2019 BEST METAL DETECTING FINDS, Equinox 800 & Xp Deus : The Detectits

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A trip down memory lane with us (The Detectits)... Metal detecting the UK using the Minelab Equinox 800 and Xp Deus.
its been a fun journey 2019 and we are just getting started! we thank you all for the continued support and look forward to coming into 2020 bigger, better and spreading a little further over the uk.
we wish you all the best and hope you have an absolutely amazing new year!
(Dave & Tom)
#BestMetalDetectingFinds #Equinox800 #TreasureHunting
its been a fun journey 2019 and we are just getting started! we thank you all for the continued support and look forward to coming into 2020 bigger, better and spreading a little further over the uk.
we wish you all the best and hope you have an absolutely amazing new year!
(Dave & Tom)
#BestMetalDetectingFinds #Equinox800 #TreasureHunting
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