Inclusivity Bias: Diversity Hires

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Snow White is bad, but the root of the problem is this.
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Disney: we are SO inclusive 😊

Also Disney: robs six jobs that Dwarves could have had


I still personally don’t get why they didn’t just hire people with dwarfism to be the dwarfs, since it would give people with dwarfism a chance to shine in the acting world.🤨🐱


It shouldn’t be about the skin someone has, it should be about the TALENT someone has.


Say whatever you will about the choice for Ariel. But at very least she enjoyed the role. Zegler doesn't come out as smart or funny. Only bitter and jealous.
She'd be a great actress for the Evil Queen.


I love the logic these companies have, that picking people solely on their skin color, sexuality, ethnicity, etc. somehow makes them less bigoted. You're still singling these people out for traits outside their control, as well as alienating them from others because of those traits.

Also, the audacity of this woman! The original Snow White film is the whole reason Disney is as big as it is today! Walt Disney put his whole career and reputation on the line to make that film! She wouldn't be here if not for that film!


I think Ratatouille did a great job of explaining the initial vision of what "diversity hires" *SHOULD HAVE* been.
"Not that *anyone* can be a great artist, but that a great artist *can be from ANYWHERE.* "


“Snow Tan, the One Kinda Dwarf, and the Six Tall Diversity Hires, Who Are Here Because Peter Dinklage Is the Only Little Person Who Can Have Work Apparently”

Yeah, Imma just watch “Puss in Boots 2” and “Super Mario Bros.” again.


A perfect example of hiring a rarity, is when Spiderverse noticed a YouTuber that used Lego animations to recreated the trailers and were SO impressed, they hired the guy to do a stop motion animation scene in their movie. This being a kid mind you.


I can live with Zegler not liking Snow White as a kid because she thought it looked scary. I can live with her not liking the prince that only has 5 minutes of screen time, I can live with her not liking romance stories but I can't give her a pass on spreading misinformation.
A man notices a girl he finds attractive and then flirts with her right after noticing her and continues after she responds in kind. It's not stalking!
JLongbone made a great response.
Or how the Dwarfs living in caves is a harmful stereotype. Even tho the Dwarfs live in a cottage and they just work as miners. And Dwarfs from European folklore and people with dwarfism are two different things.
It's so obvious these people haven't seen the movie ever or since when they were kids and if they see the movie recently they really weren't paying attention.
If they want to bash the original can't they even make sure what they're talking about is true?
It just shows how lazy those remakes are. Like she said, ''It's not 1930 anymore'', can't she do a Google search?


This quote from Tumblr, courtesy of artist-issues, should sum it up nicely...

Let me tell you a little something's about that "85-year-old cartoon, " miss Zegler.

*It was the first-ever cel-animated feature-length full-color film. Ever. Ever. EVER. I'm worried that you're not hearing me. This movie was Disney inventing the modern animated film. Spirited Away, Into the Spider-Verse, Tangled, you don't get to have any of these without Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937.)
*It was praised, not just for its technical marvels, not just for its synchronized craft of sound and action, but primarily and enduringly because people felt like the characters were real. They felt more like they were watching something true to life than they did watching silent, live-action films with real actors and actresses. They couldn't believe that an animated character could make kids wet their pants as she flees, frightened, through the forest, or grown adults cry with grieving Dwarves. Consistently.
*Walt Disney Studios was built on this movie. No no; you're not understanding me. Literally, the studio in Burbank, out of which has come legends of this craft of animated filmmaking, was literally built on the incredible, odds-defying, record-breaking profits of just Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, specifically.
*Speaking of record-breaking profits, this movie is the highest-grossing animated film in history. Still. TO THIS DAY.
In fact, it made four times as much money than any other film, in any other genre, released during that time period. It was actually THE highest-grossing film of all time, in any genre, until nothing less than Gone With the Wind, herself, came along to take the throne.
*It was the first-ever animated movie to be selected for the National Film Registry. Actually, it was one of the first movies, period, to ever go into the registry at all. You know what else is in the NFR? The original West Side Story, the remake of which is responsible for Rachel Ziegler's widespread fame.
*Walt Disney sacrificed for this movie to be invented. Literally, he took out a mortgage on his house and screened the movie to banks for loans to finish paying for it, because everyone from the media to his own wife and brother told him he was crazy to make this movie. And you want to tell me it's just an 85-year-old cartoon that needs the most meaningless of updates, with your tender 8 years in the business?
*Speaking of sacrifice, this movie employed over 750 people, and they worked immeasurable hours of overtime, and invented--literally invented--so many new techniques that are still used in filmmaking today, that Walt Disney, in a move that NO OTHER STUDIO IN HOLLYWOOD was doing in the 30's, put this in the opening credits: "My sincere appreciation to the members of my staff whose loyalty and creative endeavor made possible this production." Not the end credits, like movies love to do today as a virtue-signal. The opening credits.
*It's legacy endures. Your little "85-year-old cartoon" sold more than 1 million DVD copies upon re-release. Just on its first day. The Beatles quoted Snow White in one of their songs. Legacy directors call it "the greatest film ever made." Everything from Rolling Stones to the American Film Institute call this move one of the most influential masterpieces of our culture.

