US Pilot ordered to SHOOT DOWN UFO - MAN IN BLUE threatened him 'to keep quiet'

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Milton Torres, F86D pilot, ordered to shoot a UFO with Rockets
After 50 years, US fighter pilot Dr. Milton Torres could finally talk about his engagement to shoot 24 rockets at a significant unknown contact in the clouds off the East Coast of England in 1957.

video links here:
eyes on cinema
rich bradley
Geoffrey Torres - Milton's son
Retired Pilot explains 1957 UFO incident

"The date was May 20, 1957...It was a typical English night in Kent," wrote Dr. Milton Torres, then an F-86D fighter pilot.
A typical night in Kent meant completely cloudy skies. The "soup," as the ex-pilot referred to the thick cloudy weather, went from the surface to above 32,000', the highest altitude he reached that night.
Milton was a 25-year-old Lieutenant in the US Air Force, but his squadron was stationed in England. Milton was "sitting alert" in the new F-86D interceptor. His Wing, the 406th Fighter Interceptor Wing, had committed to having F-86Ds stand alert, ready to launch and shoot down the Soviet threat on 5-minute notice.
"To put it quite candidly, I felt like a one-legged man in an a$$-kicking contest."

"The initial briefing indicated that the ground was observing for a considerable time a blip that was orbiting the East Anglia area," Milton continued. "There was very little movement, and from my conversation with the [ground control intercept controller] all the normal procedures of checking with all the controlling agencies revealed this was an unidentified flying object with very unusual flight patterns. In the initial briefing, it was suggested to us that the bogey actually was motionless for long intervals."
The ability to stay motionless in the air is fascinating.

"The exact turns and maneuvers they gave me were all predicated to reach some theoretical point for a lead collision course type rocket release," Milton continued. "I can remember reaching the level off 32,000 feet and requesting to come out of afterburner only to be told to stay in afterburner. It wasn't very much later that I noticed my indicated Mach number was almost 0.92. That is about as fast as the F-86D could go straight and level. Then the order came to fire a full salvo of rockets at the UFO. To be quite candid, I almost [blank] my pants."
Milton wanted to confirm the order was not false and "authenticated" the controller by asking for specific codes from a sheet. The controller returned with the correct authentication, so Milton selected his salvo of all 24 rockets and prepared for the final turn.
He lined up on the UFO in an attack run. "The blip was burning a hole in the radar with its incredible intensity," he wrote.
At about 10 seconds to release, Milton noticed the numbers started changing. His overtake pegged at 800 knots was now a negative overtake of 200 (the maximum negative overtake).
Within seconds the blip was visible back on the scope, moving away from the fighter.
"Do you have a Tally Ho?" the controllers asked if he could see the object.
"I'm in the soup, and it's impossible to see anything," Milton replied.
By this time, the UFO was leaving the 30-mile range marker of his radar scope. Milton reported the object was gone, only to be told that the thing was now off the ground controller's scope as well.
Ten seconds from weapons release, the target had zipped away at unimaginable speed.
"My impression was that whatever the aircraft (or spacecraft) was, it must have been traveling in 2-digit Mach numbers [7,000 mph] to have done what I had witnessed."
With no target in sight, Milton headed home and landed without incident. On the way home, the controller said someone from London would debrief Milton.
"I had not the foggiest idea what had actually occurred, nor would anyone explain anything to me," Milton said.
The next day a sergeant in the squadron took Milton to a hallway, and a civilian appeared from nowhere.
"The civilian looked like a well dress IBM salesman, with a dark blue trenchcoat. He immediately jumped into asking questions about the previous day's mission. After my debriefing of the events, he advised me that this would be considered highly classified and that I should not discuss with anybody, not even my commander. I have not spoke of this to anyone until the recent years."

What do you guys think? Thanks for reading!

00:00 Trailer
1:30 Support & Perks
2:05 intro
6:00 Scramble!
10:45 Attack simulation in Digital Combat Simulator
14:14 Attack Run
18:13 The Man In Black (blue?)
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Listening to the pilot talk, he seems 110% legit


Eyes on cinema been going fucking CRAZY with the content. Thanks for throwing them a shout out. I'm happy to see you are covering this story and are watching all kinds of ufo videos just like us. A curious mind cannot be quenched!


Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in! This interview was compelling. Couple it with the Navy pilots and you almost cannot deny that there is something extraordinary going on in the skies.


Hey Chris. My dad was a fairly senior scientist who worked for the MOD in Britain and in the mid-80's was posted to Washington DC as a scientific advisor for 3 yrs. I was 15 and went to Maclean high just outside DC... So, he mixed with top US military (particularly the Navy). I recently asked him if he'd ever heard anything when he was there if he'd ever heard any conversations etc about UFO's, and whether they existed. I honestly didn't expect what he came out hesitation he answered 'oh yes, they were well aware of them and the US military were extremely concerned about them' (!). Incredible. I tried pressing him a bit and he didn't say much else. Je did say he found it hard when in meetings, because some meeting they were allowed to discuss them and at others they weren't. It depended on who was there - he said that was sometimes confusing. To me, as his son, and knowing him - this is pretty much proof. It's enough for me anyway. Just thought I'd share this recent experience.


Love how you combine the use of your personal military fighter experience, DCS simulation/footage and all the OSINT you can find to perform a really thorough investigation and basically recreate these various UFO encounters in the way that you do, stepping through the events and retelling the whole story in kind of play by play fashion using all the implicit or implied information complete with illustrations and everything... it's all very cool, really unique and definitely fills a niche in the field that will only get more and more valuable the deeper into 'disclosure' we go and the more of these incident reports will become available for either corroboration or debunking. Either way, I think these videos of yours will remain a valuable asset and I hope you keep them coming! 👍🏽🕵️🛸✈️👨‍✈️👽🙂


I just discovered the channel Eyes on Cinema last week! It's awesome! :)


When I saw this video yesterday I immediately thought of you Chris. These guys have nothing to gain by telling these stories. We need that whistle blower protection bill passed for our Military Men and Women. My Dad was in the Air Force and witnessed the Hudson Valley NY UFO in 1984. (He was out of the military by then) But he didn’t tell anyone for 20 years!


G'day Chris, Dave in Australia here. I just wanted to say that the interviews with pilots are the most telling pieces of information involving UAPs. I imagine that most would be grateful to be able to finally tell someone about their experiences without being ridiculed.
The stories they relate to us are obviously real and an accurate description of their experiences. These people are not actors and would probably have experienced negative reactions prior to modern times.
Love your channel mate 👍


This was very interesting, thank you Chris 👍🇺🇲


Eyes on Cinema has some great vintage UFO material. 👽


I worked with Dr. Torres for a year. He was brilliant, funny, caring, and definitely not a bullshitter. Well, you can see that by the paperwork. He never mentioned this exact incident. He did tell some flying stories / Air Force stories. Rest in Peace


Hello from Australia. I’m loving this channel. Can’t wait to see more. Thanks Chris for all the hard work you put in to make these events so understandable to us civilians from Down Under


The way it avoided him just before achieving the launch solution, as opposed to when he first locked his radar beam onto it, or to dodging or shooting down or just tanking the rockets once he fired them, suggests sensor abilities I think are just as incredible as the flight ones.


You can tell he's not lying.
He's telling it as it was.


I've seen the interview on EOC channel but having this incident commented by you with your experience as a fighter pilot and with maps, made everything easier to understand.
Thank you!
P.S. You can do more of these ;-)


Fellas, thanks from the heart for years of service doing a very stressful job for our country 🇺🇸!!!


Excellent interview and analysis, as usual. Thank you for sharing Chris 🙏💯 Having personally witnessed some "interesting" things myself, I can attest to the speeds at which they immediately vacate a vacinity. Since the declassification of pilots' accounts, and the broader curiosity (and de-stigmatisations) of aerial phenomenon by media and public, we are being privileged with some exceptionally credible sources of 1st person eye-witness testimonies. Yes, that is a long sentence, but grammatically correct. Outstanding 🙌 Be safe and well, Chris and all ✌🏻


Good testimony. I hope this is included amongst cross investigations. Clear, decisive language and the time to express his thoughts and reflections are necessary, as seen here. Please give these men the room to communicate muscle memory into language for those of us that are not pilots. I so appreciate the patience of interviewers. Keep that standard and make it a top priority. Interruption free!!!!


I discovered Eyes on Cinema 3 weeks ago. Amazing channel with raw interviews. A must watch is definitely the interview with the Brazilian Captain.


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