Can Predict 67% of all Presidential Elections

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[Correlation vs. Causation Argument - I'm not saying this is guaranteed to be correlation, although my title is a little incendiary. Finding scientific rigorous correlation is nigh impossible with any social science due to all the factors that are at play. The best we can do is look at the evidence that we DO have. We can look at things such as the average height of a fortune 500 CEO (6'2") or the average height of the pres. (5'11"), average height of a CEO in general (5'11") while the average is (5'9"), is strong enough evidence that its pretty much undisputed in behavioral psychology that height matters CONSIDERABLY in our perception of leaders.

Whether the % that being taller decides is exactly 67% or +/- that, we'd need an infinite sample set to know for sure. But the evidence indicates at the moment that height does indeed play a role in getting elected.]

What physical trait has been winning elections for President since the 60's?
Height. The taller man has won 67% of all elections.

Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind, Fifth Edition

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Lewis OfMan - Quand le chaud naît du froid

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Minor important point buddy. The advantage of being the taller one in a fight does not come from punching down, but from having a reach advantage. Punching down matters very little, but being able to hit someone else before he hits you is a massive advantage.


Correlation is not Causation - With Great math comes Great responsibility.


How is 58% an insane advantage? That's well within the margins of statistical anomalies given the small number of elections from 1944-2012. Incredibly close to 50/50. 42% chance to win as the shorter candidate are good odds.


Couple things. The sample size with US presidents is 45. Not that big. Just saying. (Also, get rid of the electoral college and rerun the numbers for the set of presidents elected since the widespread availability of television.) (It would be interesting to do this study across all countries with general presidential elections). Maybe Americans are more biased, or not, but would be interesting to see.


Maybe I'm missing something. There were 15 presidential elections from 1960 to 2016, so 67% of 15 is 10. A chi-square test shows that that difference is not statistically significant (with a significance criterion of p < .05).. I suspect, though, that the sample is smaller, since 83% of 15 is not a whole number -- have elections in which the candidates were the same height been omitted? If the sample is actually 12 elections (a sample in which 67% and 83% are each equivalent to whole numbers), then the 83% percentage would be statistically significant, even if you adjust your significance criterion for the probability of detecting spurious differences in multiple tests. However, since the effect of being taller by any amount is not statistically significant, the effect of big differences in height is not easy to explain. And why pick 3" as the difference?

In 2016 one of the candidates was a man and the other a woman, so sex is a confounding variable. That election should probably be taken out of the sample.

The biggest problem for me, though, is the justification for the comparison -- why was height chosen as the independent variable? If there is a large body of research about the effect of height in elections, these results at least confirm them. Is there a body of supporting evidence? If there is, then this video is just fine.


I was planning on running for president in 2036. I'm 5'6"... 5'7" on a good day.

There goes my chances :(


Brings new light on that Invader Zim Tallest joke, where the tallest of the alien species lead the whole planet.


I liked all of this... except for the fact that Taj Lopez was in it


Lets make presidential candidates anonymous.. Make them be elected by their manifesto and agenda rather their height and size of their hands.


I'm 6ft 7
Guess who's going to be the next president :D


Im a tall white guy, Ive already got to deal with white privilege and male privilege, but now I have to deal with height privilege too? lol


You're the kind of friend I always wanted but never had. I thoroughly enjoy the topics you cover in your videos.


you are super underrated! keep it up you'll get far with your channel!


So as a woman that wants to lead, should I be wearing massive heels from now on?


So basically Americans are like every girl on tinder.


Had a democradic ad about health care before this


Hahahaha I love the way Tai Lopez pops in when you say *Knowledge* :D


Can confirm, I'm 6'2 and when I moved to my last high school, after 1 semester I was voted in as a student councillor. I didn't have more than 3 friends and I never even applied to the role.


coffee break was the bazinga guy all along.


2:41 "join the conversation" - killed it
