The Perfect Storm: Climate Change, Population and Development with Professor Mark Maslin

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Climate change is still, arguably, the most critical and controversial issue facing the world in the twenty-first century.

Mark Maslin includes crucial updates from the last few years, including the results of the 2013 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, the effects of ocean acidification, and the impact of changes to global population and health. Exploring all of the key topics in the debate, Maslin makes sense of the complexities climate change involves, from political and social issues to environmental and scientific. Looking at its predicated impacts, he explores all of the controversies and also explains the various proposed solutions.

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Passionate believers in whole food plant based diets, no chemicals, minimal pharmaceutical drugs, no GMO's. Fighting to stop climate change and extinction.
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Millions of fish have just died in Australia's Darling river, due to algal blooms. Record temperatures breached this year.
Whales beaching themselves in NZ their stomachs full of plastic waste.
Record snow in Germany and Austria due to a polar vortex.
The weather extremes are starting to bite, that's at 1 degree Celsius.
Serious action needs to be taken now.


Graph at 12:08. There's +0.61 degrees GMST increase "in the pipeline" right now. It's from what has been done and isn't balanced yet. It'll be spread over this century.


While the guy may speak in facts based on current science his blase tone gives us a low grade yellow alert when in fact it should be red with sirens.


*The intersection of climate change, magnetic field weakness and earthquakes/volcanoes*
Since the last ice age, up until 1998, the earth has been getting taller and skinner. This is because of all the missing mass at the north pole when the massive ground glaciers melted away at the end of the last ice age. That's when melted polar ice water drifted to the equatorial regions, and the ground under the ice rebounded upwards.

The polar ice melted 11, 000 years ago, and it melted down FAST, and the rebounding polar crust took thousands of years to fully effect. In fact, during the 20th century, the earth was nearly finished rebounding. This rebound effect was making the earth taller and skinnier. The problem is that the polar ice melt has resumed due to global warming, and groundwater depletion sends water towards the equator as well. It's a rebound double whammy. The rebound is measurable on earth's gravity in areas over northern lands, where most of earth's land is.

Since 1998, the earth has been getting shorter and fatter. This is because groundwater in the north half of the planet, and land glaciers up north, are disappearing fast, and that water ends up drifting towards the equator. We are sucking the ground dry while watching mountain snow caps disappear. This lack of snow and ice on northern lands will lead to more earthquakes and volcanoes.  But, how does climate change jive with earth's magnetic field?

During the last ice age, earth's magnetic field was stronger.  Like a spinning ice skater pulling in her arms, the Earth rotates faster when more of its water mass accumulates in the form of ice at the poles during ice ages. Conversely, when earth gets fatter it slows down earth's rotational speed, which weakens its magnetic field strength.

Rock samples show that variations in Earth’s magnetic field over tens to hundreds of thousands of years are roughly synchronized with the ice ages. In Physical Review Letters, researchers present a simulation that strengthens the case that the field was influenced by climate changes. Ocean floor sediment shows that over the past two million years, changes in the Earth’s field have been roughly coincident with ice ages.

What this means is that climate change, magnetic field strength and earthquakes/volcanoes are all related. And earth's magnetic field protects us from radiation. In essence, climate change means more quakes/volcanoes, crazier weather and less protection from space radiation.

All this is tied together with lower stratospheric ozone depletion. It has been recently found that while higher stratospheric polar ozone depletion has ceased, the vast majority of protective ozone is found in the lower stratosphere, and it has never stopped depleting. Now, with evidence that Asia is the likely culprit in cheating on the Montreal Ozone Protocol, we are faced with even more loss of our protective ozone layer. It's like double compound interest.

This is bad because global warming weakens our magnetic field and causes more volcanoes, and volcanoes emit sulphur, which further depletes our ozone. It's like a vicious cycle. We are increasing toxic ground ozone while depleting upper protective ozone. We can't knead the earth because we need the earth to live. Earth will not be fine without us. We will have to learn to build protective biomes on earth before we finish strip mining it.

