There is nothing ‘velvet' about Putin's war! #VonderLeyen #Russia #Ukraine

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After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, to help a country whose prospect is membership in the Union, von der Leyen reiterated, “​Europe has overcome its long-standing unwillingness to spend enough on its own defence. I cannot overemphasise the importance of the US’ support for Ukraine since the start of this war.

Once again,” the German politician stressed, “America has stood up for the freedom of all Europeans. I feel a deep sense of gratitude for this, but also a deep sense of responsibility.”

The United States, however, has long been trying to lighten the burden of Europe’s defence, and the situation could precipitate if Donald Trump wins in the November elections. So “protecting Europe is first and foremost Europe’s duty.

And while NATO must remain the centre of our collective defence,” von der Leyen explained “we need a much stronger European pillar. We Europeans need to have the means to defend and protect ourselves and deter any possible adversaries“.

“Since the start of the war, we have already made unprecedented progress. Member states have stepped up their defence spending from just over 200 billion euros before the war to nearly 300 billion euros this year.

And our defence industry has also stepped up to the new reality. We have reopened production lines. We have placed new orders and cut red tape for industry, to produce more and more quickly,” she recalled. “But this is not enough.

The reality is that even if Europeans take the current security threats seriously, it will take time and investment to re-structure our defence industries. Our aim— she stressed—must be to build continent-size defence output.”

According to the president, “The challenge is for small countries and small businesses to learn to think big, really big. We must have in mind a systemic overhaul of Europe’s defence. This is Europe’s strategic responsibility, irrespective of the outcome of the US elections on Nov. 5.”

For von der Leyen, “at the beginning of this decade, many illusions were shattered in Europe. The illusion that peace had been achieved once and for all. The illusion that prosperity might matter more to Putin than his delusional dreams of empire. The illusion that Europe was doing enough on security—be it economically or militarily.”

So, she concluded, “today we cannot afford any more illusions. The second half of the decade will be high risk. The war against Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East have set geopolitics in flux. Tensions are also running high in the Far East. We Europeans must be on guard. We must refocus our attention on the security dimension in everything we do. We must think about our Union as intrinsically
a security project.”

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called on August 30 for a greater European commitment to security and overcoming past unwillingness to provide for its own defense, repeatedly citing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as evidence the bloc must shed “illusions” and “think about our union as intrinsically a security project.”

Speaking in the Czech capital to attendees of the annual Globsec security conference, the returning head of the European Union’s executive arm laid out a staunch case for European solidarity against Russian and other threats and a “systemic overhaul of European defense,” warning that the next half of the decade would be “high risk.”

“If we want true peace, we must fundamentally rethink the foundations of Europe’s security architecture,” von der Leyen said. “Russia’s invasion has been an eye-opener for Europe.”

The 65-year-old German von der Leyen, who was endorsed for a fresh five-year term in July, vowed to appoint the bloc’s first “full-fledged defense commissioner” to the incoming European Commission, whose respective nominations from each of the 27 member states are ongoing.

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Рекомендации по теме

The majority of the European population suffer due to YOUR madness in practicing policy, ma'am.


Mrs.Lying in action. It's a shame she is still there..


Shes' just another Blackrock and Vanguard subscriber


Nothing worse than a lying politician who distorts truth


That's the problem eu president. Don't like to stop the war Ukraine and Russia. See what happen now all of us affected especially earnings minimum wage. And this politicians. Don't care what will happen. Because don't affected have everything


This lady has master degree in inventing new wars


How many people killed in İrak with false news İrak having weapons of mass destruction? Say something about that one too pls. War is not good I hate it myself and it should be condemned everywhere it happens


PAUL🇬🇧 I'm a British first policy guy. I believe the UK should pull out of Nato, but with Starmer, that man is about as truthful as the Crown prosecution service. during the Jimmy Saville and the Pakistani grooming gangs allegations.


As they say … you couldn’t make this shit up


Did you talk to your grandad?!

Have you asked him what did he do 1939-45...


With your ancestry... You shouldn't be surprised...


Wow full of Russion trolls here .!!!😂😂😂😂😂


Is you create so many children lost their is killer
