Emulating the Arcade (MAME) - LaunchBox Tutorials

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Today's tutorial is one that has been requested frequently! MAME is a tricky beast, so we apologize if anything is missing or needs to be clarified in any way. If you do want clarification or have questions about the tutorial, leave them as comments down below and we'll answer them all. I go through importing your MAME rom set through LaunchBox using our MAME importer and a solution for power users that provides a bit more information and flexibility when it comes to importing your MAME games. I explain a bit about what MAME is and go over the prominent emulator MAME and it's forked core in RetroArch. Both offer pro's and con's so you'll need to decide which emulator you would want to use for your own set up.

Please watch: "LaunchBox Tutorials - Emulating the SNES - How to Set Up Retroarch for Beginners"
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I'm really enjoying launchbox and the tutorials have been very helpful. I will upgrading soon.


i love how your background music is always Mystical Ninja (64) town theme. so peaceful. one of my fav 64 games too.


Have to really thank you for this tutorial. Been waiting for this tutorial for a while. Was a bit confused about how to go about it.


Excellent tutorial. Thank you LaunchBox. I actually feel like I'm in Kindergarten because it's so easy to learn from these tutors.


+Unbroken Software, LLC This was a great tutorial, exactly what I needed to help get my MAME library up and running. Amazing work with LaunchBox too, it seems a lot more logical to setup compared to the other programs out there.


For noobs like me where mame is a total mystery this article helped me a ton to understand that you must match your romset to the mame emulator you are trying to use. Sounds obvious but I was just not getting it. This will tell you what uses what.

Click on each emulator for more information about them.


Great tutorial! A MESS tutorial via the RetroArch core would be great.


Arcade Emulation, well that is the most irritating topic, when you come from "regular"
console emulators. But totally worth the hassle, there are so much great games on arcades.
Make sure you guys new to arcade emulation, also try games that have famous ports on consoles,
as some are better on arcade.


10 bucks for unlimited games and go carts!?! Totally Radical dude!


I got out of high school like in 84. In the suburbs they charged us way more than $15 unlimited arcades. The best deal I recall ever getting was 5 tokens for a buck, or 20 cents a token/credit. More often 1 credit = 25 cents per game for my teenage memories. Go-karts were even more $$ of an expense. Had two large arcades, every weekend the teens of the suburbs of Flint Mi would feel up the large arcade/pinball/shooting pool Go Carts place and all the richest kids somehow figured out how to get a high score!! - Yup I seen it done. All ya did was line up all of your tokens on the machine so nobody else could play. All those years I never realized that the rich kids were buying there play all the way to their high scores, in many many cases. lmao!


Tilt... after school all the time... those were the days.


That "Great 1, 000 miles Rally" game is Super fun.. Had never seen it in the arcade, but found it on my m.A.M.e.... Try it out!!


Anyone else recognize the end music at 22:39 from Goemon? Was it Mystical Ninja starring Goemon or Goemon's Great Adventure?(or both?)


So...I guess I'm doing something wrong cause I did everything you said in the video, but when I click to play the games, they always say "The file you specified for the emulator application path was not found"


Question: Where do you have your CHD files when you add your ROM files? Are they in a folder inside your ROMs folder?

I understand how it creates the structure after they are setup, but I am having a hard time finding where you had them to begin with. I didn't see that in the video.



mame_libretro.dll is based off of 170 which is only two versions behind the stand alone.


I have tried MAME roms with same version of MAME with Launchbox but very little luck.
Constant errors and it just never seems to work.
Wondering if there is an multi platform emulator out there that just works.


I'm so confused, does it default to all those games it has to scrape? When I select a folder with ROMs in it that only have a handful, it shows hundreds on the list..


I'm having issues playing CPS2 games on Retroarch using the fbalpha2012_cps2_libretro core in Launchbox. But the CPS2 games work fine when I load directly from Retroarch. I double checked the file path for my core. The screen just refreshes when I click play game.


got most of my roms working but galaga and tron are giving me fits iv tried every one emuparadise offers with no luck! im using the latest retroarch
