The Telegraph vs The Guardian: Or How To Lose A Culture War

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Thanks to Theberton for the intros and outros
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"The Guardian is operating at, like, DEFCON 5 outrage all of the time and the Telegraph isn't. The Telegraph is sort of like a sedated elephant."

I liked this description, it really captures the difference in moral fervour between the left and the right.


When will we see Afua Hirsch, Owen Jones et al in sackcloth and ashes Guardian was founded by John Edward Taylor a cotton magnate who made his fortune on slave labour.


Watched on Bitchute already. Will support you with views there!


out group sympathy and in group individualisation


The problem with individualism is when the enemy bands together, how do you plan on fighting them on your own?


nice assessment as per, Morgoth.
We dont have true Labour anymore, we dont have true Conservatism anymore. Just blended politics in a mirage of choice.


Great vid, Morgs. Might be worth doing a couple of 'Hate Reading the Telegraph" videos just so people get a better idea of the trite, mundane boredom that it printed therein?


We have no representation in the media whatsoever, everyone is singing from a slightly different hymnsheet that eventually leads to the same place.

The problem is that that place isn't suitable for the majority of British people and eventually I believe we are going to snap. The longer that our political class fails to address the issues that are currently plaguing our nation the louder the snap is going to be.

The UK and US are currently in the situation that Weimar Germany was in during the 20's and thirties and all that's happening is politicians are doubling down on it.

I think it's only a matter of time before really bad things start to happen.

Or good, depending on your point of view.


For a far-right extremist, Im quite a polite and helpful guy.
When I used to work in the village shop, I would greet most customers with a smile and pack their bags for them.
Not Guardian readers, though.

They got a condescending hmhm as I looked from their paper to their eye, handed their carrier bag and their apples or biscuits 'accidentally' knocked off the counter.

Sometimes, its the smallest of things that bring the greatest joy.


Great video Morgoth I don't know how you can stomach reading all the crap in these rags but grateful you do to destroy their narratives 👍


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The current neoliberal paradigm is designed to ensure the Left doesn't get what it wants economically and the Right doesn't get what it wants socially. But quite aside from that, the current paradigm ensures that we're limited to a very simplistic two-dimensional conversation.

If the first dimension is the socialist-capitalist axis and the second dimension is the progressive-conservative axis, then the third (and arguably most important) dimension is the nationalist-globalist axis, and yet those in charge have cut us off from this third dimension completely and made it off-limits in mainstream discourse for the simple reason they have decided their vision must be a non-negotiable, globalist one.

It's as if our elites have prepared for us a two-dimensional landscape akin to Edwin A Abbott's Flatland. The nationalists are like visitors from 3-D world trying to explain to the brainwashed citizens of Flatland that there's more to their reality than the GDP, the tax code or how big a role the State should have in social and economic affairs. These are important questions, of course, but there are more important considerations, namely demographics, ethnic autonomy and the survival and well-being of our kinsfolk. This constitutes the third dimension; the "up-down" axis.

"As well as moving forward and backward, or left and right", we say to them, "you can also move up."

"Up?" the normies of Flatland reply, looking dazed and confused. "What is 'up'?"

"Up, my dear Flat-landers, is Morgoth's Review."


What a trilogy these recent videos have turned out to be!!!! Great stuff M.


Did the Guardian teach the Telegraph how to lie or was it the other way around?


This really does need to be said over and over until everyday people learn to understand it and to describe it. Most people have an intuitive feeling of what's going on. There IS an illusion of choice and it's social vs. economic neoliberalism. Each fulfilling the others manifesto behind the scenes anyway. I have a feeling hardcore Tory voters might be a lost cause though. Like you said, too comfy, too aloof.


Interesting content. And love the peaceful title with the sailing ship.


Yet another triumph of utter hopelessness! Look forward to the trilogy of uplifting videos to balance this


The level of censorship on this platform is utterly despicable. Sick of wasting my time writing perfectly polite and innocuously-worded comments only for them to vanish almost immediately.


"The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values." -Ted Kaczynski
