Sepetle Balık Avı | Çipura Yakaladık | Hunting Sea Bream With a Fishing Basket

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Marmaris'e gelirken bizi polis durdurmasa aracımızın muhayenesinin bittiğinin farkında bile değildik. Cezaya düşmesine bir iki gün kala Marmaris TUV den randevu aldık ve kısa sürede işimizi hallettik. Bu arada Köyde sepetle balık tutma denemesi yaptık ve şansımızda bir çipura yakaladık. Oranın yerli büyüklerinden eski günlerin güzel anılarını dinledim onları da videonun sonunda sizlerle paylaşmak istedim.
On the way to Marmaris, at a police checkpoint, we figured out that our car's vehicle inspection registration was almost overdue. There were only a couple days left before the penalty. Fortunately, we had our appointment from TUV Marmaris and get our traffic registration there easily.
When we were back in the village, we tried fishing with the fishing baskets and caught a sea bream. I also had a nice conversation with the elders of the village about their youth life back in time. At the end of this video, I also wanted to share those stories with you.
On the way to Marmaris, at a police checkpoint, we figured out that our car's vehicle inspection registration was almost overdue. There were only a couple days left before the penalty. Fortunately, we had our appointment from TUV Marmaris and get our traffic registration there easily.
When we were back in the village, we tried fishing with the fishing baskets and caught a sea bream. I also had a nice conversation with the elders of the village about their youth life back in time. At the end of this video, I also wanted to share those stories with you.