Bear Grylls Goes Back To Basics With Former Commandos - Bear &

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Bear has been serving as an Honoring Colonel to the Royal Marine Commandos, one of the finest forces of elite soldiers in the world.
Now he is back at the headquarters located in Devon, joined by Phil Campion & Scott Heffield, and the three of them reminisce about the old times...

Pops by Cclaretc (419249__cclaretc__pops)


#BearGrylls #CommandoTest #ArmyTest
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Funniest thing I've ever seen Phil campion do. As soon as they set that pace, his face changed to, why did I agree to this . Brilliant


Commandos were the best and most painful days of my life. Worth every single second, oh Heartbreak lane brings back memories.


Excellent video, during WW2 my Late Grandfather was one of the first British Army Commandos he was in First Special Service Brigade Commandos later they became 1 Commando they trained in the famous Scottish Commandos training school of Achnacarry Castle . He died when I was 17 years old in 1985 RIP Granddad


Poor Phil carrying a bergen under his coat ha ha good lad


Brings back memories of joining Raleigh in 88...obviously not physically and mentally as hard but just as proud to have those good times in the memory bank.


Never been in the Army, but I was in the Scouts. Still learned how to survive, from an early age, and have been doing it ever since.
Hats off to all the men that served our country.
They are men amongst men and have my total respect.👍🏾🇬🇧


1977 to 1986. Now 65 and I can still pass the Commando Tests - in my head.


I’m 60 and you lot are making me want to have a go. I’ll never pass the course but you’re making me want to try. What an inspiring bunch of lads👌


You guys are so right. When I was 16, I wanted to give it a go. I didn't. Now I'm 49, way past it (but actually very fit still). I often regret not doing. So true: you only regret what you DONT do. If you're young, watching this, do it! Amazing job and the best fighting force in the world.


That was a great watch with some fantastic banter. I've worked alongside the Royal Marines whilst serving in the military and in civvy Street. And you have the upmost respect for them. And to just hear the final tests they go through to achieve the green beret is a true testament on the character that is produced at the end of the course. If your in your late teens or early 20's go for it. It will be the best decision you ever make... Dig deep and keep moving forward to the next stage.


Also a big factor of passing or failing is how you personally adapt to weather conditions, I have friends who say if they’d have had to do final assessments in summer, they’d have failed and vice versa.. we are all built differently and adapt differently, hence you get bods who thrive in jungle warfare, and others who thrive at arctic warfare.. But as long as you Turn up, see what you can do, and if you fail, try again when it’s right for you, or move on to something else.. And unless you have an injury, just never stop trying, it’s all in the mindset! 💪😎


I met Phil at Birmingham about 4 years ago very humble guy but you can tell he is the real deal


Loved this especially the old photos. Military training is full of such good times even if perhaps at the time you don’t really appreciate it.


i love bear Grylls been watching him from the start and have learnt so much I couldn't even make a fire until watching bear so Ty for sharing and teaching me the things I do desperately need to survive outside.. respect 🙏😘🙏💯


Lads, it's the Royal the best of the best. Thank you to all our brave servicemen and women for your service.


Come on you two keep the step lol. That was funny seeing Bear trying change step to get in sync, whilst big Phil was in his own step for a bit. I like that no matter how long your out, you still try go keep step in a military establishmen. When I visited my best mucker who was finishing his 22 as W01 Regt Marine Engineer. We're walking across the car park in the Reme Wkshps. Im still trying to keep step. Once a soldier always a soldier.

I loved trying out for 63 Sigs Sqn TA. Unfortunately I broke my back doing a charity parachute jump on a weekend off from pre selection build up course. Went on course with broken back. Didn't know at the time. After yrs of struggle I finally got 5 ops, and diagnosis after a 22yrs (part of an ongoing 28yr battle). Wrote letter to the OC of 63 Sqn, but all changed since my time, and were with 18 Sigs Regt. I got reply from Adjutant who said it was a miracle I got as far as I did. For yrs I felt guilty letting them down, as I had served as a Jnr Ldr Royal Artillery in 88, then 3 yrs as a regular in RCT Maritime 90 to 93. So know how much it meant. To get a great reply from the Adjutant saying I did my best, and no one can say nothing about that. Hold you head high.
Still means a lot. I served with some great mentors, and love the military. You guys are a different level, and total respect.


Great video. Grandsons joining up in November. He is a physical lad and given the lack of opportunities out here in civvy street we're glad he has chosen to join the Army. Phil seem s to have become a bit of celebrity but that's ok as he comes across as being down to earth and I am sure he won't become a Diva. Stay safe lads.


It's so great to see three amazing human beings, who epitomise the very best of what it means to serve, talking about their shared experiences. And take it from me, as someone who has had to live with a lifetime of regrets, that its not the mistakes you've made or the things you've done wrong that you regret the most, but the things you didn't do or try to do.


Great to watch and inspiring, my biggest regret was not joining the forces when I was younger! Whist watching this I thought a young Phil would have done that course pushing the Land Rover the Phil now probably thinking give us a push mate lol But total respect to him and the other men who served, for without them we wouldn’t be the safe country we are now.


What people neeed to remember is that you don’t need to be the finished article at any recruit training place. Have a good standard of core, strength and cardio and they will bring you on!
“You only regret the things you didn’t do” great piece of advice.
Go for it!
