10 STEADY Ways I Save Money As a Single Person-Frugal Living

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Living alone can be expensive, but there are ways to save money and still have a comfortable lifestyle. In this video, I'm sharing 10 steady ways I save money as a single person. Enjoy these 10 frugal living tips to help get you started living on your own, or if you are already living alone and are looking for some tips to save money, I'm glad you're here! (Don't underestimate the power of #8!)

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Quick list:
1. I educate myself (about money)
2. Paid off the car (in full)
3. I mow my own lawn
4. I pay lump sums
5. I bring lunch to work
6. Selective dining out
7. I work beyond my 9-5
8. I work smarter
9. I practice frugal options
10. I take care of myself


I group my errands by location to save money and time to not waste gas or my energy.


I am 43. I am attempting to save five or six grand in two or three months. I started de-cluttering my living space on my own. I am half-way through de-cluttering on my own. I am taking initiative. I am saving for a used SUV.


Meal prepping saves time, money, and mental energy!


All the single ladies 🎶 Right there with you Kate, living as frugal as I can. I have saved $9500 to help rebuild my emergency fund since last August. I cut my own grass, shovel my own snow, and DIY everything I can around the house. It is a lot of work but it's worth it! ❤


Am I single? No. Did I watch this whole video and get value from it? Yes! Great tips Kate!


My frugal thing is shopping weekly and cooking from scratch.


I learned about money because I started working while in H.S., purchased all my own clothes, and saved money.


One thing that has saved me money is to stay out of the stores unless I need something. I have been keeping track since the end of February and I have been spending only about 2 thirds of my biweekly budget. I saved over $300.


Another tip is once you pay off debt, keep paying it to a savings account.
Or emergency fund.
Or, divvy up the payment to emergency fund, investment, savings


I am a single senior. I recently recently divorced and I just retired. So I have really been changing the way I spend money. I made two phone calls and saved almost $1000 between Mint Mobile and AAA homeowners and auto insurance. I kept my heat down this winter and I’m staying home and cutting my own grass. I bought the same mower last year. Thanks for the reminder of having people over to save money. I always liked going to peoples homes more than going out to a restaurant since the pandemic. I just need to clean up my deck and patio.


For me the book was "Your Money or Your Life" that turned my husband and myself into frugal folks about 30 years ago. Now as a widow, i continue to be frugal. I save money mowing my own lawn (takes about 1 1/2 hours with a walk behind mower and is quite the workout), i bag my clippings to use in my compost, then the following spring I add the compost to my vegetable garden, and during the summer and fall, I eat the vegetables and can and freeze them. Cycle of life!


I paid for my used car with cash when it was 2 yo. It’s now 8 yo and running like a champ. I’m currently saving for when I have to replace it. As a single person I have always lived frugally. My dad taught me a bout sinking funds when I was in high school (since I had a pt job). Invaluable. He also taught me when I got my first credit card at 23 to ALWAYS pay the balance each month. And I too take frugal vacations. These things have helped me to be financially stable even when I had periods of underemployment. Also allowed me to buy my first condo and pay off quickly. Now I just pay cash for my home. All you lovely single ladies- you can do it!!! 🙌🏻 🤗


I retired 3 weeks ago. My husband is still working (he loves his job!), and i have an income coming in from an investment. So im in a unique situation. I understand i can't go crazy with money, but im going to enjoy every day. I've lost 85 lbs over the past year. So it's my time to shine! We just got back from a week trip. ** My frugal tip is... plan your trips by having as much paid for in advance as possible. Flight, hotel, rental car (or start putting money on your uber account till you build that up) tickets for shows. The more you have paid for in advance, the less stress and more time to experience things. Start an envelope for eating out or buying groceries on your trip. We like eating out on vacation because we never do at home. Get cash ahead of time for tips! Im really good at planning low cost SUPER fun vacations. 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Hi, I started to do overtime at my regular job when my coworkers go on their vacations and it helps me to save and pay off debt. 🤑


Changing my diet has changed my life. I shop less, I cook less, I save more and I feel better than ever. ( low to no carbs) looking forward to my lab work next month! Also, setting up savings “buckets” for Taxes, Insurance, Gifts/ Christmas, Utilizing Fetch App & Reward points on my CC for Gift cards, AND zeroing out my CC balance (never pay a penny of interest!) using automated bill pay and savings has made life in this economy doable.
Groceries are minimal and buying either bulk or sales for meats is keeping ahead of the game.
No junk food on the list. Buying only the produce we eat it that week ( no waste) helps.
Planning as much as possible ahead is key. But being Debt Free is everything. Knowing your numbers for your expenses and not avoiding them or ignoring them helps you make informed decisions and have less pain down the road. ❤️ it is a process and a learning curve…we all go through it. 👍🏼


Dave Ramsey's book TTMM changed my life too! Finally got Internet on my baby phone, got YT, started learning about $$ that was Never discussed growing up. Got started very late. Love your channel Kate!! ❤


My best friend continued making car payments (into savings) after she actually paid off the loan. She has been able to pay cash outright for every car that she owned since.


I like to gather up rain checks! During the last day of grocery sales stores often run out of flyer deals. Go that evening and get rain checks for the future when you will need that product even if you don’t need it now. Saves a lot of money!


I'm single, 46, and working the Babysteps right now! Almost out of debt!🎉🎉
