Isaiah 53 Revealed! Rabbi Tovia Singer Analyzes the Most Debated Chapter

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The people who cant see Jesus in Isaiah 53 are the ones who dont see him at all. Bless those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.


Isaiah 52: 13-15 ends with

13 Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently;
He shall be exalted and [e]extolled and be very high.
14 Just as many were astonished at you,
So His visage[f] was marred more than any man,
And His form more than the sons of men;
15 So shall He [g]sprinkle many nations.
Kings shall shut their mouths at Him;
For what had not been told them they shall see,
And what they had not heard they shall consider.

This leads us into chapter 53 continuing to talk about the servant of God the Messiah.

Chapter 53 was considered a clear messianic prophecy in: The Zohar, the Midrash Konen, by Rabbi Yitzhak Abravanel and Midrash Shumel.

Midrash Shumel says this about Isaiah 53: “The suffering was divided into three parts: One for the generation of the Patriarchs, one for the generation of Shmad, and one for the King Messiah”.
The prayers for Yom Kippur, the ones we all know also relates Isaiah 53 to the Messiah.


That was quite a poetic way of sidestepping answering the question.


John 5:39 you search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of me


ISAIAH 53 is referring to JESUS

Isaiah 53:8 "..for the transgression of my people (Israel) was he (Jesus) stricken."
Isaiah 53:9 "...because he (Jesus) had done no violence, neither was any deceit found in his mouth."


Philip said to Jesus, "Lord, show us your Father, and it is sufficient for us.Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
(John 14:8-9)


I was born Jewish. The very first time I read Issiah 52 and 53, I was stunned - I knew in my heart the truth. This confused me as it's not what my Rabbi said to me later. So I took what the Rabbi said and went back to read those passages again. I tried as hard as I could to believe what I was told by the Rabbi while reading the passage - it was impossible to do. I tried over and over to read that passage and only think about the Rabbi's explanation of the verse - every time, this was impossible for me to do. My mind would be grabbed by a force too strong for me to control and my mind would remove the false explanation from the Rabbi and insert The Messiah into each line of words which I read. I figured I better drop all religions, stop listening to others, and start getting my information only from GOD - Thank GOD, that worked.


The amazing acrobatics performed here are astounding. You treat God's word like an obstacle course.


Yeshua is all over the Tanakh!
Joseph compares to Jesus.
You will see how he was a prophetic portrait of the Messiah around 2000 years BC (Before Christ).
You will see evidence of how Joseph's life displayed Yeshua (Jesus) in the Torah (First 5 books written by Moses). His story takes up over 25 percent of the book of Genesis.
Joseph the Father's most favored son, he also had prophetic dreams from God, that showed all of Israel bowing down to him. Later he was sent out of Hebron (Means Fellowship) to his brothers, the shepherds of the fathers flock. He found them at Dothan which means "Laws and Customs". That is exactly what Jesus, God the son did, he left fellowship with the Father, and found the shepherds of Israel leading the flock into the laws and customs. His brothers conspired to murder him, sold him for pieces of silver, and handed him over to the Gentiles.
Later, he was falsely accused and put down into the place of the condemned. But, he was raised up out of that place, and brought before the throne. It was there that only he was found worthy, he was made the right hand man to the throne, and given a Gentile Bride.

Later, during the seven year time of great trouble, the famine over all the face of the earth, his brothers come back to him. They thought he was long gone, out of their lives, but then they find out that HE IS ALIVE! They were afraid, but then Joseph tells them not to be afraid, that they meant it for evil, but God meant it for good to save many people. HE THEN SAVES ALL OF ISRAEL.


Isaiah 52:15 sounds a lot like what John wrote when Jesus Christ comes back again. Every knee will bow and everyone will know He is Lord.


