A practical introduction to the H-mode pedestal: ELM and ELM-free regimes | Andrew Nelson
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Presenter: Andrew Nelson, PhD candidate at Princeton University, USA
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Date: November 05th, 2020
Synopsis: Future fusion reactors will likely be run in a high-confinement mode called H-mode in order to reach the highest plasma temperatures and densities possible. H-mode is characterized primarily by a steep gradient region near the plasma edge called the H-mode pedestal. While the pedestal helps raise fusion parameters in the core, it is also subject to intense instabilities called Edge Localized Modes (ELMs), which will be intolerable in a reactor setting. In this talk, we will cover the basics of why the H-mode pedestal forms and how it interacts with the plasma. Fundamental theoretical and experimental understandings of ELMs will be discussed, as well as advanced options to operate H-mode plasmas in regimes without ELMs, thereby attaining the benefits of H-mode while avoiding the potentially disastrous possibility of melting the reactor wall.
00:05 Speaker bio
01:07 Introduction to the L & H modes
03:44 Introduction to the H-mode pedestal
08:52 Overview of ELMs
11:19 MHD theory behind ELMs
13:12 A typical Type I ELM cycle
14:54 Types of ELMs
15:36 Impact on Plasma Facing Components (PFCs)
16:37 Characterization of H-modes
18:14 ELM free regimes
21:02 I-mode
23:22 QH-mode
25:35 Resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs)
29:19 Talk Summary
30:16 Opportunities to get involved
30:50 Q&A session
31:25 Role of ELMs on removing impurities
36:12 Producing shear at the edge during QH-mode
37:22 Impact of fast ions on plasma rotation during QH-mode
38:27 Effect on toroidal and poloidal rotations and radial electric field during RMP induced ELM suppressions
39:35 Relation between origin of Er well and LH transition
43:15 Recovery time for density and temperature profiles
44:50 Effect of ELMs on the density and temperature profiles at the core.
47:07 Effect of ELM crash on H-mode
48:55 Mechanism of energy leakage during RMP induced suppression
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Date: November 05th, 2020
Synopsis: Future fusion reactors will likely be run in a high-confinement mode called H-mode in order to reach the highest plasma temperatures and densities possible. H-mode is characterized primarily by a steep gradient region near the plasma edge called the H-mode pedestal. While the pedestal helps raise fusion parameters in the core, it is also subject to intense instabilities called Edge Localized Modes (ELMs), which will be intolerable in a reactor setting. In this talk, we will cover the basics of why the H-mode pedestal forms and how it interacts with the plasma. Fundamental theoretical and experimental understandings of ELMs will be discussed, as well as advanced options to operate H-mode plasmas in regimes without ELMs, thereby attaining the benefits of H-mode while avoiding the potentially disastrous possibility of melting the reactor wall.
00:05 Speaker bio
01:07 Introduction to the L & H modes
03:44 Introduction to the H-mode pedestal
08:52 Overview of ELMs
11:19 MHD theory behind ELMs
13:12 A typical Type I ELM cycle
14:54 Types of ELMs
15:36 Impact on Plasma Facing Components (PFCs)
16:37 Characterization of H-modes
18:14 ELM free regimes
21:02 I-mode
23:22 QH-mode
25:35 Resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs)
29:19 Talk Summary
30:16 Opportunities to get involved
30:50 Q&A session
31:25 Role of ELMs on removing impurities
36:12 Producing shear at the edge during QH-mode
37:22 Impact of fast ions on plasma rotation during QH-mode
38:27 Effect on toroidal and poloidal rotations and radial electric field during RMP induced ELM suppressions
39:35 Relation between origin of Er well and LH transition
43:15 Recovery time for density and temperature profiles
44:50 Effect of ELMs on the density and temperature profiles at the core.
47:07 Effect of ELM crash on H-mode
48:55 Mechanism of energy leakage during RMP induced suppression