ☹️


Now that orhun is jail hira will do what she does best just cry like she always does and be insulted by afife doesn't have no back bone in her body she will do nothing to help free orhun


And what did Afife do to help Orhun..? She really needs to self reflect on her own sabotage and who really set Orhun in Neva’s sights to begin with… the Lack of accountability for someone who claims to be so noble is ridiculous… Afife is nothing more than an entitled street rat.


Cara, essas atrizes que interpretaram Neva, Perihan, são bem poderosas dentro dessa emissora, Neva deitou e rolou quase a 2° temporada toda, e saiu como se nada tivesse acontecido... Perihan parecia uma planta, pra lá e pra cá nas espreitas, só no cafezinho, e por fim torturou Hira e também caiu fora, numa boa... Afife é a rainha das 🐍🐍🐍, nada acontece com essa mulher🤦🏻‍♀️
Parece que é bem melhor ser o vilão nas séries desse canal.
Cenk e Mahassine levam essa série nas costas, pois quem assistiria com esse roteiro, sem esses belíssimos protagonistas??? Bom, estou aliviada pois sei que essa será a última que assistirei, e ainda mais feliz por não ter me entusiasmado com Kan Çiçekler e Ruzgarli Tepe, pois no fim é tudo a mesma coisa... Chega de dar meu precioso tempo com esse canal.


These writers are garbage! Can’t even watch the episodes. No growth and Afife is awful!


Afife es la persona más descarada que he visto en una serie 😂 osea por su culpa su hijo esta ahi alimento a 2 serpientes y culpa a hira, pero hira inmobil no dice nada aa es increíble una vez más afide demuestra el amor que no le tiene a sus hijos no le importa si orhun esta encerrado y le pida cuidar lo más apreciado para el si le importara un poco su hijo no lastimaria a hira, pero para ella es más valioso un apellido el cual ya esta más manchado ajajajaj que su propio familia ella es real villana de esta serie y apesar de todo lo que pasa no cambiara jamás y lastimosamente en esta serie no le daran un buen final como ella se lo merece, si no que a los buenos los matan o encierran y los malos no les suecede nada solo la muerte algo rapido y sencillo 😅 sin descubrir sus fechorias.

Esta segunda temporada lo unico que puedo rescatar es el amor de orhir ❤ su matrimonio nada más de resto fue desastrozo muchas incoherencias, violencias, deberia ser mejor escrita esta señora en cada serie como que es igual incia bien y luego se inventa unas cosas para seguir con la serie y en vez de darle punto final, si los protagonistas se salen, los mata y mete a otros igual que emanet ajajajsjjsjs por Dios que ridicules es esta si sigo aqui es por orhir su quimica me atrapo desde el capitulo 1 ellos impresionantes la verdad ❤🥰


Orhun's face when he saw Hira😂 Afife you B****, if Kenan is dead and Afife is as usual being horrible to Hira we're still running in circle with Hira always being the one who suffers the most😭 why can't they write something where both Hira and Orhun have to fight together against an ennemy, for god's sake they've only been married for a few weeks😑


Como nos dan este final de temporada😡!!!, separados y Afife torturando a Hira, se que es un drama pero se pasaron de la raya una vez mas😔😔😔😔


Primero; Hira deve cumplir la promesa que le hizo a su marido, tiene que ser una mujer fuerte. Tiene que cambiar de actitud y demostrarle a la Afife que en realidad lleva muy en alto el caracter y el apeido que mucho pelea la Afife. Mostrar un caracter fuerte, 2 o 3 dias de llorar y que se limpie las lagrimas y que le entre a los fregadazos, y que por favor POR FAVOR !!! Ya no se deje que la maltrate la suegra.
Segundo; Kenann no puede morir es la unica familia de Hira y si el se va, definitivame te Hira no podra salir adelante.
La 3era temporada tiene que dar un jiro de 360° para que recupere su audiencia, sabemos quw todo esto es un drama pero en realidad qje se an pasado con la maldad. Queremos mas capitulos de felicidad y menos de maldad o que por lo menos Hira ya saque las garras para defenderse.


If hira remains in that house to be tortured by afire she will be the biggest fool . And am sure she will remain there coz she is a martyr . Orhun is a mommy boy through and through despite talking tough. Why couldn’t he get a place for himself and hira ? I know it just a show but the writer has insulted our intelligence this season.


Roterista por favor faz os bandidos sofrer, Afife é culpada por Orhun estar na cadeia e culpa Hira por isso 😢😢 tem que mostrar que o bem é o melhor caminho!


Yazıklar olsun be senarist şimdi görelim bakalım afife hirayi nasıl öldürecek diyecek söz laf yok. Yazıklar olsun


Great work to the actors your amazing work. However, as a viewer this second season aside from Orhir's wedding and there scenes together the show and storyline was DISSAPPOINTING, LAME and RIDICULOUS. Neva and Perihan, & Afife were never caught and they were never punish for all their evil deeds and the viewers get only get little moments of Orhir together but even then there is always someone interrupting. Hira's character is always being blamed for everything, and her character hasn't evolved to act as a grown-up. As for orhun he was so witty and smart on season 1 and on this 2nd season he was the opposite. I really hope Mahassine and Cenk don't return after the 3rd season since I think they deserve better roles
