Yamara Band - Women and Children First, This Is Rock 'n' Roll (Official Video)

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Miodrag Jovanović Barba Yamara
Ljubomir Stojanović Ajvar (posthumous spiritual co-author)
The year is 3000. Rock 'n' roll has been strictly banned for centuries, erased from memory, and buried in forbidden archives. Some still remember it through the whispers of older generations, while many have never even heard of it. But somewhere, far from the eyes of the authorities, one band refuses to forget.
In their secret hideout, deep beneath the city’s surface, they played as if their lives depended on it. On that fateful night, the music and decibels pulled them further than ever before. The sounds broke through the walls, spilled onto the streets, and drew in passersby.
The word of the forgotten art began to spread like wildfire. People gathered in masses, drawn by something they couldn’t name but could feel – defiance, passion, and a rhythm that offered them freedom.
'Women and Children First, This Is Rock 'n' Roll'
This is the fire, this is the flame
The sound of freedom, not a programing game
No machines or power can tear it apart
Rock 'n' roll will live on, it’s the beat of the heart
Women and children first, remember it all
Cause this is rock 'n' roll, hear the call!
No digital lies, no soulless show
This is the music that makes spirits glow!
Godina je 3000. Rokenrol je već vekovima strogo zabranjen, izbrisan iz sećanja i zakopan u zabranjenim arhivama. Neki ga se još sećaju kroz šapat starijih generacija, dok mnogi nikada nisu ni čuli za njega. Ali negde, daleko od očiju vlasti, jedan bend odbija da zaboravi.
U svom tajnom skloništu, duboko ispod površine grada, svirali su kao da im životi zavise od toga. Te kobne noći, muzika i decibeli povukli su ih dalje nego ikad. Zvuci su probili zidove, izlili se na ulice i privukli prolaznike.
Glas o zaboravljenoj umetnosti počeo je da se širi poput plamena. Ljudi su se masovno okupljali, privučeni nečim što nisu mogli da imenuju, ali su osećali – prkos, strast i ritam koji im je nudio slobodu.
'Žene i Deca Prvo, Ovo je Rokenrol'
Ovo je vatra, ovo je plamen
Zvuk slobode, a ne programska igra
Nikakve mašine ni snaga ne mogu da ga razdvoje
Rokenrol će živeti, to je otkucaj srca
Prvo žene i deca, zapamtite sve
Jer ovo je Rokenrol, čuj poziv
Bez digitalnih laži, bez bezdušne emisije
Ovo je muzika od koje duhovi blistaju!
Yamara is a female name of Hebrew origin. It comes from the Hebrew word "yam" (יָם), which means "sea" or "ocean". (source: GPT-3.5)
Another interesting fact about meaning of the word Yamara. "Yamara" in the Kinyarwanda language means "Of course!" (Kinyarwanda is a Bantu language and the national language of Rwanda.)
Balkan meaning: Yamar, a breed of domestic dog intended for hunting animals that live in underground dens (caves).