There is a theory that if the trees go, so does the air, and the vacuum of space will once again kiss the corpse face of Gaia... but, only if we avoid all out nuclear war because then we'll be in a nuclear winter and radioactive ice age.


Scientists are about to test a devastating hypothesis: 2018 will suffer a lot of big earthquakes
Global warming won’t just change the weather—it could trigger massive earthquakes and volcanoes
Earth Is Getting Fatter (Since 1998)
Earth’s Magnetic-Field/Climate Connection

The Earth-Space Battery [PDF] a.k.a. - Without trees we're fucked. Do yourself a favor, read the beginning and the end and skip the math in the middle.

Hurricane climate study reveals ozone hole risk in Midwest – Harvard

Ozone layer not recovering over populated areas, scientists warn - The earth's magnetic field is weakening most from Chile to South Africa. Plants and animals in this area will lose both ozone and magnetic field protection from space radiation. Radiation sickness will increase there going forward.

Note: Climate heating is not the primary driver of magnetic field weakening, earthquakes and volcanism, it merely aids and abets our chaotic planetary disequilibrium.


All cars and all trucks on electricity... calculate on average 500 kwh per truck and 200 kwh per car, that's 800 000 000 000 kwh more for cars and 300 000 000 000 kwh more for trucks and tractors. Nuclear fusion is the answer. Clean recuperation and production of batteries, getting rid of gold and Coltan production for batteries, looking for different solutions there. Heat pumps, and cleaning up polluted production of solar panels, making them more durable. I think we're too late anyway.


Thank you to my cat who tried to make a comment. To finish- loving as best as you can is the only thing really left to us.


I have watched several programs on this chanel .
My conclusion is that they are not scientifically based .
They have a political agenda, based in an extremist religious world view .
This has been seen on multiple occasions and this program is no exception.


Charismatic presentation from the Utopians. He should change the bong water though.


@ 19:08, on the right side it says "mean over 2081 - 2100, " is that correct, or was it supposed to be 2018 - 2100? And if it is correct, why are we looking at 2081 as some special year? Also, why are we projecting everything to 2100 as though the many intervening years are insignificant? Given the fact that we all need to live through the years, I would think a shorter time horizon, like 1950, would be more practical, especially considering how most of us watching this will probably not be living in 2100(assuming current life expectancy rates), thus making what happens then of relatively little interest or concern, at least to us.


The 1% think they're going to ride this wave to a new gloriously automated new world.
Sans those smelly pesky hoi polloi...
They might dodge the initial bullets, but I think the not too distant future will mark the end of our past.


This and all other speakers and videos are all well meaning BS. The only person who has a grasp of the WHOLE PICTURE is Guy McPherson. No one has ever been able to disprove the McPherson Paradox! We are already toast. Wake up and focus on those you love. It is imminently be the


This nice young man is dreaming, his timeline is all wrong, 30 to 50 yrs, more like 3 to 6 yrs


The young man is feeling quite positive, everything will be just fine.not.


Information help us understand, this is awesome!


Considering all the suffering humanity has caused over the centuries I see no problem with us going extinct. I'll bet the tigers and elephants would agree if they could talk. So let's take a better and healthier attitude about this and let it all play out and serve up our just deserts. Then we can all just chill until the end. Even though the end will be some horrible suffering it will be nothing compared to humans continuing to do what they do to each other and other species century after horrific century. Just relax and go bye bye and know you've done the right thing in the end.


This is the guy who was arguing with McPherson. 🤔


Two places now I've seen Maslin say fossil fuel subsidies are $5 trillion. I'm calling BS here again. It's around $300 billion. He's confused it with total spending on fossil fuels. I agree with him on most things, but he needs to stop spewing alternative facts.


This bloke comes across as being patronising and arrogant A sneering, know-it-all impression is exuded. Glad I did not have him in my college days. Or after.. He regurgitates the same old stuff, with a sort of messainic certainty. Actually very annoying indeed.


I am starting to believe that anyone who has "Professor" in front of their name is very likely to be a complete idiot. This gentleman is a good example.
