9 Amazing Electrical Tricks That Will Make You Level 100 Master

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The coax cable repair shown will introduce an impedance mismatch at the location where it is spliced. Probably not an issue on receive but could be an issue for a transmitter. To keep the impedance you'd have to use BNC or N type connectors instead of the splice shown.


Ad 1: mindblowing
Ad 2: the twist and extra stress can damage the metal wires. However the risk would be very small, no problem.
Ad 3: nice idea!
Ad 4: this might work if the remote can operate with just single battery. Which is sometimes the case, there are step up circuits. But even then a wire would be better than a pencil. Graphite has high resistance.
Ad 5: another nice idea

Ad 6: the last option is not better than the first one. The second option works better because there is longer path of the wire which would need to slide. Friction is therefore much higher and so the force needed to pull it out is higher. The third option does not extend the path much. Only the small part on right needs to move. And once it is pulled out then only the small part at left has to move. They don't get stressed at once. The force therefore does not go up much. And having two pieces of wire next to each other could actually decrease the friction if the metal piece is not reasonably flat. Option 3 is not an improvement. Use options 1 or 2.

Ad 7: this one often works. What you do here is replacing a LED by a wire. LEDs cause a voltage drop. Wire does not. In order to provide a light there must be a current flowing through the LED. Too high current means it burns out. Now let's imagine you have power source of 48V and you use 12 LEDs where each one has 3V drop. Combined they do 36V drop. Each needs 20mA of current. To limit the current you use a resistor which would be 12V / 20mA = 600 ohm. The resistor would dissipate 0.24W of heat. Now, to the point. You replace one LED by a wire. So the voltage drop of the remaining 11 LEDs is only 33V. The voltage on the resistor is up to 15V. It will give current of 25mA and power dissipation would be 0.375W. Will the LEDs survive that current increase? And won't the resistor overheat? Real situation is even worse as the manufacturers want to decrease the power lost on the resistors and so use LEDs which have voltage drop lower than the source, but still as closest to it as possible. Replacing even a single LED by a wire could then easily mean the resistors would overheat and bad things could happen. Do not do this unless you have the schema and skills to evaluate the risk involved.

Ad 8: works on non-critical wiring. Which means 99.9% of wiring around us. No problem with this either.

Ad 9: another perfect idea!


@ number 2, just buy a proper plug with tension relief. It’s default on any non-garbage plug.


4: No need to cut a pencil. You can use one old battery instead.


Putting uncrimped stranded wire into a screw terminal is enough to ban you from any kind of master title for all eternity.


Nunca vi un control remoto que pudiera funcionar con la mitad de la tension de diseño


Two things that surprise me: European plugs don't have cable clamps, and every household apparently has two different sizes of heat-shrink tubing lying around, and a heat gun, soldering iron and solder, but no proper co-ax connectors.


Semua teknik di konten video ini super


Tipp 2. solche Stecker dürfen in der EU nicht verkauft werden. Natürlich Arbeiten ohne Adernendhülsen. Die Schraubendrehergröße stimmt auch nicht.


مبدع والله وننتظر منك المزيد وبارك الله فيك


I am spaniard, from Cartagena Spain. ... and I am very pleased for your teaching videos ... thanks a lot


😊ดีมากครับ ทำให้ทราบวิธีที่มีประโยชน์ แต่ข้อ 4 มีใหม่ 1 ก้อน ก็ใส่ไป ใช้งานได้ปกติแค่หมดเร็ว ข้อสุดท้าย ช่างไฟ ช่างปะปา ไม่ใช่บ้านใหม่ จะได้สะอาด😊


The first one only works because they removed the wire opposite the way they put it on. If the pipe had installed over a straight wire this would not have worked.


교수님 영상 잘 보겠습니다 그런데요
드릴 만드는법 전선 빨강색 파란색 노란색이
무슨선이고 스위치안쪽에
어떻게 연결해야 싀의치가 켜지고 꺼지는
역할을 확실하게 알려주시면 핫국에 인기가 많을거 같습니다
다른영상은 한국어도 않하고 상세하게 않알려
주니 보기가 힘들었어요
영상 잘보고 갑니다


Начинает видео с застрявшей вилки, которую видели ещё в 2018 году. Ну не бывает такого, чтобы вилка случайно попала в такое узкое место.


두번째 반단선 위험 있습니다. 전선화재 위험. 전선은 구부리지 않은 일직선이 가장 이상적입니다.


I haven't tried #4, so I cant really say it won't work. but in theory, it shouldn't .
because, not only are you cutting down on the operating voltage by 1.5 volts,
using one battery, but then by using a pencil lead, which has electrical
resistance, you are cutting the already halved voltage down even further.
But if your device used AA you can use a AAA by putting a small ball of
aluminum foil on the flat end of the AA battery. and it will work. but you might
have to pack a little paper between the batteries so they wont move around and
lose connection . AAA, AA and D sized batteries are very close to the same voltage
just different sizes. to fit the battery compartment, and size of the device.


Probing the light at 6:20 seems very dangerous as you are dealing with mains voltages without much protection.


6:50 no it's wrong. you can't just connect the chain instead of replacing the dead LED element. This is a common mistake in all such video tutorials. Because it will increase the brightens due to raising of load to other LEDs, making them suffer more and very soon one or more will be dead too.