Chapter 43 context: don’t fear Jacob, I created you, my plan of redemption has already happened from the beginning of creation, your going to have a long tribulation, but your mine and I will preform because of My Name and I love you even though you have played the harlot, we’re married, you’re mine, long into the future after the temple is destroyed and you’ve been scattered around the world I WILL bring you back into the land of the promise I made with Abraham, that faithful seed (singular) is precious and I WILL honor that seed because of that, for my names sake. Bring on the blind and the deaf, those who say they see and hear with understanding, No No, bring ALL the Nations too, let those goofballs speak if they can, I used them to discipline you and they were too dumb to know the mechanics of My Awesome Plan from before Elohim Created anything, this Rabble used the opportunity to usurp My Heritage, these self justifiers weren’t interested in My witnesses, they wouldn’t know the truth of My Plan if it hit them in the teeth, that precious Seed IS Faith, Abraham BELIEVED, he knew what “I provide MYSELF a sacrifice” meant and God counted his Faith that “God would do the job” as Righteousness, Abe even knew that the imperfect blood of Isaac could NEVER permanently remove and redeem all mankind’s sin, let alone the Sin of Jews, Abe knew God could present Mankind to Himself in Righteousness, God declares, “MY SERVANT WILL” in the fullness of time, in the time of His choosing God says My witnesses (the Jews) WILL understand… 43:10 Ye (Jews) My witnesses (plural) declares God, AND His Servant (singular) GOD Chose (for a purpose) that Ye (plural) will know and believe Me and understand (which GOD makes evident that Jews don’t know, believe or understand at the time of this utterance) that I’m He: (ie., GOD’S Servant IS the same upright Wall of righteousness as I Am) before Me (Elohim, plural) there was No “God” formed before Elohim anymore than there will be a “God” formed and afterwards (after His Redemption Plan for ALL mankind concludes) there’ll be none.


Toda raba!

Rabbi, how on earth is your blood pressure not off the charts? I would have already ripped all my hair out.

You’re a man of greater patience than most of us. Please continue the good work.




Thank you HOLY SPIRIT for opening my eyes...🎉


Thank you Rabbi for this very clear explanation of Isaiah 53 and the absolute necessity
in the foregoing passages that introduce it. Baruch HaShem!


Every knee shall bow and every mouth shall confess He is Lord.


The Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled in Isaiah 53

The prophecy technically starts at the tail end of Isaiah 52 but takes up the whole of Isaiah 53. Let’s break the prophetic verses down and show how Jesus’ life matched these:

Isaiah 53:2 talks about how this suffering servant had no beauty or majesty to attract others to him. Although Jesus was likely not deformed in appearance, he wasn’t the most beautiful human being to walk the earth.
Isaiah 53:3 discusses how mankind despised and rejected this servant. In the same way, Jesus’ audience rejected him because his message was too difficult to digest, and eventually killed him for it.
Isaiah 53:4-5 Through his suffering, he takes our place and heals us. This really wouldn’t work in terms of the Old Testament prophets. Although they did suffer, Israel wasn’t healed by their wounds. Alternatively, by Jesus’ wounds, we are healed.
Isaiah 53:7 He doesn’t open his mouth in the face of execution. When on trial, Jesus doesn’t answer (Matthew 27:14) any of the charges.
Isaiah 53:9 Assigned a grave with the wicked and in the rich with his death. He dies alongside two thieves (the wicked), but Joseph of Arimathea buried him in a tomb (the rich).

The passage goes on, each highlighting Christ’s life first, but Isaiah 53 makes it clear that no one else fulfills the role of suffering servant quite like Jesus did.


Excellent Tovia. Thank you for your passion and dedication to freely give those, including myself, who are ignorant of Hebrew biblical scripture.


😢 My God, I’m crying for you because you’re so close to the truth Rabbi, May the Lord God open your eyes and your heart - May the Lord God use your honesty and servitude for his great Kingdom. May the Lord God take you up and I pray you see the Messiah face to face and be in his holy presence for ever and ever. Wash ye clean and make you white as snow, give you white robes and bring you into the New Jerusalem.


Avoiding appealing to Rabbi Singer's human ego, which I'm quite certain by now that he would dismiss, I'll only say this: Though I attended an Orthodox synagogue from the age of 10 through bar mitzvah, rarely did I ever hear my rabbi, the shammas, or any of the (quite learned) teachers take the time to explain fully what Tanach is saying to us, especially we young students. I am grateful to have encountered Rabbi Tovia Singer in my lifetime. I realize now that I was MUCH smarter than I ever considered myself...actually I thought very little of my grasp of information, especially ideas that weren't so clear to a young boy growing up in the 60's and 70's. Thanks in part to Rabbi Singer, I no longer view myself as a religious dummy. :) Had he been my teacher back then, I pretty sure that I would have followed Tanach (and Talmud) much more fervently. Thank you.


"the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed". So the people of the world are saved by.... the political persecution Jews have faced over the years? That can't seriously be your explanation.
