Beginner's Guide to CLO Part 2 Editing: Cloning, Tracing, & Superimpose (Lesson 3)

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In this tutorial you will learn how to use the Cloning tools, Convert to Hole, Trace tool, and Superimpose tools. Follow along with your own file or find a practice file linked below.


Clone as Pattern 1:25
Clone as Internal Shape 4:40
Trace 10:40
Convert to Hole 9:00
Superimpose Over 3:13
Superimpose Under 13:14
Superimpose Side 7:33

*****4/6/2020 Update - CLO-SET training files have been replaced with a public accessible Google drive location to download all he same files shows throughout all tutorials. Please download through this location above instead.*****

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Foundations Lesson 1 - Layout:

Foundations Lesson 2 - User Settings:

Foundations Lesson 3 - CLO-SET:


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Thank You Clo Team for these helpful videos! you are the best!
Clo Makes the world a better place!!!


Thank you for CLO3D team to create this video.


so between 19:40 and 19:45 if you're wondering what she did I'm pretty sure she pressed a keybind (ctrl+D) for symmetric pattern with sewing, if you do this and simulate you'll have her same outcome. I was pretty confused with this too at first😅


Heart at the back is not possbile to sew in one line. The freesewing was catching the "middle" internal line and wanted to continue there instead of other half of the heart. Using Clo 6.1. Solved by sewing one half and then the other. But I am not sure if thats how its intended to be done.


Hi, thanks so much for these videos, I've been learning so much. Could someone please help me troubleshoot at timestamp 19:55? When i trace the upper back section, the long center base line is also copied into the new pattern piece and i don't know how to delete or resize it.


I have some questions on superimpose when you end up with many interacting layers. I probably should have superimpoased as I went along, and I saved a copy file in which I am going to re-sew and superimpose as I go, but I have having huge stability issues with my layers colliding in tight areas with multiple layers of sewing pieces on top of eachother - any pointers for something like this?


Between 18:35 to 19:03, for some reason the free sewing tool doesn't let me sew the whole heart pattern over the internal pattern. It wants me to go through the middle of the heart(even if I hold shift). To me it looks like is still identifying as 2 different shapes even if I joined the overlapping points.


AT around 15:35 I am not able to sew the edges above the pocket. I tried several times and I get a message that something is "overlapping" but I don't understand why as I am doing it exactly the same as you and also tried to deactivate the sewing first. Any idea? Thanks in advance


These tutorials have been absolutely transformational for me, thank you so much!! I have a question about transforming the neckline and right clicking. So since I'm using a magic mouse that comes with mac, I can't right click while transforming. Is there a way to map that function to another key? Thanks!


Hi! What's use in superimposing if you render it right after? Render does the same, without choosing option over\under\side


For some reason the back panel was not working properly. I think it was not created "symmetric with sewing" so connecting neck trim and ruffles worked on the first panel but not the second. Whereas sewing only copied on the portion that was connected to the front panel. Maybe it's just me, I'm learning. But there may be an issue there. I'm in 5.0


Hi, I recently downloaded CLO3D trial version and want to learn more about this. However, I can't upload the practice file or any file in the CLO3D working space. Is this because of the trial version?


Hi for the heart shape design on the left side 19:28, even if I have arrange its order through right click (order > bring to front), after I sew the entire pieces of dress, it didnt show in 3d. however, the right side of heart shape can be seen.

Is there anyway to solve this? Thanks!


At 11:11, when you're supposed to use trace tool, select the respective sides and click on trace as pattern for the side pocket, it doesn't work. A message pops up 'PLEASE CLICK WITHIN A PATTERN'
. I'm using CLO trial version 7.2.60


12:34 i followed the same steps but my pattern doesn't show as pattern it still shows as it's a internal line


not sure why I couldn't do free sewing from the cloned pattern into the combined big heart on the back 19:03, i am only able to do free sewing to the half of the heart


I struggle with the back heart, it only lets me sew half of the heart. I tried holding down shift, didn't work.


11:02 it doesn’t allow me to this, says to click within pattern


16:41 I have a problem. Even when I turn off fold rendering, the lines are still visible


Hi, the file for this lesson is not corresponding to the subject. Please advise :) Thank you so much for the training videos!!!
