NCompass Live: Pretty Sweet Tech - Programming a Robot Using Voice Commands

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Recorded on September 28, 2022

Special monthly episodes of NCompass Live! Join the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Amanda Sweet, as she guides us through the world of library-related Pretty Sweet Tech.

Did you know you can program robots to follow voice commands? In this session I will walk you through how I set up the Finch 2.0 robot from Birdbrain Technologies to navigate a maze using voice commands. Not to freak you out, but there is a little bit of machine learning involved so the robot can recognize different people's voices, not just mine. Luckily the machine learning part requires absolutely no code by using Google's Teachable Machine.

If you're near Omaha, this interactive robot maze will be on display at Make Omaha on October 8th at DoSpace. Here's what you will find if you tune into this session through NCompass Live:

What is the Finch 2.0 robot? How does it work with Google's Teachable Machine?
Steps I Took to Design & Program the Robot
How to Set up the Maze
The Code: Try it Yourself!

I will also share some ideas for a Halloween-themed maze using these same tools and resources. I hope to see you there!
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