Yom Kippur Is NOT A Scary Day...

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Wish all Jewish people, especially those in Israel, a blessed Yom Kippur. Always in my ❤


May Our Heavenly Father Circumcise Our Heart. Deuteronomy 30:6


We Need Our High Priest and Passover Lamb Yeshuah


Isaiah 53 God tells us the coming of the Christ Jesus and I am so thankful I am grafted in. I am in Israel. God has so much For each one of us. It is so simple to just believe that God made it simple for us with Jesus just to leave


Yom Kippur is a day of love. God who knows our name wants to hear from us and reassure us.


Thank you Ollie. Your words brought tears to my eyes. I was struggling with this notion of fear of God. I'm a follower of Yahoshua ( I don't want to call Him Jesus anymore, cause it never was His true name). And some Christian teachers are big into this "God can't wait to punish you) theology. So thank you so much for pointing towards this very unique understanding of fear. Only one thing I would like to add to what you said. You told "we deserve a reward". If I was you I would put it a bit differently. The Father is so full of love and good things for you, that it is almost pointless to be focused on the reward. To come to His presence it means that the reward is guaranteed ( sometimes those rewards come in disguise, they might look bad on the surface, but they bring you to much better place). The biggest punishment often is of our own doing - when we choose to distance ourselves from the Father. and live relying on our own understanding. Love you dear Israel, you are in my heart. Love from Ireland 🙏


Beautiful. Thank you so much. G'mar chativa tovah.


Awesome d'var! G'mar chatimah tovah l'kulam.


Thank you, and God bless you and your family ❤God bless Israel 🇮🇱 🙏


Thank you for sharing these precious thoughts! What you say about love and fear resonates a lot with me. You cannot love someone you are afraid of. Rather, if you love, you will be afraid that something could harm the loved one, let alone you could harm that person yourself. And I agree that this must also apply to our relationship with G-d. We won't be able to love and trust G-d if at the same time we fear His punishment. I think a person who has fear of G-d in this way will punish themselves by not allowing G-d's love to touch their heart and therefore not being able to experience intimacy with Him. I am convinced that G-d rather wants and is looking for people that are willing to share His heart's desires and His love for all mankind and the whole of creation. In my opinion, learning this and starting to live accordingly is the essence of all tshuvah.


Brilliant and very helpful. Thank you.


We fear God as sheep fear thier shepherd, . Because the shepherd can kill, or keep alive, feed or not feed. Therefore we fear and love the Lord Jesus. And pray for His mercy.


I've never understood the concept of fearing God because in relationships, fear is the opposite of love. The only thing I can think of where fear would be in a relationship, would be fear of losing a loved one, such as fearing abandonment or fear of a loved one dying. Punishment in a relationship is not a healthy relationship at all.


Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.


It's the time of year to just come before the Lord, and listen to what He has to say to you. That’s how I spend the 40 days of Teshuva. And hopefully do better next year.😅


Please have Rabbi Tovia Singer on! He is from outreach Judaism. He would be an amazing guest.


Thank you Ollie for sharing this video!. 🇮🇱🕯️


I've always viewed the fear of God as being the fear of not having Him. Life without Him would be a life of darkness and being lost.


wow, that's really great! Very good thoughts!


I am not Jewish; I am grafted into the kingdom of God through Jesus the Messiah. The Holy Spirit placed it in my heart a couple of days ago for me to fast today. I want to fast and pray for the release of strongholds placed on my daughter by the evil one. I also want to fast and pray for Israel and all its people, as well as for the innocent people in the other countries involved in the war.

Ollie, there are mysteries in the Dead Sea Scrolls that were meant to be discovered at the end of times. My prayer is that God will use you to find out the mysteries in them, so that the truth in them can help the Jewish people know God has been speaking all along.

God the Father reigns forever, and his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is Lord of Lords and king of kings.
