Hazing incident leaves Mizzou student unable to see, talk, or walk

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A 19-year-old former University of Missouri student is wheelchair-bound, blind, and unable to speak after his parents say he was the victim of a gross hazing last fall.

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A friend of mine turned 21 and everyone in the bar bough him a shot of top shelf spirit and dumped it into a jug until there was literally about 1.5 litres of it. They cheered him on to drink it and unbelievably he chugged the entire thing. Half an hour later he had a massive brain haemorrhage and was rushed to hospital. He survived and was incredibly lucky not to have severe damage but he was never the same again. This reckless attitude towards alcohol has to stop.


People who find joy in seeing people hurt themselves are disturbing....
People like this are a threat to society.


I used to ride the bus with him and his sister during middle school. They are such a beautiful, sweet family. This family didn’t deserve this nor other families who suffer the effects of hazing. Those frat guys are so so cruel and evil!! So glad the frat got kicked off campus and hoping this family gets the justice they deserve.


Poor kid had his whole life ahead of him & it's been destroyed. I feel so sorry for him & his family.


Insane how you can be expelled from a university for plagiarism or cheating (not saying that's wrong) but students encouraging and pressuring dangerous behavior that led to extreme brain damage and almost /death/ of another student...and they just get some vague "sanctions" against them. What are the priorities here


This is a fate worse than death. Your whole personality, your memories, your potential IS your brain. They killed Danny and left a barely functioning husk, and unfortunately because that husk is still "alive" they wont me charged for manslaughter.


I'm not at all sure that Danny would feel it "fortunate" that they got his heart started again. What a dreadful way to live out your life.


I went to college with a guy who ended up in a wheelchair after being hazed. It was so sad. No one should ever go through this and the guys who did it need to be charged !!


💔... those other kids who were responsible for doing this SHOULD be held accountable... I'm so sorry to his family...


Parents should teach their children years before they head off to be independent in a college setting that you can say no when someone asks you to do insane things in order to join a fraternity. I've never understood the whole idea behind those things. They seem like just an excuse for partying and getting drunk. Teach your sons that they are going to college for an education and not to be pressured into foolishness.


I feel so awful for him. Being unable to see, talk AND walk sounds like torture. Especially when you have the memory when you could before. You’re essentially a shell with only the memory of how you were before. I can’t imagine what he is going through. Puts things in perspective for me and makes me realize how grateful I am to be able to walk, talk and see.


This is terrible. My heart aches for this young man and his family. There needs to be accountability!


They took that kid’s life.
The person he was is now gone.


Those who did this to that kid must be prosecuted and FORCED to pay for their victims care for life.
So heartbreaking 😭🥺


This is honestly worse than death in my opinion. The parents are constantly reminded everyday that they have a nearly brain dead son and nobody is held accountable, they will never feel closure.


1:48 Describing it as "nearly 6x the legal limit" is almost laughable in how poorly it contextualizes such an amount. Forget about "legal, " this is well into LETHAL territory.


This is why it's so important to teach our kids the importance of saying no to peer pressure! If it doesn't feel right or sound right, DON'T DO IT! Teach them about alcohol poisoning as well!! Too many people don't really know the dangers! So sad..glad hes alive but man this is just heartbreaking that his life has come to a bit of a halt because of this..smh


I agree with the attorney. It is unacceptable, and it should never happen again! Universities also need to stand against this type of behavior. This young man's life has been forever changed. What an atrocity!


I had pledged a frat as freshman in college with my friends at time. One of the things they did is lock us all in beer cooler and my friends were panicking that there might not be enough air. I dropped out of hazing and sent email to entire house just telling them I really didn't care. It created quite uproar which wasn't my intent. After my gf at time and I broke up (my fault) one of frat brothers dated her as "revenge" for me dropping out with that email. I ended up transferring colleges to one that wasn't based on frats and made new friends while I was there.


The kid just wanted to be a part of something and his brothers let him down. I wish nothing but the best for him. He deserved better than what he got that night.
