Sprite Collision - PyGame Thursdays 13
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In this video I'll show you how to handle Sprite Collision with Pygame and Python.
In the last video we started talking about Sprites and Classes, in this video I'll show you how to continue with that and handle Sprite Collision.
We'll build a quick app that collides food falling from the sky with Aspen.
#pygame #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
1:10 - Update Code For Food
2:35 - Create Aspen Class
3:30 - Create Aspen Sprite Group
4:38 - Draw Aspen To The Screen
5:30 - Move Aspen
8:12 - Sprite Collision
10:11 - Add Food Group To Aspen Class
12:01 - Conclusion
In the last video we started talking about Sprites and Classes, in this video I'll show you how to continue with that and handle Sprite Collision.
We'll build a quick app that collides food falling from the sky with Aspen.
#pygame #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
1:10 - Update Code For Food
2:35 - Create Aspen Class
3:30 - Create Aspen Sprite Group
4:38 - Draw Aspen To The Screen
5:30 - Move Aspen
8:12 - Sprite Collision
10:11 - Add Food Group To Aspen Class
12:01 - Conclusion
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