KINO - Spokoynaya Noch' (Calm Night) Спокойная ночь

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Спокойная ночь · Кино

English Lyrics:

Rooftops are shaking under the pressure of the day
A heavenly shepherd herds the clouds,
A city shoots its lights into the night
But strong is the night, great is her power...

To those who got to bed - good dreams, good night...

I've been waiting for this time,
And now this time has come
Those who were silent aren't silent anymore
Those who have nothing to wait for, mount their horses
You won't catch up with them, it's too late now...

To those who got to bed - good dreams, good night...

Neighbors come, they complain they hear hooves clicking
They can't fall asleep, it disturbs their dreams
Those who've got nothing to wait for - they take off,
Those who are saved, those who are saved...
Рекомендации по теме

My sister was married to a man from Russia, she died at 26, he always played this song when he was very depressed and got drunk. It was hard for me to find this song.


Мне навсегда будет 23, уже 4 года я парализован и не чувствую все что ниже ключиц. Мой ангелочек покинула меня 3 года назад, временами так становится душно, но музыка Виктора греет и утешает. Стокгольм 2020.


Not from Russia, any slavic country, even an english speaking one. Yet by browsing the comments I can tell how no matter from where we are, our history or past, we all wish the same thing. A calm night.


I don't smoke, but sometimes this songs makes me want to take a cig, climb on the roof of my apartment block and listen to this song at melancholic, rainy night.


I used to read many translations of this song, and due to the language differences - no one translation ever was really correct. In the russian language every word can completely change meaning depending on its case, in this song used a specific local wordplay with words and cases. "Спокойного сна" (have a calm sleep) is a disguised phrase "rest in peace", or as it sounds in Russian "sleep calmly" (спи спокойно). This song contains many wordplays, so I wouldn't translate it exactly word-to-word, because in this way the song transaltion almost loses its sense.

"Have a calm night" means "have a good night" in Russian, as well as "have a calm sleep" is "have a good dreams", but the text of the song isn't "have a calm sleep, have a calm night...", but "have a calm sleep, calm night..." (case and stress changed, but it can't be translated correctly due to the local specific play with emphasis), which changes meaning from "have a good night" to "the night is calm". So, the actual translation not of the text, but of the meaning of the song would be:

Rooftops are trembling under the pressure of days
Heavenly shepherd is herding the clouds,
City shoots into the night with buckshot of lights
But night is stronger, her might is huge

To those who are going to sleep - have a peaceful rest, the night is calm
To those who are going to sleep - have a peaceful rest, the night is calm

I've been waiting for this time, and now this time has come
Those who were silent - aren't silent anymore
Those who have nothing to wait - are saddling up
They wouldn't be caught, already wouldn't be caught

And to those who are going to sleep - have a peaceful rest, the night is calm
To those who are going to sleep - have a peaceful rest, the night is calm

Neighbors come, they're hearing clicking hooves
They can't fall asleep, it disturbs their dreams
Those who have nothing to wait - are hitting the road
Those who are saved, those who are saved...

And to those who are going to sleep - have a peaceful rest, the night is calm
To those who are going to sleep - have a peaceful rest, the night is calm

This is most close I could get, for English speakers to have a real insight what this song is about. I doubt it can be done anyhow better.


My one claim to fame - I worked in that building for 2 years - 17th floor in the Geography department, teaching English to students of Moscow State University (2014-2015). Used to get the mashrutka from metro universitet; rucksack in one hand, cheburek in the other, dash across the grass, through the doors, show my pass, leg it through the canteen, hopefully get into a lift that worked, up to my floor, run out, through the door, grab a chalk, and say "Good evening everybody!" Best thing about it was the view. You'd stand at the window in and have the whole of Moscow in front of you. Beautiful at night in the winter with the snow like that. Cheers from England.


This is the song, that made me not commit suicide, spokoynayey nochi to everyone out there


Είμαι Έλληνας, η σύζυγος μού Ρωσίδα, έχουμε ένα μικρό γιό. Κατοικουμε Γερμανία, δεν καταλαβαίνω τα λόγια από το τραγούδι, αλλά καταλαβαίνω την αληθινή δύναμη που έχει στη μουσική του. Αγαπώ Ρωσία.


Да тут, я смотрю, со всего мира народ собрался Цоя послушать!
Здорова, земляне!


I love this song so much. As 28 year old men from Poland when I'm listening to this calm song, I'm feeling that i actually don't know anything about countries right behind our Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia... its so strange and sad. Years of turning people against each other or ignoring them in television and internet got us to the point where I know more about countries and their culture outside of continent like USA.

Now when i've finally discovered this song i know that we feel similar things and we should stay together. It sounds so perfectly familiar to what I've heard here in radiostations.

Best wishes to everyone.


My story with Kino is incredible. I used to live in South Korea, I was dating a Russian girl, she showed me her favorite singer: Viktor Tsoi. I fell in love with the band, I found out that Viktor was son of Koreans, I got even more attached. I had several problems during my residence in Korea, the incessant search for a good job, I worked breaking stones, also in the fields, delivering boxes, some shady jobs for Chinese, I taught English. In my ears, Gruppa Krov, Patchka Cigarets, Po imeni Solntse. Every time I hear Viktor's voice, I'm transported to those moments, difficult but nostalgic. I would like to go back to South Korea, I think it's the place I belong, or visit russia, that I also love so much. Here in Brazil things are going bad for me, and kinda lost hope.


Born in Moscow Russia, and put into an orphanage. I was adopted by an American family that loves me just as much as I love them. There is still a part of me that yearns to experience my biological roots. I've picked up a cook book of Russian Recipes, I've read into Russian history, and read some pop culture as well, "Metro" and "Roadside picnic." I have to say this is some great music even though I don't understand it.


Я англичанин, но когда я слушаю эту песню, я думаю о моей бабушке. Она умерла, как только что я переехал в Москву, чтобы изучать русский язык в 2016-м году. Она всегда гордилась мной, и я гордился ей. Голос Цоя заставит меня думать о ней, в хорошем смысле. О ее доброте, великодушии и человечности. Жить это трудно. А с помощю близких, все становится как-то по-легче.


Первый раз подобное вижу в коментариях, не могу пройти мимо, привет мир


В 2024 мне будет 30 лет. Я сейчас сижу в квартире, время 17 декабря, 0:48, не знаю что будет через 4 года, но если я доживу, я обязательно отпишусь здесь. Я надеюсь что все мои мечты сбудутся в то время.
Удачи вам всем в жизни. Не делайте ошибок и верьте, что все будет хорошо. 👌🏻


I was diagnosed with ocd this week. I have been silently suffering for years and this song provided me comfort. Now i came back. I need the melancholy comfort of this song. Nobody deserves to live with what i have. Good night friends.


Раньше с сыном слушали вместе Виктора Цоя. Теперь бывшая мне его не дает видеть.(((Когда слышу "Спокойную ночь" всегда вспоминаю его голос.) Надеюсь, что и сын меня вспомнит, когда услышит "Спокойную ночь"...


I think that everybody who listens to this song has certain memories associated with it... good and sad ones


My 15 yr old son who is obsessed with Russian culture was playing this track in the shower…

I pulled him up and asked him what the song was/artist etc…

He didn’t know because he can’t read Cyrillic

I can

Now I know
And I’m doubly blessed for life.

Thank you x


I am 19 now and I am reading all the sad stories of people listening to this song. I love how Tsoi and post-Soviet music culture can unite people all around the world. It is the most peaceful place on earth there. I would like to share my story with this song too but I think that my story hasn't happened yet. For all of you... calm night.
