Follow Him—A Message about Jesus Christ

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“Follow me” can be a request from a mom, a brother, or a friend. This request requires trust, belief, and action. Jesus Christ spoke these words to His friends and still wants us to follow Him today. If we act on His invitation, we can learn how to love others and ourselves. We can learn how to repent and be forgiven. We can learn to start over and navigate life’s storms. He showed us the way to find new life.

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“Follow me.” It’s a simple request. Sometimes spoken from a mother to a child, a brother to a sister, a friend to a friend.

It’s a request that requires trust, belief, action. It requires you to put your faith in a person who will lead you to safety, to peace. A long time ago, Jesus Christ spoke these simple words to His closest friends, and His invitation still stands today. “Come, follow me.”

Follow me, and I will show you how to love others and love yourself. Follow me, and I will show you how to repent and be forgiven and forgive others. Follow me to turn things around, to start over. To navigate the storms of life and the storms of death. Follow me to find purpose. Your purpose. God’s purpose.

He taught us the way, He showed us the way. And when we follow His way, we find new life.
Рекомендации по теме

That makes me smile and happy to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ❤


Yes the blood ♥️ of Jesus Christ amen 🙏🔥😇❤️❤️❤️❤️😇❤️😇😇😇


I love Jesus and I’m trying my best to follow Him.


God guide my steps in this life to follow you and to work on me properly!


It's really meditative and inspiring


I love this. I feel so blessed to be able to know how to follow Him


Yes god have change me a lot in he name in good way have been so good everything our father wish in heaven always believe in you our lord Jesus Christ amen 🙏❤️🔥😇❤️😇❤️😇❤️😇


If God could give us his only begotten son to save the world then just what can we give or show for our own lives in the world today, be kind to yourself and each other and we will be there in the next life with his blessings also.


My husband cheated on me. Please pray, in Jesus name, for my healing and my marriage.


This video is very well made. This is an evangelistic channel that conveys this idea very well. I have subscribed. Go forth well for the gospel of the Lord. May Jesus Christ bless you. Amen
