JetBrains AI Launch Event

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In this special launch event, see demonstrations of some of AI Assistant’s most exciting features as well as a deeper dive into how it works with some of the creators.

Developer advocates Paul Everitt, Dr. Jodie Burchell and Khalid Abuhakmeh take us through demonstrations of seven key features: refactoring and explaining code, automatic code completion, inline code generation from prompts, writing documentation, creating commit messages, and the integrated AI Chat, which acts as an LLM-based rubber duck right in the IDE.

Svetlana Zemlyanskaya, AI Assistant Team Lead, joins to explain how the AI Assistant works under the hood. She explains how this new product is able to create deeply context-aware prompts in order to get targeted answers from the underlying models. Vladislav Tankov, AI Platform Team lead, further dives into the technology behind AI Assistant, JetBrains AI service. He gives us an overview of how the AI service allows the AI Assistant to use a variety of large language models in a transparent and secure manner.

Finally, we’re joined by Max Shafirov, the CEO of JetBrains. Max shares how the AI Assistant continues a long tradition of intelligence inside JetBrains tools, with an anecdote about how early code inspections were done in IntelliJ IDEA back in its early days.
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8:25 Pricing: Individuals $10/m ($100/a), individuals with organizations $20/m ($200/a). No trials for student, open-source, or educational licenses.


Absolutely loved this tool during the beta! Pricing is TOO HIGH, though - I'm already paying a premium subscription for the IDE! Hoping the free tier has decent limits for solo / indie devs. This should be included or SUBSTANTIALLY cheaper considering the cost of JetBrains' current subs.


Anxious to check this out. IMHO, For so many years, Jetbrains has set the bar in IDE's. Curious how they integrate AI


why is it not included in the all-products pack?


I understand that server costs for generating AI can be significant. It would be appreciated if you could consider a usage-based billing system rather than a subscription model for users who may not use the service extensively.


I feel like extension should be free with gpt3 version, limit the number of messages as you like. Then there should be paid version for GPT4 or (use your own key) version for already OpenAI subs


hmm ... Datagrip, despite being listed at 8:20 doesn't have the AI plugin


I already pay for copilot, and I can use it a lot more places. Neat though. What happened to being able to use your own models? I remember that being one of the main points that had me interested in this feature set.


Around the 18min mark, Jodie nailed it on the head - these tools are very excellent when you are learning a new language, or diving into other ppl's codebases and want to work out whats going on.

But with all the AI hype, nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room (and there is a tonne of hype this week, with Google and OpenAI and Microsoft and AWS all announcing new toys)

That is - if you are working on a system that you already deeply understand, then ANY of these AI tools have an extremely negative impact on your output. 

At best, they slow you down a bit having to read and review the suggestions. Most of the time, you could type it out yourself just as fast. But the real killer is that they take you out of the flow, and put your head in the wrong place to be programming.

I know you can just disable all the AI assists when you start to get into it your hot projects, but that's not the point. All of these people are talking about AI assists talk like it's always a positive thing, that always improves the dev experience. This is only ever true in some edge cases, and drastically wrong in others.

There needs to be an open discussion about this problem


So is this only a gpt3 instance with a slightly modified training base and access to your local code/ide integration?
That makes the knowledge base at least 2 years behind latest changes. It might be a nice tool to learn of old APIs though.

That's what bothers me most when the AI thinks I'm on an older version and creates code which just makes no sense, doesn't know about new features and breaking changes..
Why didn't you use langchain to connect to for example msdn examples/articles? Does it do lookups into installed nugets/libraries?
Apparently not, so if you work with the newest versions (like aspnet core 8 or just some libraries/APIs which got an update lately with breaking changes - meaning in the last 2 years) you might not really enjoy the experience.

I was kind of interested and the local code lookup/ide integration is ok, but if it can't lookup the newest changes or dig into the used libraries and i still have to pay for it?
Sorry, no deal.
Ping me again after you added langchain and got the latest code trained in.


One who has an IDE subscription. AI Assistant should be free.


does this Ai have more memory? e.g. can it understand large codebases.


Can someone explain how to activate the code completion with jetbrains ai?

when I type a letter I am just seeing the normal sugestions, and not like in the video 17:04min


I"ve been using the AI Assistant in beta for the past couple months and it's been incredibly helpful. Yes, it's not perfect and it can make suggestiions that are dated or even inaccurate. I'll be anxiously awaiting project-level context. If you know your language/framework well, it can get you unstuck in a hurry. Complaints here about pricing (from well-paid developers) are ridiculous. $100/year for an individual or $200/org is a steal. Why would you expect to get it for free with your subscription which is already providing a ton of value? Sure, they could bundle it and jack up the price, but then everyone is opting in/subsidizing the assistant.


This looks great but when will this be available for Android Studio?


Is AI assistant included in All products pack?


It should have been a ban because of misuse of it but pro’s can help educators speak and putting across education correctly to the learner’s also learning independently. Congratulations anyways JetBrains.Thankyou so much It was wonderful meeting you all 🧠Thankyou Brainees let’s get some more work done see you progressing.


Can someone explain to me why it's double the price for businesses?

Is the justification just that "Businesses can afford it". Do businesses get something extra for that price?


That it's based on ChatGPT3.5 with Sept 2021 cutoff and the price (I'm already paying for the All Products Pack) are kind of a deal breaker for me:

Me: I need help with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Spring Security. What are the latest versions that you have knowledge of?

AI Assistant:
Sure, I can provide information on those.

Spring Boot: The latest stable release version is Spring Boot 2.5.4 (as of September 2021). Each Spring Boot version usually aligns with a suite of dependable libraries at that time, reducing potential dependency conflicts for developers.

Spring Cloud: The latest stable release version is Spring Cloud 2020.0.3 (as of September 2021). Spring Cloud provides a suite of services for distributed systems to be built using Spring Boot.

Spring Security: The latest stable release version is Spring Security 5.5.3 (as of September 2021). Spring Security is a powerful framework allowing for custom security configurations to protect Spring-powered applications.


The pricing makes me think this does work on a server somewhere? Is that true?
