So Lovely! Bibi and the baby monkey's simple meal but full of love!

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So Lovely! Bibi and the baby monkey's simple meal but full of love!
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Bibi has helped me get through some days when my cancer has me down. Thank you for bringing Bibi into my life❤️


Oh my goodness, this video just made my heart so happy. Could they be any sweeter. You know at my age, 67, there's not a whole lot that impresses me, but the love that Bibi has for everything, especially baby, does. Quan and Lan are responsible for that. And whoever is the camera person. And Bibi is teaching that to baby. I wish I could meet you to give you a hug for all you do for Bibi and baby, but mostly for how happy my husband and I are when we watch the videos. So instead I'll say thank you from the bottom of our and many others heart.


Thank you for sharing Bibi’s joyful moments with us This is pure happiness 💖


Isn't that picture of Bibi and the baby hugging each other whilst they slept, a beautiful sight that melts your heart? 💓. They are too beautiful for words. Bibi didn't want to be separated from her. Bibi even helped Mom with the baby's dressing on her finger. What a sweetheart 💖 ❤❤


Two peas in a pod!!! I do not know how the baby can leave the farm. I see her determination every day now. The baby had a reason to SURVIVE BiBi ❤❤❤❤😘😘😘


Happy to see that baby monkey is active and in good health because of Bibi and Miss Lan love and care … god bless you always…❤❤❤


Bibi had lots of kisses for Mom today; how cute that was! The baby is getting used to Bibi and they are very close.They looked so sweet sleeping together and watching Mom cook together.🧡❤💜💙💛


Bibi est de loin le meilleur singe que j’aie pu voir sur YouTube.
Il est intelligent mieux qu’un humain et merci à ses parents de prendre bien soin de lui.


Baby monkey looks very healthy.Greatesr respect for your care and nurturing of these little monkey souls


Bibi and baby monkey are growing healthy everyday. Maybe mum Lan should consider giving Bibi some resting time to help his legs heal. He seems to get tired when running around while carrying the baby on his chest


With how hard and dark the world is getting a lot of people have forgotten what real, pure love looks like, look no further than this video.❤❤❤


I thought little Bi napping on his prized pillow and under his beloved fuzzy blanket is a wonderful sight but Bibi hugging the baby while napping is next level wonderful. The screen drips with love at some of these sights. ALSO: I love when little Bi runs around in just his diaper. Anyone else love this? ❤ Go Bi!!


Personnellement je suis heureuse pour Bibi car avec le petit il fait tous avec amour. Ce que j'aime moins est que Bibi doit s'occupé de lui régulièrement sans oublier que Bibi doit avoir sa liberté et ces jambes sont fatiguées, facile à comprendre me semble ! Câlin aux deux amours si pure❤🐒🌹💕😘


Wow! That view of Bibi sleeping with baby in his arms almost made me cry because it was so touching to see! Have a blessed day family!😊


Mọi người đã quên mất người hàng ngày chăm sóc cho hai chú khỉ đáng yêu..cảm ơn lan anh rất nhiều đã kiên chì chăm sóc cho 2 em 🎉❤❤


Monkeys are very hungry 😮. Should have food ready already . Feed snacks in between meals.


It is good to see Bibi as his natural self, expressing love to mom. The baby is clingy and this is what baby does but Lan can pull them apart so that Bibi as a little child himself does not have to carry the heavy weight all the time. You are a good mom, Lan, and you are appreciated. Many of us are just concerned when things do not turn out well but we do not mean to be harsh. Take care ❤


Любовь с первого взгляда. Какое счастье, что все умеют любить, заботиться и быть счастливыми вместе.


Hace una semana que el mono bebé está con ellos, o eso han dicho, y ya come con tenedor?...dificil de entender cuando, menos hoy, solo ha tomado biberones...Bibi, eres un buen maestro...que raro todo menos lo que hace Bibi, trepar, cosechar, cuidar a los patitos y ahora con el mono bebe, que creo ya no hace falta que vaya siempre colgado y asi se veria menos cansado a nuestro siempre querido Bibi...que rápido olvidan algunos todo lo que nos ha alegrado, y sigue haciendo Bibi, y que aún no tiene dos añitos y ya están solo fijándose en el nuevo integrante de la familia con lo gracioso y precioso que es y avisando que vigilen a Bibi porque es muy "rudo" o poco delicado con el bebé...han visto a un niño de 2 años al que los padres le hagan responsable de un nuevo bebé y tenga que llevarlo en brazos todo el tiempo?...Bibi se porta de maravilla con el monito ya que siempre ha estado solito y con todos penientes de él...veo todas las premiers, no me pierdo ni una, aunque muchas veces no salude porque quiero ver el video y repaso durante el dia videos anteriores de Bibi cuando era bebé y comparar al monito con él es absurdo porque desde el minuto uno nuestro Bibi ya era distinto y sigue siendolo pero sin la alegria de antes...nunca dejaré de seguir a mi pequeñin, aunque no opine porque a veces para hacerlo parece tengas que pedir permiso o cumplir unas normas marcadas por quienes parecen manejan el canal, y si no puedo opinar lo que veo y siento, como si fuera alguien sin criterio, prefiero no hacerlo, pero si veo algo que haga sufrir a Bibi no callaré nunca porque creo se ha ganado tener una vida feliz mucho, mucho tiempo, vida que le han dado y él no ha elegido...pequeño ángel, cuídate y muchos de nosotros lo haremos desde la distancia...lástima que este amor no le llegue...Bibi te quiero mucho y no cambies, diviertete y piensa primero en ti y los adultos que se responsabilicen de lo que han decidido pero que no se olviden de ti porque te deben muchisimo por todo lo que les has dado, mucho más de lo que nunca habrían imaginado...todo mi cariño para tí, pequeño Bibi, el único que realmente me importa...🐒💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓


Querida Lan Anh, con el respeto que te mereces, un consejo sin incomodarte que nuestro niño el príncipe, que no cargue cosas pesadas por su tamañito con su boquita mi niño hermoso.
No te incomodes.
Un abrazo 🫂
