HIGHLANDER 1992 Cast: Then and Now 2023, INCREDIBLE Changed After 31 Years

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HIGHLANDER 1992 Cast: Then and Now 2023, INCREDIBLE Changed After 31 Years
Highlander: The Series was a Canadian-French science fantasy action-adventure television series featuring Duncan MacLeod (Adrian Paul) of the Scottish Clan MacLeod, as the eponymous "Highlander". It was co-produced by Rysher Distribution in the United States, Gaumont Television in France, Reteitalia in Italy, RTL Plus in Germany, and Amuse Video in Japan. An alternate sequel to the 1986 feature film Highlander, it features a storyline in which the protagonist of that film (Connor MacLeod, a member of a race of "Immortals") has not won "the Prize" sought by all Immortals, who still exist post-1985. Christopher Lambert reprised his role as Connor in the pilot episode, which introduced series protagonist Duncan MacLeod, an Immortal who was taken in by the same clan of Scottish Highlanders who had found and raised Connor generations before.
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I did not need the false picture to click here. Highlander is still one of my favorite shows. And my heart still hurts over the pain Stan Kirsch must had felt to take his own life. There's a guy in a series of funny videos I love by the name of Richard Ryan and my eyes always get a little misty even while the BRCC crew has me laughing my butt off.


Highlander was one of the greatest television shows ever made. Um, but Adrian Paul is NOT in a wheelchair today heh. He's perfectly healthy and runs a sword experience where he travels teaching sword technique and he does a lot of charity work, and has a radio program for world charity.


NOT ACCURATE! Adrian Paul is still swinging a sword on two strong legs! Shame on you ….


Great series and great stars.... Do not blemish the Highlander Legacy with fictitious non factual atrocities!!


Sono affezionato a questa serie era la mia preferita di quegli anni, girata molto bene ed interpretata da attori di alto livello e professionalità. Gli episodi girati a Parigi erano i miei preferiti una location affascinante, poi devo fare i complimenti all'interprete principale Adrian Paul, veramente bravo ed affascinante forse lo deve al fatto che è per metà italiano e si vede, siamo quasi coetanei avendo 62 anni. Rivedo spesso le repliche quando le trasmettono e ritorno con piacere a quegli anni belli per me, perché ero giovane e di bell'aspetto. Grazie ed auguro buona vita a tutti gli attori di splendida serie ciao.


A video with a click-bait thumbnail gets an automatic thumbs-down and reported.


How is it that Adrian is in a wheelchair? And yet he does videos go his workouts?
I’ve learned never to trust videos as these… so full of BS!


No. Jim Byrnes was 45, not 35. Full of crap clickbait.


That Person you had talking for Elizabeth Gracen was so wrong. WTH?


Putting Adrial Paul (Duncan) in a wheelchair (which he is not) is bad Karma.
Neither Adrian or Duncan would approve of that clickbait BS. Do better, son.


After Duncan, Roger Daltry was my favorite character


Too sad to see some good actor died young.


Highlander The Cinamatic Universe and Highlander The Television Series Universe and Highlander Trailers Universe 01|01|1950 - 31|12|2050


I'm so glad to hear that about him! As active as he was in the Highlanders! I thought oh no either he joined military after series ended OR motorcycle or car wreck & hurt for him! He's my favorite of all series and haven't even begun Duncan MacCloud movie! I'm skipping #2&will hopefully find Highlander III after finish series up! I couldn't figure out how it was on when it was &I never saw, but during that time we'd had 3rd baby w/subs 11.5&16 yrs older with their activities&had our own RE Appraisal office in AZ, which we did as boss&do everything I teach you, me....I stopped letting him teach me new things.And we moved 6 times from 1996-2004, back home to he!p parents! So didn't leave much t.v. time or movie! Love finding it now as have DementiaAlzs, 15yrs so my Kindle is my company!!🙏💯❤


CUMON change the click bait photo, Highlander fans will watch this 100% without that BS.


This is to notify you that I've asked YouTube never to recommend your channel again, because of the dumb-nail image.


This video preview image is garbage...


Absolutely false photos about Adrian Paul


Dont do the clickbait false pictures. Its a despicable way to get views. Also the ages werent always right then and now. I love Highlander movies and especially the TV series. Its nice seeing the then vs now pictures but just dont do the detestable false photos though just so you can get some views. Showing Adrian in a wheel chair scared the heck out of some fans that probably will never watch one of your videos again, knowing you just made this up to get the view.


What an actual pos using that modified picture of Adrian that way.
