Promises // Maverick City Music // New Song Cafe

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Worship Together is the #1 online resource for worship leaders. We give free weekly resources such as chord charts, sheet music and New Song Café videos. We upload at least once a week. Subscribe to stay up-to-date with the newest songs for the church and for exclusive acoustic performances, stories behind the song, and song tutorials.

Verse 1
God of Abraham,
God of covenant and of faithful promises
Time and time again
You have proven You'll do just what you said

Though the storms may come and the winds may blow
I'll remain steadfast
And let my heart learn when
You speak a word it will come to pass

Great is Your faithfulness to me
Great is Your faithfulness to me
From the rising sun, to the setting same
I will praise Your name
Great is Your faithfulness to me

Verse 2
God from age to age,
Though the earth may pass away,
Your word remains the same
Your history can prove there's nothing You can't do,
You're faithful and True

I put my faith in Jesus
My anchor to the ground
My hope and firm foundation
He'll never let me down

#MaverickCity #Promises #Worship

Section Titles:
0:00 - Performance
5:22 - Song Story

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I was about to die from an overdose in my apartment in Miami all alone after so many different drugs…I went to grab my phone and I couldn’t even see what I pressed and out of no where YouTube started and this song played. My heart was beating out of my chest and then the room turned white and I felt at peace. My heart slowed down and I survived. Jesus Christ is real people. He saved my life💕💕💕


Im a 14 year old girl. I've been a "christian" for most of my life. I recently started reading the bible every day during quarantine! I've grown my faith so much during this global pandemic. I'm so grateful that God is using this hard time to make new wine out of me. Our God always finds a way. ❤


Joe L Barnes voice had me moved since I heard the song originally. This song helped me get through so much. And still am playing it everyday as I struggle still from issues thank you Lord


Aaron Moses KILLING IT on keys like always


This song GOD used tremendously for me in 2020- and still


“It’s easy to drift and it takes everything to hang on.” 🔥that’s good!


This is a song the church should hold onto for a long time. There’s power in simplicity. “Great is your faithfulness to me”. Thank you Maverick for such a timely song, and thank you God for your never ending faithfulness, even when we are faithless.


In 2020 this song took my wife and I through our troubles.... It really affirmed God's promises in our lives.

Our beautiful baby girl came into this world while this amazing song was playing in the background.

It was such a beautiful moment


Idk why we are just now getting a New Music Cafe for this song, but shoutout to whoever made the decision even if you were a late. 😂
This song was on heavy rotation and basically got me through 2020! Excited about a new version. ❤️


Thank you Joe L Barnes for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit when he put this song on your heart . I’m confident this will be vintage in the halls of worship music 🎶


Thisss songggg!!! i remember my sister just ran to me and was like Sakshi you need to listen to thiss... amd she played it on TV boom we were soaked in spirit 12 seconds in... and my reaction was like how can these people create songs that lead us to God in four mins... and . ys sister was like .. its not them, its him! ❤️🙏


Played this song as my wife walked down the aisle to me on the day of our wedding, almost two years ago. After being through so much and never thinking I would find a girl who wanted to marry me, it only felt right to listen to these lyrics as God’s most perfect gift walked down the aisle to me. An incredible song that I still come back to so very often.


Hello from Indonesia, I am so blessed by this song, i heard this song 1 week before my dad passed away, and on the day my dad passed away (as the doctor explained to me that he was gone), i heared the lyrics of this song clearly in my heart, "Great is Your Faithfulness to me" and the part " I put my trust in Jesus, my anchor to the ground, my hope and firm foundation, He never let me down..." Thank You Jesus for Your Faitfulness in every season in my life.


This song is my favorite, I heard it in 2023 and it became my favorite. I listen to it every day in different versions and it always moves my heart and makes me cry. This song describes my journey with GOD and the promises he has for me, this song is inspired by the Holy Spirit to touch hearts, many blessings. 🙌


"It's easy to drift (away from the faith) and it takes everything to hang on." 😢
Only by HIS grace that im still here to keep my faith in HIM intact and believe in is everlasting promises 'til my last breath.

Thank you for this exceptional worship song #Promise, #MaverickCityMusic


Woke up with this song from a dream, his promises for my life my family are true. Delayed yes but u remain faithful and true


Joel, you and AAron sound so good together.awesome guys!Yes, God is still Great and faithful!!


Wow! This version had my hair standing and my heart bowing to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!


*Growing up without the mother and father love has always had me running in circles LOST searching for love in others. When all along He has been the only one I need! Thank you*


I put my faith in Jesus, my anchor to the ground 🙏🏼