This movie doesn't need anything from anybody. This movie is a cultural juggernaut for America. It's a staple in the art of filmmaking--and art, in general. It is the foundation of the Walt Disney Company, of modern children's media in the West, and of modern adaptations of classical fairy tales in the West.
When you think only in the base, low, mean terms of "race" and "progressivism" you start taking things that are actually worlds-away from being in your league to judge, and you relegate them to silly ignorant phrases like "85-year-old cartoon" to explain why what you're doing is somehow better.

Sit down and be humble. Who the heck are you?


Would it REALLY make me racist for hiring a skilled white person for a position in my hypothetical company? If anything, it’s racist to avoid hiring a person of a non-marginalized group for being of a non-marginalized group.

It’s like all these progressive policies do nothing but create a massive pendulum swing in the other direction.


I find it funny how Rachel Zegler is pretending that the prince is actually a big part of the original movie when in reality he only has like 10 minutes of screentime, if he was such a big problem they could've just remove him in the remake and do what Frozen did with the true loves kiss and make the the love the dwarves have her be the thing brings her back, but nah catering to feminist who are too broke to buy tickets cause they need their daily Starbucks is more important.


I don't get why she chose to play Snow white if she seems to hate hate it so much.


Never forget that She-Hulk was suppose to be a comedic courtroom drama until all the diverse female writers got together and found out none of them knew how to write a courtroom drama.


The Batman had Commissioner Gordon, Carmine Falcone, and Catwoman all portrayed by black people when they were originally white and the
movie still turned out good.

Power Rangers since its inception was always diverse, having Black, Asian, Hispanic, and Polynesian people in its cast throughout the years.

Throughout the past maybe seven years, I've learned that you can't force diversity. Companies like Blizzard and RoosterTeeth that brag about being "diverse" and "inclusive" are usually the most bigoted behind closed doors. I'm not gonna complain to racially homogenous companies about not having a diverse workplace as long as they do the job well and treat their employees and customers well (but honest diversity here and there wouldn't be too bad)

The exclusion of people with dwarfism bugged me. There was an interview with Tom Kenny by Marc Maron about how he came up with the Spongebob voice, and it was based off of a really sad truth where the guy could ONLY work on Christmas because, well, elves are small. Wee Man of Jackass fame (who is also short) was interviewed by TMZ about Peter Dinklage's thoughts on the matter and basically called him a hypocrite.

When you exclude one group to provide another, can you really call it diversity?


What is funny is that the OG Snow White is a well written character because she is the opposite of the evil queen, she is kind, gentle and optimistic. She is a great role model both to the dwarves in the movie and to the children that watch the movie.

The movie shows you that if you are kind and optimistic you'll be able to live well and happy. I mean the evil queen was defeated by the dwarves because they cared for her and her acts of love and kindness is what lead to the evil queen's demise. The evil queen's death happened because of her spite towards Snow White being the fairest of them of all, which means beauty on the inside and out.

The scene where the evil queen transforms into the old witch, it is a form of visual story telling revealing what the evil queen really looks like on the inside which is what makes her death more effective. She dies in her truest of form; ugly, spiteful and alone.

Snow White is a great movie both in animation and story telling and by the way the prince was never a stalker, snow white was only frightened by him because he just came out of nowhere and so far she ran away because she fears the evil queen might harm him aswell.


honestly if they wanted to hire a poc actor for Snow White, why not hire a poc with albinism? people with physical conditions in the acting workplace could deal with more love and attention


When I took my high school course in animation, we studied at the fact that Snow White was the first ever feature length fully colored animated films. It was an absolute mile stone and watching it back, You can tell that it was way ahead of its time. Snow white in my opinion is one of the most underrated princesses, that’s why when mirror mirror came out it was finally a great representation of what the movie could be. There is no reason for them to be making another snow white. Disney is truly and utterly pathetic For hiring someone with no respect or common decency for Beautiful DISNEY MADE films.


If “anyone can fit anywhere” how low skilled must the slots they want to fill be?

You couldn’t “diversity hire” a brain surgeon. It takes a certain set of skills.


Who knew that the movie that practically revived Disney would have a remake that would destroy it beyond comprehension?
