Couple Turns UNFINISHED Rental into Eco-Friendly OASIS ♻️ | For Rent | FULL EPISODE | House to Home

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Paul and Yvette want to scale down their consumption and their commute. Can Jodi deliver an affordable pad that fits the bill? 👀

Season 1 Episode 11 "Paul and Yvette " : Enviro-conscious thirty-somethings Paul and Yvette want to scale down their consumption and their commute.  They’re looking to trade in their current three-bedroom home for a compact, energy-efficient downtown space…  But can they find an affordable green rental right in the heart of the city? Enter rental expert Jodi Gilmour.  She’s motivated to work with her first-ever green clients…  But can she satisfy their long list of must-haves?  After visiting options at both ends of their budget, Paul and Yvette decide on an affordable pad with loads of potential…  But it’s under construction.  And although the renovations still aren’t done by moving day, a deal on the rent, and Jodi’s sensational living-dining room makeover make the wait worthwhile.

For Rent: From the recent graduate searching for his first-ever bachelor pad to the young couple desperate to leave their roommates behind. Join rental expert and TV personality Jodi Gilmour as she guides desperate but hopeful renters to a home that fits their budget...And then performs magazine-worthy makeover miracles on a dime.

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Рекомендации по теме

Funny how they want to be so GREEN, yet they love the fireplace for a heat source and they love their bbq. Also, wouldn't an induction stove be more eco friendly than the gas stove she loved? LOL!


The first couple should wash their clothes by hand, like in the old days, and use green soap.


Surprised to see the disposable coffee cups with sleeves. That's too bad but often overlooked as wasteful.


I need to know where are these properties located? I’m in Brooklyn New York. I have a housing choice voucher which for a two bedroom starts at $1000 and goes up to $3000. I would like for someone to assist me.


This episode was already uploaded a couple of months ago, Oh well 🤷‍♀️.... I'll watch it again, thanks 😊
