DFARS Specialty Metals - What is DFARS? Defense Federal Aquisition Requirements Supplement

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What's up guys?!?!?!?! Michael with Michael Talks Metal back for episode 128. In our last video we had an Inconel 625 test report and we noted that it was certified as meeting the origin requirements for defense applications. Today we will be going to explain a bit about the origin restrictions that may be imposed on "Specialty Metals" like Inconel 625.
The regulations in question come from the Defense Federal Acquisition Requirements Supplement or DFARS for short. We do love our acronyms.
Makes you wonder if there is an actual department to approve them
The most common that we encounter are:
252.225- 7008 Restriction on the Acquisition of Specialty Metals
The regulations in question come from the Defense Federal Acquisition Requirements Supplement or DFARS for short. We do love our acronyms.
Makes you wonder if there is an actual department to approve them
The most common that we encounter are:
252.225- 7008 Restriction on the Acquisition of Specialty Metals
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