Answering Rupert Sheldrake's Questions for Materialists

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I respond to the questions asked in each chapter of Rupert Sheldrake's book, the Science Delusion.
Answering Rupert Sheldrake's Questions for Materialists
The Scientist Researching Morphic Fields
The Big Questions in Science with Rupert Sheldrake in conversation with Àlex Gómez-Marín
Rupert Sheldrake — On Scientism, Morphic Resonance and the Extended Mind | Episode 204
After knowledge | Rupert Sheldrake, Suchitra Sebastian and Tommy Curry
Evidence That Your Mind is NOT Just In Your Brain - Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake: Morphic Fields & Healing (Elma Mayer's Video Interview)
Could you have Paranormal Activity occurring in your house?
Rupert Sheldrake - Are There Extra Dimensions?
Rupert Sheldrake Vs Praveen Mohan - EXPOSING The Science Behind Spirituality
Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion
What is Panpsychism? | Rupert Sheldrake, Donald Hoffman, Phillip Goff, James Ladyman
Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel
Rupert Sheldrake: Science does not tolerate dissent
Edward Witten Epic Reply 🤣 Destroys String Theory Dissenters
Sam Harris Goes Quiet When Russell Brand Points Out the Hole In His Logic | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report
Jordan Peterson Goes Full Psycho On Lex Fridman
Understanding Consciousness | Rupert Sheldrake, George Ellis, Amie Thomasson
Gabor Maté on Jordan Peterson
Richard Dawkins Tells Theology Student Why His Degree is Useless
Richard Dawkins - 'What if you're wrong?' South Park
Richard Wiseman's Failed Debunking of Animal Telepathy
Science Set Free -- Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake and Daniel Dennett at Hay on Wye 2014 by IAI