E-cargo bikes in action: social, leisure and family case studies

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Webinar hosted by Landor LINKS LIVE on Thursday 17th June in partnership with Raleigh UK

#greentransportrecovery #ecargo #bikes

E-cargo bikes are gaining popularity across the UK for business uses and, increasingly, for family and social trips too.

Read more about e-cargo bike here usage here

The impact of the pandemic and climate crisis has provided sharp opportunities for key changes in travel behaviour. E-cargo bikes can chauffeur children, pets and passengers, offer a chance to exercise, reduce stress and achieve greater mobility, and all while reducing a family’s environmental impact.

Parenthood in itself brings major lifestyle changes which, in the past, often led to increased car dependence. Getting more parents and caretakers using e-cargo bikes aligns with active travel, clim and car restraint policies, and also enables quality family time.

This webinar will explore how local authorities and communities are:

Making it easier for families to try e-cargo bikes
Developing networks of e-cargo bike ‘lending libraries’ across the UK
E-cargo bike suitability, flexibility, versatility and safety
Training, skills and guidance
Creating supportive bike infrastructure, culture and support networks

Chair: Dr Llinos Brown, Research Fellow, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds


Alix Stredwick, Founder and Director, CarryMe Bikes

Chris Leakey, Director, Bambino Biking

Bryn Lewis, Community Delivery Manager, and Becky Marston, New Cycling Business Project Manager, The Active Wellbeing Society

Ed Pegram, Commercial Partnership Manager, Raleigh UK
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